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Dan18F1 last won the day on July 2

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  1. I also don’t think it helps that it’s now a whole new production team - they lost both Sophie (to breakfast) and Roushan (to produce Matt and Mollie) in the space of a month which I don’t think is ideal. I reckon the show now just needs some time to bed in with the new producers and try and find its feet again. There are definitely some good ideas there but I think it does just feel like a less good imitation of the old Going Home at the moment.
  2. Just to add to this Shanequa is also off on the 14th and 21st of July. Callum is in for her on the 14th and Katie on the 21st.
  3. She’s covering the Euros for Newsround. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s also in France for the Olympics soon. I guess this would have all been approved and known about when she took on the role.
  4. Is there a reason why Greg or Dean aren’t on the poll?
  5. Did anyone get a chance to listen to Dean this morning? I’ve had a listen back tonight and I think he sounds so much stronger on his own and will do very well in that slot. He’s already keeping the vibe of it being a little club of listeners up at that time which is needed and even though the show seemed pretty light on features (he said some would be introduced throughout the week) it flowed really nicely and felt like he was putting his own stamp on it.
  6. So, the first Matt and Mollie weekday show today and what a triumph it seemed to be. You could tell that there were nerves there, didn’t seem to be as natural immediately as they were by the end of weekends but obviously the show will settle in pretty quickly. Glad to see another very content heavy show though - today we had someone who is going to review the week, a new ‘Best Thing Ever’ feature which was fine but nothing groundbreaking, the ‘5 to 2’ quiz which was a very clever way of getting a quick quiz in everyday, a texty feature, ‘Don’t Match Matt’ a new game that it sounds like they’ll be playing a couple of days a week and then ‘Battle Tracks’ which I’m very glad has stayed. Very pleased that Matt vs Mollie is staying too (along with I assume Mol’s Teaser) and then the new features they’ve bought in seem good too. Hopefully they have the budget to be able to have guests every so often as well! Overall, it seemed a very promising start.
  7. I think it will be a duo tbh but probably involving James. I think it’s their flagship weekend show now and with a duo coming off it I think it makes sense to put another on. If I had to make a prediction I would say it will be James and Tinea Taylor. I think Danny Beard will stick around as cover and to be used for events etc because they do have name recognition, and I think we’ll also hear more from Ore as well over the next few months (probably covering Early Breakfast and Nat and Vicky whenever they’re off)
  8. I would guess that Arielle had to leave the show because she was ill and therefore can’t present tonight.
  9. As much as I think Mollie is a great presenter, I feel that Maia should get Future Pop now permanently. She definitely deserves that show, and with Mollie now on weekdays it saves her having to do 2 shows a day. She could still have a daily Future Bop or something like that on the weekday show too.
  10. Yes I agree too, perfect company for a long drive at that time of night. I’d also like to sing Phil Williams’ praises too - I’d like to hope that if OJ did get a bigger show at some point, Phil would take over the midnight slot.
  11. I think that’s Sam and Danni’s first time covering breakfast - congrats to them and looking forward to seeing how they get on on it!
  12. I would be pretty confident that if they keep avoiding using James Cusack on that slot over the next few weeks, then it will probably be him that gets the show permanently!
  13. Ahhh very happy for Amy - that’s very well deserved! I didn’t hear their final show but are Matt and Mollie keeping Helena? Hopefully she might be the main producer of their new show!
  14. Dan18F1

    Maia Beth

    Congrats to Maia Beth who was part of the UK jury for Eurovision this year! Big gig for her
  15. And Arielle mentioned in her Instagram post that her final early breakfast show is the 27th of June - the Thursday before Glastonbury
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