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R1Fan1 last won the day on June 4

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  1. Danny Howard’s new show begins next Thursday at 6pm and will be simulcast on Radio 1 as well as being broadcast on R1 Dance.
  2. That’s a very good point. Matt and Mollie are (in a good way) sounding very much like peak Vick & Jordan at the moment, especially with their anecdotes and listener questions.
  3. They used to update it even if one of Vick or Jordan was solo: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001ssnb
  4. Agree with the above views. Jamie is still fine and he seems like a decent guy (or at least is able to act like one), but his attendance record really makes me question his position on the show. If he was so desperate for a radio shift then they should’ve put him on Friday early breakfast to prove his commitment. The other thing I’m not really impressed with overall is the fact that the show seems to veer into generic awkward questions that have tenuous links to something going on. When the election took place they spent 30 minutes discussing words beginning with ‘E,’ which felt very Danny Beard-like in my opinion. This is probably a production decision because they’re all capable of engaging topics, as were Vick and Jordan before, and only seems to happen when it’s Vick and Katie alone. Do they deliberately downplay the pair so that the show seems better when Jamie is there? Vick mentioned on air how Jamie is Aled’s favourite and seems to have a lot of leeway with him, so he must be really keen to establish him, although I do think that ultimately the trio won’t stay together for more than a year or a year and a half, even if schedule changes elsewhere force them apart. Features wise, it’s nice they’ve done some new things, and they’re definitely better than Judge Jordan. Moving the Something Songs to once a week makes sense given the show is quite short and they now have a handover with Jack most days. Oh, and I wish they’d update the show page on BBC Sounds for which presenters are on each show like they used to with Vick and Jordan. I thought they weren’t doing this so social media/the press wouldn’t pick up on Jamie’s attendance record, but they don’t update it for RMC either so I’m guessing it must be a pain to constantly update the page every day (which is something that they’d probably have to do given that it seems Jamie is away most days). Oh, and fair play to Vick who has had only one week off since the show relaunched in March.
  5. Pete Allison & Polly Bayfield on Life Hacks this Sunday.
  6. She’s fully transitioned to the Dance family now and as she’s gonna be hosting a show every morning on the R1D station in a couple of weeks, I’d say it’s unlikely we’d see her on daytime cover now.
  7. This has now been taken off the schedule.
  8. Sam and Danni presenting with Melvin next Wednesday and Thursday in for Rickie and Charlie.
  9. Delete - wrong thread
  10. James Cusack on 19th July at 1pm.
  11. Best New Pop is disappearing from the schedule after next Friday as well. Long overdue decision, although it made more sense having the Friday EB presenters do it than Mollie pre-recording it, it should’ve been removed when Matt and Mollie moved to weekend afternoons back in 2021 and replaced with a wider new music show.
  12. I wonder if those Charlie Hedges dance anthems will be repeats of the ones on Saturdays or new programmes. She’s posted on Instagram so I wonder if they’ll be new editions.
  13. Roundup: - Radio 1 Breakfast extending to 11am Monday-Thursday only - Sam and Danni hosting Friday EB until January 2025 from Cardiff - New Dance shows: Arielle Free on Radio 1 Dance Morning from 15th July, Danny Howard on Thursday nights, Pete Tong on Saturdays. All on the BBC Sounds Dance stream. - Martha taking over Annie Nightingale’s slot permanently.
  14. Calum Leslie in for Shanequa on Life Hacks on 30th June.
  15. Vicky in for Shanequa on Life Hacks next Sunday.
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