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What rocks in your life?


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Are you listening to S Club Juniors?

One Step Closer is also a Linkin Park song...

Not sure if being back at the parents' house is a good thing, although they are away, so it's not so bad. Finding it weird having actual carpets rather than laminate flooring covered in newspaper, mud and empty beer cans!

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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Oooh, what is it?

Everything in my life rocks at the moment!! Going to see Take That tomorrow, finish work for the summer holidays on Friday and then I'm a bridesmaid at my friend's wedding on the Saturday. Also, another one of my friends has just got engaged and is getting married in Austria next year so looking forward to that already!!

It's a bit darker from my real hair colour :D. I've coloured my hair for the past six years so I decided last March to let it grow out to it's original one, and it almost had, apart from I got bored of the blonde bits left at the end to grow out so I just dyed it again, hehe. It's a dark blonde/mid brown now!

Howard stalker. :oops:

Alouette...deployer les ailes;

Alouette...plumerai les ailes.

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I just got rid of people on Facebook who were really p*ssing me off, having to read their endless whining and complaints all day, feels goooodd..

hi ema, nice to see you drop by!

i hate that too, and all the pointless quizzes i don't care about.

on the grid.

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I haff a geek of my own. Epic.

Awesome, really pleased to hear it. Is it the one you met on the Job Centre Plus course?

Pleased to hear about your kityz Nati and Tim :D can't wait to see photos.

My parents have a pond now. There's 2 ickle goldfish in it, they hide most of the time but I catch a glimpse of them sometimes. Haven't had pets for years, it's nice to come home to a positive development here. Also, my final Get Up Kids CD arrived, so I've got them all now, and I'm packing for Glastonbury. I'm going to Strongbow Boy's house tomorrow, then we're off on Wednesday morning :D and it looks like it might not rain!

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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Hmmmm. Been a day of two halves for me really. The good news is I found out I got 7.5/10 for the very first exam I did 2 weeks ago (I needed 5 to pass) so I'm pretty chuffed with that, especially as I was pretty much convinced I was going to fail it. The bad news... actually it would probably be better if I put it in the 'what sucks' thread.

*post continued in 'what sucks' thread*

So save the last dance

For me my love 'cause I

I see you as an angel freshly fallen from the sky...

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I just got rid of people on Facebook who were really p*ssing me off, having to read their endless whining and complaints all day, feels goooodd..

Well you've certainly come to the right place if you want to get away from banal, trivial complaints spouted by people who're endlessly whining.

Out of the frying pan...

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I'm off to Glastonbury! I'll be back early next week. I hope everyone enjoys the contant sunshine we'll (fingers crossed) all be getting until then!

Yay! Lucky you. Have a lovely time and send my regards to Damon et al. You get to see Blur before us!:D

Fingers crossed for good weather for you. Don't forget the bog roll.

'To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity'.

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School wasn't really school today because all the oldest students have just graduated and they turned it all into chaos. Technically it only lasted from the beginning of the day - 7.50 - to about 10.30-ish. But after that most of the students just left school, and our teacher canceled the history class because we were only two students there. So I only had sport today, and that's alright.

It was the worst chaos day ever though, and I've seen 6 of them in this school. Last year was the best one yet, but next year is going to be the best one ever - that's my year, oh yes :)

Il n'y a qu'un devoir, c'est d'être heureux; il ny'a qu'une vertu, c'est la justice -Denis Diderot

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  • Posts

    • Felt like there was a bigger emphasis on the other decades last year.
    • I remember Sian and Jack sitting in for Clara quite a lot.
    • I struggle to believe the entire DM article about Clara. This thing about no holidays and working bank holidays - certainly she wasn't doing that on her R1 show so must have been a broader comment about her overall workload. Also I'm not one of these people who thinks a 2 hour radio show is just 2 hours work per day, but really compared with the majority of people working full time 5 days a week it doesn't seem too bad, and most of us don't get a chance to stop work because we want to. Fair enough if she has mental health issues, completely understand why that mean the need to change / stop work. But as-written that article doesn't make me sympathetic!
    • Sting is the other headliner. I'd say that's about right for Radio 2, mostly 80's, 90's and 00's.
    • It depends on the presenter, the show and what they’re known for. If it’s a specialist DJ who got a show because of their reputation in the club scene and they’re not doing the clubs or a lot less because of family or other reasons, it may make sense to get someone in who’s current and fresh
    • I get all of that. But arguably when you have family commitments it seems that you have to step away. Should it be like that? Even Greg has had time off for mental health reasons previously, he's been open about it. 
    • Adele was more so she could spend time with her mum before she passed away. With the amount of upcoming presenters it did make sense why she didn’t come back but was pretty unforgivable she didn’t get a good bye show or even pop on with Greg.  Annie possibly for family reasons and has mellowed Grimmy had done his time on Radio 1 and no where else for him to go really Jordan I’d have thought not much has changed with his workload. Capital does more pre recording and split links work
    • Some talk in the Daily Mail about why she left.  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/you/article-13467157/CLARA-AMFO-radio-dj-set-record-straight-left-BBC-glad.html Is this why we are seeing DJs just vanishing from the station? Adele, Annie Mac, Grimmy, Clara, even Jordan?  
    • It's not just us geeks in the chat box, because over on the Greg James radio 1 breakfast show fb page I see there's plenty of listeners who rate James after this weekend. Comments saying the same
    • Pet Shop Boys, Snow Patrol, Sugababes, Pixie Lott, Travis, Shaznay Lewis, Craig David and Kim Wilde. Feels it has a slightly younger shift this year.
    • Love the creativity behind this. I just wonder how much demand there will be compared to just using Spotify? https://www.capitalfm.com/news/music/taylor-swift-radio-station/
    • I mean not everybody can just go to Spain, but also Scott and Sam requested phones off, so most people don't have their own pictures. 
    • Would have assumed there to be more presenters as guests given the career and friends Scott has. Not even sure Sara Cox was there unless noone has really posted
    • It looks a really beautiful place, so pleased for them both! Bit disappointed that there's no chocolate bar press pic 😉, but Scott was bound to keep it classy, and it looks like a really lovely day was had by all.
    • It did look so incredible with the rainbow colours in the background on the photo scott posted. Congratulations to them both
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