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abertom last won the day on December 20 2024

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About abertom

  • Birthday 07/29/1987

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  1. I’d do it so one does MOTD, one 5 live sport (Saturday) and one MOtD 2 on a rota And if anyone’s off on hols or something else then the 5 live person gets bumped up to tv
  2. I reckon the schedules wont be updated until after Christmas as I expect there’s an embargo until Scott’s free to the PR launch, advertising campaign and do the media rounds
  3. We already have a schedule changes page 🙄
  4. Hi Tom. Thank you for your email – I really appreciate the passion you bring to being a fan of Radio 1. We never take it for granted. We do SO much throughout the year, we’re in a situation where the Radio 1 presenters and production staff almost face a project or priority every week. If I therefore have an opportunity to give the team some downtime I’m going to take it. Radio is such a habitual medium that numbers drop quite quickly when routines are disrupted – so much so RAJAR stops counting listeners by these dates. I’d therefore prefer, if we were going to give people a break that we chose the period of lower listenership to do it and by changing the formats of the show it encourages presenters and production teams to suspend normal features and take a fresh approach to the new listeners they might be catching us while they travel home for Christmas. Your second question is closely related. Tomorrow we’re announcing the 27 new presenters who will take over Radio 1 between Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. No other radio station does this and it requires a lot of production resource to train up brand new presenters – some of whom have only known broadcasting on student radio – and get them ready for national broadcasting. The Anthems format provides those presenters space to learn, make mistakes and cope with the pressures of live broadcasting to a large audience while giving them space to reminisce about the music. The audience feedback to us playing a nostalgic playlist for this week is incredibly positive (so much so it’s spawned its own stream on Sounds). This format is perfect for people drifting between radio stations while in the car as they travel around the UK visiting family. Whereas the critical mass of Radio 1’s habitual audience are having their routines disrupted and likely won’t return in full numbers until the 6th of January. Specialist shows remain during the week as they are pre-recorded so we can manage those pressures in other ways whereas keeping daytime Radio 1 live and reactive is important to us and the audience consuming the station. I hope this helps. We appreciate the passion to Radio 1 – and hope you enjoy the station in 2025, we have some epic things planned that we can’t wait for you to hear. Nadolig Llawen. Aled
  5. I think the schedule will be updated
  6. 10 years of Scott on Radio 2 before retiring on pick of the pops and maybe a little bit of cover?
  7. Not yet. Radio 1 usually do a press release and the names are added then
  8. There’s also nothing specific in there. If it said he said xxxx and it couldn’t be proved that’s another issue.
  9. Radio 1 haven’t exactly denied the claims - other media are reporting it
  10. Maybe it was a final warning for Dean and he got a dressing down
  11. I reckon Scott will be on on the 6th
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