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coffeeandgin last won the day on July 23

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  1. I was going to try and be fair but then heard the final link of today's show and my goodness it was Danny Beard type fare because of Jamie. The content was appalling ('which fruit is the most underrated','off' and 'ice' combined together spells office) and the delivery just as bad. They've tried to give Jamie the best chance - having him be Mollie's maternity cover alongside Matt and now putting him with two pros like Katie and Vick. You couldn't ask for better DJs to be put alongside. However he still isn't getting any better. The show simply does not need Jamie - I listened on the occasions he was away last week and the show was just far better without him. The issue with the quality of the show when Jamie is on is further highlighted by having Matt & Mollie on before who are only a few weeks into weekdays but already sound on top of their game.
  2. Though it's probably not new news Jamie is off again this Thursday. And hasn't made it in on time today either.
  3. Some pretty clear frontrunners on favourite daytime presenters and cover it must be said. And I think the UM posters are spot on with the results so far.
  4. I don't think it's too big an issue. As you say Sam & Danni can quite easily cover Greg or alternatively you do what happened with Scott & Moyles/Grimmy and have Matt & Mollie cover Breakfast and somebody else cover afternoons (presumably Sam & Danni). I guess with duos and trios the advantage is even if one of the usual team is away you still have the other familiar voices and can either run a reduced line-up (e.g. just Rickie & Charlie if Melvin are away) or there's still one of the regulars alongside a cover DJ so it still feels a similar show to normal (e.g. James Cusack covering if Matt is away).
  5. The festival thing is in line with what’s already happened with Big Weekend and Download and was set to happen for Glastonbury and feels like a way to get through the summer before they hopefully make up their mind on the weekend afternoon slot. From a look at BBC Sounds it seems like non-festival weekends will be like they have been in recent non-festival weeks plus for TRNSMT for example the coverage is only on Saturday & Sunday - but that might be Radio 1 being slow to update the schedule unless your name is Jordan North and you're leaving. I think most predicted the ramping up of the dance station and both Arielle getting a regular slot there (though surely if it's 7 days a week quite a few must be pre-records) and Connor Coates getting a regular show. Good to see another show too for Danny Howard though I do wonder since it’s called Dance Party warm-up it’s not on a Friday just before the main Radio 1 show. Currently there is that whiplash on Radio 1 proper whereas you go from Party Anthems to Chart back to dance with Dance Party. Though I guess if there's a regular drivetime slot on R1 Dance that would cover it to an extent. Given their rising profile recently having Sam & Danni do Friday Early Breakfast for 6 months almost feels a slightly downgrade and something they've got beyond.
  6. I find frankly with certain tracks or artists Radio 1 can be just as bad sometimes as Capital at overplaying them. Plus there's certainly an overlap in playlist - whether I tune in to either I'm not too far from Espresso, Rudimental, Benson Boone or Teddy Swims. I'm a bit of a nomad really - the Radio 1 playlist can often be a bit of a miss for me but I wouldn't listen to Capital for long periods either as it understandably feels very commercial. But also I'm not ready to be pensioned off to Radio 2 yet. Basically I end up a mix of Jordan at Breakfast (but have tuned in to Matt & Mol and Sam & Danni covering Breakfast the past few weeks), dropping into Radio 1 if a DJ or show I like are on and I'll also have a healthy dose of Capital Dance.
  7. Yep do wonder once all the changes have bedded in if that's the way it'll go. Maia already does a fair bit of cover on that slot and long-term do wonder if Mollie will want to do two shows on a Wednesday (though I do wonder if they might pre-record Future Pop to get around that). Plus, much like James Cusack, Maia is certainly worthy of a permenant slot.
  8. Maia is also doing Early Breakfast on 21st June and covering Mollie King on Future Pop on both 12th and 19th June.
  9. Matt & Mollie I believe (and on the radio occassional studio bits from Jack Saunders, Sam & Danni and Maia Beth).
  10. While there were some technical issues (tracks temporarily cutting out, mics not working at first for radio listeners, 'studio team' sometimes jumping in at quite random intervals) Party Anthems on stage seemed to work well and I sort of wonder why they haven't done it before. I guess it depends on when gates open but if gates open around 1/2pm then no excuse not to do it- it's a DJ set which they have loads of across the weekend and acts as a warm-up so the crowd are hot for the first main act.
  11. They mentioned on air that it's before Joel Corry's set.
  12. Very pleased for producer Amy - it's no coincidence many of the best shows in recent years have had her working on them. You can tell her & Helena are a great production duo and that the whole Matt & Mollie team are a really close-knit unit in general. Some lovely speeches by both Matt & Mollie too to end the show on Sunday.
  13. Echo what most have said here. Connor has great energy which is important for that sort of slot and the shame for him is that the dance line-up is so strong that there's no obvious 'in' for him to get a regular slot -Danny, Sarah, Pete Tong, Arielle, Charlie Hedges, Jerry and Charlie Tee are all great in their slots. A live show on Radio 1 Dance really feels the obvious way to get a proper foot in the door at Radio 1. Although to be fair to the DS critic I think it was just the one poster and can very much hear Connor in my head saying 'in for the legend that is Charlie Hedges'.
  14. I'd say Danny has been given a fair hearing - and hasn't been up to par. You don't want Radio 1 to be a closed shop - but not being able to usually get the Whatsapp number right should be a dealbreaker. Errors happen even to the best DJs at times but if you can't get the Whatsapp number right you really shouldn't have a regular role on the station. But if they really are that desperate to have Danny on the schedule full-time then pair him up with somebody who can actually handle the technical side. You think of all the capable DJs who are in duos and trios and then you have just have a rookie like Danny left solo. The LGBTQ+ point too I have to say if true as a gay man feels a case of proper discrimination. It's good to have LGBTQ+ representation for sure but the key thing is that the DJ is good at the end of the day and say in 2021 there was loads of LGBTQ+ talent on Radio 1 in Scott, Grimmy and Adele Roberts among others but at the end of the day they were strong DJs entirely there on merit. And even now there's still LGBTQ+ talent on Radio 1 who are there primarily because they're bloody good broadcasters. Danny is not one of them.
  15. Yeah great for her. Surprised she hasn't been given a proper show on Radio 1 proper - though I guess she does have the Radio 1 Happy role and covers on Future Pop a fair bit.
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