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Matt and Mollie to replace Dean and Vicky


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4 minutes ago, Dan18F1 said:

Hopefully Matt and Mollie take producer Amy with them to weekdays - she has helped to make their weekend show even better in the past couple of years and was obviously Scott’s producer before he left too

I think they most likely be taking their weekend show and just taking it to weekdays

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This is probably the best thing to come out of all of these changes announced. I assumed their time for promotion to weekday daytimes had come and gone so it's a pleasant surprise that they're finally been given the chance.  Of course they are a great pairing, but this is especially great for Matt, who has been on weekends for 11 years (and in his 14th year in total at R1). The only downside is having to pick between them and Scott over on 2 🤷‍♂️

It's a shame Dean & Vicky never worked out as a pairing. Whoever replaced Scott & Chris had the tough task of following on from them, but they appeared to be thrown together and that doesn't always end well. Yes, however it's spun.. they've both been demoted but it's probably for the best Dean gets his own show again and Vicky does seem to work better with Nat. I think we'll at least see Dean back on a higher profile daytime slot again eventually on his own.

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1 minute ago, NathanS said:

This is probably the best thing to come out of all of these changes announced. I assumed their time for promotion to weekday daytimes had come and gone so it's a pleasant surprise that they're finally been given the chance.  Of course they are a great pairing, but this is especially great for Matt, who has been on weekends for 11 years (and in his 14th year in total at R1). The only downside is having to pick between them and Scott over on 2 🤷‍♂️



Picking between them and Scott is my issue too with the new schedule changes!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

So, the first Matt and Mollie weekday show today and what a triumph it seemed to be. You could tell that there were nerves there, didn’t seem to be as natural immediately as they were by the end of weekends but obviously the show will settle in pretty quickly.

Glad to see another very content heavy show though - today we had someone who is going to review the week, a new ‘Best Thing Ever’ feature which was fine but nothing groundbreaking, the ‘5 to 2’ quiz which was a very clever way of getting a quick quiz in everyday, a texty feature, ‘Don’t Match Matt’ a new game that it sounds like they’ll be playing a couple of days a week and then ‘Battle Tracks’ which I’m very glad has stayed. 

Very pleased that Matt vs Mollie is staying too (along with I assume Mol’s Teaser) and then the new features they’ve bought in seem good too. Hopefully they have the budget to be able to have guests every so often as well! Overall, it seemed a very promising start.

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It was a really good first show from them. Whilst in the end we did listen to d&v at work, I'm much happier that its matt and mollie now and its good to see a bit of natural balance happening and presenters being where they should be on r1. The choice of first song which they must have picked was also funny

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