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AndyK77 last won the day on May 19

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  1. Surely part of the issue is that they are trying to recreate some of the chaos that used to happen with Jordan. The difference being that Jordan is one of the best DJs of the current time and knew exactly what he was doing to make great radio. It is even more apparent now that he is on Capital and can be so tight and slick with his links. He still has the odd funny mis-speak but it is obvious now how crafted the chaos was with him on Going Home to make great radio. In Jamie's case it is just random chaos.
  2. I just gave up completely I'm afraid. Will Manning on Capital is a much more pleasant listen even if I prefer Radio 1's music.
  3. After the shock Jordan exit and shock (but welcome) promotion of Matt and Mollie to daytime we can't say anything for sure when speculating but Sam and Danni feel like the most natural next Breakfast presenters. They are very good but age alone makes them the most serious contenders for a long-time Breakfast Show.
  4. Definitely feel like the "go to" stand-ins now.
  5. I hate to admit it but I think there is an age thing here too. I hadn't given up on Radio 1 as I found Radio 2 too old but I am finding Capital's music is sort of working for me. It helps that outside Breakfast it is pure wallpaper.
  6. The music on Capital is a bit repetitive but I am not sure it is so much worse than Radio 1 these days. Radio 1 probably has the odd more surprising track and a bigger variety of genres. As I have bored people before - I am a big fan of the show. Yes it is pretty structured and yes Jordan is a much more professional and less random version of himself but it's a great listen, fun, warm and feels very familiar in the morning to have everything in the same place each day. I often leave Capital on much of the day partly due to having been really busy at work and it is just wallpaper and partly as the Radio 1 line-up isn't must-listen for me these days.
  7. He stopped himself from saying it in full. Did he say BBC or BBC Radio
  8. Chris' wife made an appearance on Capital Breakfast this morning. Did she ever appear on Radio 1? Jordan called her to ask if Chris could have a sleepover at his tonight before they fly to Scott's wedding after the show tomorrow.
  9. Jordan mentioned that him and Chris are going to Scott's wedding in Barcelona in a few weeks.
  10. It's amazing how stable that slot has been over the past 20 years - 3 presenters only. By comparison, the previous 20 years seen 8 or 10 presenters depending how you measure it. (Whether you treat Kevin and Zoe as separate to Zoe and whether you count Mark Goodier's 4 months on Breakfast as more than just cover).
  11. AndyK77

    Connor Coates

    Actually the worst tends to be those who comment on Radio Today news stories. People who haven’t listened to younger oriented radio stations in years who say things like “who?” about any job going to any presenter aged younger than 50.
  12. AndyK77

    Connor Coates

    some people are absurdly critical. On a show like that the key thing is good energy and Connor has that. Though Mistajam is the master of that
  13. AndyK77

    Connor Coates

    Connor Coates is a great dance presenter and he left Cool FM a while ago so you imagine him and Arielle will be the live shows on Radio 1 Dance
  14. Sad I missed it @xxladybarefootxx - i was too late for tickets for the live show then I had to skip last night as the nearest cinema was an hour on the train and I had a business trip starting today. I imagine it will be released on Amazon Prime or Netflix. Surreal how big it has become.
  15. I get not putting resources into X which these days is a strange mix of angry political debate and adult content only. But you'd think Facebook was still the most popular social channel amongst Radio 2 audiences.
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