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xxladybarefootxx last won the day on June 15

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  1. Another big fan of the Capital breakfast show here. I didn't expect to stick with it, but I try to listen back every day (I have Greg on every morning because I am a huge fan of his style and can't think of any other presenters who can do what he does solo on that show every day). I tend to catch up on Capital, either at 10.30am when RMC start, or in the afternoon, depending on what's on in work. I never was the biggest fan of Vick & Jordan together on going home. It had some funny moments, but for the most part it seemed to me like Vick playing herself down and giggling a lot, and Jordan reining in his tangents and was mostly an awkward listen for me. Jordan with Chris and Sian has turned into a must listen. I get that it's very different from R1, ads, shorter links etc are some of the criticisms. But, they have a lot of features, they seem to make the links count and get into interesting topics, different topics every day. Maybe it's just my age, but I feel like they are celebrating all things average that most people would be able to take part in. It's laugh out loud radio that I really wasn't expecting it to be, having never been a Capital listener before. I miss Sian already, but Kemi is doing a great job filling in, she seems a great fit so far. Breakfast is the only show I listen to on Capital, so I can't comment on how repetitive it gets throughout the day. I imagine it's no different to a whole day of R1 at the moment though. I find that Capital seem to sprinkle more variety into the playlist daily and throw a few old school tracks in there to mix it up more. To me it feels like the Radio 1.5 I have been waiting for. Playing the Birds of a Feather theme tune is acceptable here and it's okay to admit to going to bed at 8pm. Perfect! Maybe I haven't been listening long enough for the playlist to grate on me yet. I am fidning the R1 playlist repetitively dull at the moment, but that's partly because I am not that much invested in the presenters/shows that are on after Greg at the moment. In the same way I am not interested in anything else on Capital apart from breakfast. When Scott said 'Oh god it's not Tiesto with The Business again?' during the last lolathon I'm sure I wasn't the only one thinking the same! I was listening because it was Scott & Chris.
  2. It looks a really beautiful place, so pleased for them both! Bit disappointed that there's no chocolate bar press pic 😉, but Scott was bound to keep it classy, and it looks like a really lovely day was had by all.
  3. I expect they will talk about it. Might hear some more on Sexted too I imagine
  4. Ahh okay, I saw his stories and assumed they were from today. Glad Rylan is there too in that case, bet it’s been an amazing day
  5. All very quiet on socials. No Greg, and no Rylan judging by their stories. Glad to see Beccy is there!
  6. Some wedding chat coming from Chris & Jordan this week. The wedding is the coming weekend it seems, and Chris is the celebrant! I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that 😆
  7. Greg was talking about it this morning, they are trying to make them available to buy online, in other colours too
  8. That’s just made me wonder whether Chopper aka Chappers will be there! And Beccy, and Laura, and TOTDS, all the old crew
  9. Thanks @Jono - I must have missed that. I know it’s likely to be a fairly private do, but I’m secretly hoping for some Anthea Turner chocolate bar style publicity at the last minute 😆 Maybe with Calgon though!
  10. I wonder if Chris will be at the wedding. Midweek day abroad must be tricky with a breakfast show and young kids
  11. I’m going to have to listen back to the stag do, looks like fun on insta. Can’t believe the wedding is finally happening!
  12. I bet Amy and Greg are going to be fun together
  13. I actually caught snippets of today’s show, and I found it much better than the last time I listened. I have made it no secret that I like Jamie on the radio, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Matt & him together last year. People have criticised him for not being relatable, but I have to agree with the comment above that I have always found him a naturally warm person to listen to. Maybe the going home set up was something that needed settling in and things are starting to take shape. It must have been difficult for him joining an established duo in Vick & Katie to begin with. Jamie was great on something songs today, fully engaged in the caller and sounded like a real presenter. Maybe he is doing as a lot of us hoped and really learning as he goes, how to do it properly.
  14. Jack has a guitar pedal in the studio to add effects to his voice and the music
  15. Thank you 🙂 I’m really impressed they managed to make it work! Glad you enjoyed it too, definitely hoping to see it at some point
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