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Bluestraw last won the day on December 22 2024

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  1. It won't be the first week of new shows. Pretty sure I read that Trevor Nelson has specifically said now about starting 'late Jan' which ties in with several comments about w/c 27 Jan being the launch week. After panto, Scott will need a break and prep time, in order to then have a decent run of the new show before any breaks.
  2. Ahh, nice to meet one of Dean's family on here 😂
  3. Emil is good but James C is still a cut above IMO. I know he's a bit older than some of the options but it's incredible he's still not got a regular show given the amount of quality cover he's done.
  4. Suspect they will simulcast. Personally am completely fed-up with the lazy anthems programming through the Christmas period but no signs that that will change! I know they do it to go light on production needs, but surely with some good prework we could have a bit of something else!
  5. Allegedly Jordan's partner : https://tattle.life/threads/help-i-sexted-my-boss-podcast.41072/page-5 Jordan clearly doesn't like to talk about his personal life though which is of course fair enough. He seems happy which is what matters.
  6. I suspect budgets have a lot to do with this. The audience figures just don't justify the spend, even though clearly it'd be better to have live shows later in the evenings. Given the choice between quality presenters during the day and live shows in the evening, it's not really much of an option!
  7. Can't really see these as trials - each of them have done enough in the past for them to make a choice, and we all know James is by far the best! I suspect there's more to it and a good reason why we don't know yet...
  8. Let's really really hope not. Or at the very minimum, put him with someone else. A solo Danny would be a disaster.
  9. There are already too many mixes! Mostly they're just lazy radio IMO.
  10. Just one more Danny show (Friday) to survive then!!
  11. Arguably the Matt & Mollie one was unnecessarily early. If it's involving a presenter who still does some work for other networks, it makes sense not to go early to conflict with that. We can speculate to death of course and we've seen many times recently that speculation is often wide of the mark. But let's just hope James Cusack is involved, he's far too good not to be on the station permanently.
  12. Good shout on Tinea! James and Tinea would work for me. I get your point about Danny but can only hope you're wrong!
  13. Makes sense now why no weekend afternoon slot announcement yet, with that slot disrupted so much over the summer. I suspect we may hear something later in July about that, maybe a September start date... Still fingers crossed James Cusack is involved though him covering solo some weeks in the meanwhile suggests the only way he'd be getting it is as part of a duo.
  14. Financially your extra shift plan wouldn't have worked. Jordan made it clear he wanted a big breakfast show and with Greg still doing well and wanting to stay, that just wasn't an option at R1. Jordan in the afternoons would have been brilliant but wouldn't have met his career goal nor would have paid super well. The way it all happened left a bad taste both ways IMO, but seems circumstances combined to make it inevitable.
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