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R1 Succession Planning


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Considering how Jordan North for several years seemed like the obvious next choice for Breakfast if and when Greg departs, I thought it would be worth thinking about where we are with succession planning now, what everyone’s theories are.  Greg will have been on Breakfast for 6 years this year, it would be unusual if he didn’t leave in the next year or so - I suspect management will want him to stay longer than originally intended now Jordan is gone but you never know. Who does everyone reckon is the frontrunner to take over now Jordan is out of the running?

Taking a quick look at the contenders as I see them: 

Safe pair of hands options:

Rickie, Melvin and Charlie: They’ve done it before, if Greg were to leave this year for example at least you’d know it wouldn’t be a car crash and they’d probably be willing to do it.  Downside is it would probably be a 2 year deal at must and they aren’t getting any younger, aren’t the future of the station etc.  Also a jarring change in style from Greg.

Matt and Mollie: I would have said no chance two weeks ago, but I think they are at least second or third most likely for the gig now.  It’s the same argument as for RMC (if Greg leaves this year they are a good safe option), they fit the style and tone Greg has set so won’t bleed audience majorly, Matt is one of the few remaining DJs of the Jordan/Greg/Scott calibre at this stage (some of the others will reach that point with time and experience I’m sure), Mollie’s personality works on morning radio.  Issue is I don’t know if they’d be willing to commit to it (maybe they’d do it on a 6 month-year contract) and it probably would lean older in terms of appeal than they might want for a fresh Breakfast show.

The gambles:

Sam and Danni: On paper, they could well be the future of the station.  They are young, fit the image radio people to their core, but fundamentally they are just not at that level right now, and it would be a hell of a gamble.  I had them down as the most likely breakfast show AFTER Jordan does it for a few years, maybe lack of options means you have to skip a generation and take the gamble.

Dean McCullough: I know people on here, don’t like this, I don’t like this! But I think at this stage, he may well be the front runner for the show.  The only reason I dismissed this previously was because Jordan was there, Jordan’s departure removes the single biggest roadblock to the inevitable conclusion of his meteoric rise on the station.  it may not be so bad, people will complain and it will be more polarising, but on his own covering breakfast, he sounds solid.  A couple of years and he truly is a personality capable of carrying the Radio 1 Breakfast show.  There are worse options!  Management seems to like him, and that’s a reason in my book, not to dismiss this likelihood.

The Goldilocks choices:

Katie Thistleton:

The more I think about it, the more, I think she’s the ideal candidate.  That doesn’t mean she’d do it, but I don’t think she definitely wouldn’t.  a female presenter would be a breath of fresh air, she’s genuinely good at connecting with audiences in the way. Greg and Scott and Jordan can, she would need more content than she currently does on her show and probably a co-presenter, but should be more than capable of anchoring the slot and it could be really successful.  

Jack Saunders:

Hear me out. He’s young, but he’s been on the radio for years. He always sounds in control no matter what show he is on.  Great interviewer, strong personality, not too polarising.  He would probably switch people off in the way Grimshaw did, but thats never stopped breakfast presenters being picked.  it could be something exciting and fresh and genuinely compete with Capital if it was done properly.  on the other hand, it could be an absolute disaster, really depends how it was structured.  

those are my thoughts, over to you.


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1 hour ago, GeekTalk51 said:

Considering how Jordan North for several years seemed like the obvious next choice for Breakfast if and when Greg departs, I thought it would be worth thinking about where we are with succession planning now, what everyone’s theories are.  Greg will have been on Breakfast for 6 years this year, it would be unusual if he didn’t leave in the next year or so - I suspect management will want him to stay longer than originally intended now Jordan is gone but you never know. Who does everyone reckon is the frontrunner to take over now Jordan is out of the running?

Taking a quick look at the contenders as I see them: 

Safe pair of hands options:

Rickie, Melvin and Charlie: They’ve done it before, if Greg were to leave this year for example at least you’d know it wouldn’t be a car crash and they’d probably be willing to do it.  Downside is it would probably be a 2 year deal at must and they aren’t getting any younger, aren’t the future of the station etc.  Also a jarring change in style from Greg.

Matt and Mollie: I would have said no chance two weeks ago, but I think they are at least second or third most likely for the gig now.  It’s the same argument as for RMC (if Greg leaves this year they are a good safe option), they fit the style and tone Greg has set so won’t bleed audience majorly, Matt is one of the few remaining DJs of the Jordan/Greg/Scott calibre at this stage (some of the others will reach that point with time and experience I’m sure), Mollie’s personality works on morning radio.  Issue is I don’t know if they’d be willing to commit to it (maybe they’d do it on a 6 month-year contract) and it probably would lean older in terms of appeal than they might want for a fresh Breakfast show.

The gambles:

Sam and Danni: On paper, they could well be the future of the station.  They are young, fit the image radio people to their core, but fundamentally they are just not at that level right now, and it would be a hell of a gamble.  I had them down as the most likely breakfast show AFTER Jordan does it for a few years, maybe lack of options means you have to skip a generation and take the gamble.

Dean McCullough: I know people on here, don’t like this, I don’t like this! But I think at this stage, he may well be the front runner for the show.  The only reason I dismissed this previously was because Jordan was there, Jordan’s departure removes the single biggest roadblock to the inevitable conclusion of his meteoric rise on the station.  it may not be so bad, people will complain and it will be more polarising, but on his own covering breakfast, he sounds solid.  A couple of years and he truly is a personality capable of carrying the Radio 1 Breakfast show.  There are worse options!  Management seems to like him, and that’s a reason in my book, not to dismiss this likelihood.

The Goldilocks choices:

Katie Thistleton:

The more I think about it, the more, I think she’s the ideal candidate.  That doesn’t mean she’d do it, but I don’t think she definitely wouldn’t.  a female presenter would be a breath of fresh air, she’s genuinely good at connecting with audiences in the way. Greg and Scott and Jordan can, she would need more content than she currently does on her show and probably a co-presenter, but should be more than capable of anchoring the slot and it could be really successful.  

Jack Saunders:

Hear me out. He’s young, but he’s been on the radio for years. He always sounds in control no matter what show he is on.  Great interviewer, strong personality, not too polarising.  He would probably switch people off in the way Grimshaw did, but thats never stopped breakfast presenters being picked.  it could be something exciting and fresh and genuinely compete with Capital if it was done properly.  on the other hand, it could be an absolute disaster, really depends how it was structured.  

those are my thoughts, over to you.



I think Jack Saunders would be a more wildcard than Dean and would be a gamble that would play off allowing the breakfast show kmaube to be playing fresh new music and giving space to reinvent the space of the breakfast show.

Had it been that Greg James left yesterday and effectively say I wont be returning and serving my notice Matt & Mollie would likely have spent few months potentially until August or September in the job. 

Dean McCullough seems that if Aled were to be the person to select the next breakfast host of who he’d likely try to go for.

I think it would be absolutely the right opportunity to retain Katie would have her do breakfast show it. Since now it’s been 20 years since the last female breakfast show host it would be good to have a a non male host to take over the show.  

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5 hours ago, GeekTalk51 said:

Considering how Jordan North for several years seemed like the obvious next choice for Breakfast if and when Greg departs, I thought it would be worth thinking about where we are with succession planning now, what everyone’s theories are.  Greg will have been on Breakfast for 6 years this year, it would be unusual if he didn’t leave in the next year or so - I suspect management will want him to stay longer than originally intended now Jordan is gone but you never know. Who does everyone reckon is the frontrunner to take over now Jordan is out of the running?

Taking a quick look at the contenders as I see them: 

Safe pair of hands options:

Rickie, Melvin and Charlie: They’ve done it before, if Greg were to leave this year for example at least you’d know it wouldn’t be a car crash and they’d probably be willing to do it.  Downside is it would probably be a 2 year deal at must and they aren’t getting any younger, aren’t the future of the station etc.  Also a jarring change in style from Greg.

Matt and Mollie: I would have said no chance two weeks ago, but I think they are at least second or third most likely for the gig now.  It’s the same argument as for RMC (if Greg leaves this year they are a good safe option), they fit the style and tone Greg has set so won’t bleed audience majorly, Matt is one of the few remaining DJs of the Jordan/Greg/Scott calibre at this stage (some of the others will reach that point with time and experience I’m sure), Mollie’s personality works on morning radio.  Issue is I don’t know if they’d be willing to commit to it (maybe they’d do it on a 6 month-year contract) and it probably would lean older in terms of appeal than they might want for a fresh Breakfast show.

The gambles:

Sam and Danni: On paper, they could well be the future of the station.  They are young, fit the image radio people to their core, but fundamentally they are just not at that level right now, and it would be a hell of a gamble.  I had them down as the most likely breakfast show AFTER Jordan does it for a few years, maybe lack of options means you have to skip a generation and take the gamble.

Dean McCullough: I know people on here, don’t like this, I don’t like this! But I think at this stage, he may well be the front runner for the show.  The only reason I dismissed this previously was because Jordan was there, Jordan’s departure removes the single biggest roadblock to the inevitable conclusion of his meteoric rise on the station.  it may not be so bad, people will complain and it will be more polarising, but on his own covering breakfast, he sounds solid.  A couple of years and he truly is a personality capable of carrying the Radio 1 Breakfast show.  There are worse options!  Management seems to like him, and that’s a reason in my book, not to dismiss this likelihood.

The Goldilocks choices:

Katie Thistleton:

The more I think about it, the more, I think she’s the ideal candidate.  That doesn’t mean she’d do it, but I don’t think she definitely wouldn’t.  a female presenter would be a breath of fresh air, she’s genuinely good at connecting with audiences in the way. Greg and Scott and Jordan can, she would need more content than she currently does on her show and probably a co-presenter, but should be more than capable of anchoring the slot and it could be really successful.  

Jack Saunders:

Hear me out. He’s young, but he’s been on the radio for years. He always sounds in control no matter what show he is on.  Great interviewer, strong personality, not too polarising.  He would probably switch people off in the way Grimshaw did, but thats never stopped breakfast presenters being picked.  it could be something exciting and fresh and genuinely compete with Capital if it was done properly.  on the other hand, it could be an absolute disaster, really depends how it was structured.  

those are my thoughts, over to you.



I think the safest and most logical bet would be Matt and Mollie 100%. I know there’s been a lot of conversation around the length of time Matt has been at the station now, but I would say aside from Greg they are the most high-profile/popular presenters with current listeners and much younger potential new listeners. They did the Reading and Leeds coverage last year, which as an event is the pinnacle of youth culture in the UK in my opinion. In addition, they’ve both got young kids which I actually think benefits them in staying closer to pop culture than other presenters. Aside from that they have the right playful presenting style for the station which I just couldn’t see working on any other BBC station atm. Anecdotally, the most popular known presenters remaining with teenage relatives are Greg, followed by Matt & Mollie by far. The question will be whether Matt and Mollie themselves want to stay/have the gig from a practical perspective - no doubt they’ll be getting very lucrative offers from Global/Bauer in due course which may also fit better with their personal circumstances. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see them leaving this year off their own accord for commercial radio somewhere.

My next choice would be Sam & Danni - I really think they are incredible broadcasters with a wide appeal. Both very likeable people as well. Would be a huge risk though, given they’re not well known, not based in London/Manchester and haven’t had that level of responsibility yet. I see they’ve got the Going Home slot next week which is a big thing for them and no doubt going to be watched closely by bosses for future opportunities. I reckon that Vick leaves end of the summer and they get the Drive Time slot from Cardiff first though.

My gut feeling is that Dean would get it by himself if Greg left anytime soon - he seems popular with Radio 1 bosses atm, is based at Media City in Manchester and it would be great optics for the BBC to have the first Radio 1 breakfast show from outside London in the second city. He’s also much less likely to want to move to London and have other commercial radio options I would guess - seems pretty settled in Manchester. I’ve actually warmed more to Dean recently but mostly when he’s by himself. Would certainly be divisive with the audience but he seems thick-skinned enough to take any backlash.

Overall, I reckon the bosses main goal will be to make sure they keep Greg for as long as possible over the next few years, whilst they think about where to go next. Greg is still sounding as fresh as ever and with Jordan taking Capital breakfast they’ll want to have as strong a competition as possible for a few years.

That being said, there definitely needs to be a complete overhaul/review of who they want Radio 1 to appeal to before making any big decisions though. The station is simply not sustainable with its “historic” target audience in the current market and music industry. Like it or not, there just isn’t that pipeline of younger listeners that there was 5-10 years ago and bringing in an influencer/TikToker with no radio experience to host a flagship show won’t change that.

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23 minutes ago, Jbb said:

I think the safest and most logical bet would be Matt and Mollie 100%. I know there’s been a lot of conversation around the length of time Matt has been at the station now, but I would say aside from Greg they are the most high-profile/popular presenters with current listeners and much younger potential new listeners. They did the Reading and Leeds coverage last year, which as an event is the pinnacle of youth culture in the UK in my opinion. In addition, they’ve both got young kids which I actually think benefits them in staying closer to pop culture than other presenters. Aside from that they have the right playful presenting style for the station which I just couldn’t see working on any other BBC station atm. Anecdotally, the most popular known presenters remaining with teenage relatives are Greg, followed by Matt & Mollie by far. The question will be whether Matt and Mollie themselves want to stay/have the gig from a practical perspective - no doubt they’ll be getting very lucrative offers from Global/Bauer in due course which may also fit better with their personal circumstances. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see them leaving this year off their own accord for commercial radio somewhere.

My next choice would be Sam & Danni - I really think they are incredible broadcasters with a wide appeal. Both very likeable people as well. Would be a huge risk though, given they’re not well known, not based in London/Manchester and haven’t had that level of responsibility yet. I see they’ve got the Going Home slot next week which is a big thing for them and no doubt going to be watched closely by bosses for future opportunities. I reckon that Vick leaves end of the summer and they get the Drive Time slot from Cardiff first though.

My gut feeling is that Dean would get it by himself if Greg left anytime soon - he seems popular with Radio 1 bosses atm, is based at Media City in Manchester and it would be great optics for the BBC to have the first Radio 1 breakfast show from outside London in the second city. He’s also much less likely to want to move to London and have other commercial radio options I would guess - seems pretty settled in Manchester. I’ve actually warmed more to Dean recently but mostly when he’s by himself. Would certainly be divisive with the audience but he seems thick-skinned enough to take any backlash.

Overall, I reckon the bosses main goal will be to make sure they keep Greg for as long as possible over the next few years, whilst they think about where to go next. Greg is still sounding as fresh as ever and with Jordan taking Capital breakfast they’ll want to have as strong a competition as possible for a few years.

That being said, there definitely needs to be a complete overhaul/review of who they want Radio 1 to appeal to before making any big decisions though. The station is simply not sustainable with its “historic” target audience in the current market and music industry. Like it or not, there just isn’t that pipeline of younger listeners that there was 5-10 years ago and bringing in an influencer/TikToker with no radio experience to host a flagship show won’t change that.

I think that they wont get young people as posturing as TikTok radio Radio 1 on TikTok and social media let loose and have the content creators and influencer popular content marketing things on those platforms exclusively and not on air.

I think r that as you said an overhaul needs to happen and not seeing it as a populist station but keeping things as new fresh new music. I think Greg will go on his own and that would be his own choice.

I do think by now the station could do with new management and a different direction. I said the other day even if it lost two thirds of its audience current audience lost it would still do considerably well. It’s just not going to be as big. A review is something of which is plausible in the near future if any reform in the corporations funding model is considered and when the charter is up for review and needs renewal.

If I was to speculate where Matt & Mollie could be best suited is Hits Radio a presenter like Matt will be able to bring some of the entertainment features and ideas that what when Ken Bruce and Simon Mayo joined Greatest Hits Radio had to bring with him. With Mollie’s pop music knowledge and credentials of being from a girl band had hosted music documentaries for radio 1 and supported new pop acts think they could be the big radio names a station like Hits Radio are desperately lacking.

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I wonder if Lauren Layfield will play a major role at some point this year too? If she has signed for radio 1 which seems like a strong possibility, they surely must have promised her some kind of major show for her to leave Capital’s Early Breakfast show? 

I do wonder if her and Katie together somewhere might be an option? Not sure I can see it being Breakfast but definitely somewhere else on the schedule 

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21 minutes ago, Dan18F1 said:

I wonder if Lauren Layfield will play a major role at some point this year too? If she has signed for radio 1 which seems like a strong possibility, they surely must have promised her some kind of major show for her to leave Capital’s Early Breakfast show? 

I do wonder if her and Katie together somewhere might be an option? Not sure I can see it being Breakfast but definitely somewhere else on the schedule 

Yes can’t see breakfast. Unless there was situation where her contract wasn’t renewed or if she wanted a change from the early wake ups and working in a more flexible less permanent work schedule temporary to see other projects television and opportunities to cover and appear on some radio programmes much like Yinka Bokinni. I guess time will tell.

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What a great thread this is. And i cannot see what the vision is anymore. I cannot believe they would let Jordan go. I fo want to hear more of the young talent see what they can offer as that will tell the story. Big fan of Sam&Danni get more like them i am sure the station will be fine. 

Greg surely now stays longer than expected because they have nobody there to rival Capital Breakfast. Time to really find out who is the best of this bunch Radio 1 get on it!

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To copy what I posted in the other thread:

1) If Greg were to go shortly, Matt & Mollie would be the ready-made fit. Consistently passed over for daytime (and that's just Matt & Mollie - Matt has been biding his time for well over a decade) and one of the more popular pairings remaining.

Though the obvious issue is Matt in particular feels very much near the end of his time at Radio 1 now (despite sounding as good as ever) so it's not exactly an option for the future. But they are two recognisable names and still popular with the Radio 1 audience and would stand out in the popular breakfast radio marketplace while Radio 1 decide what to do next

2) Katie Thistleton. Ideally you'd maybe want her with Vick but Vick seems to firmly not want to be on Breakfast. Radio 1 haven't had a female breakfast DJ for years and Katie is very popular with the audience. She's been 'supply teacher' for years and been the go-to cover so much on Going Home that she's no doubt familiar to most Radio 1 listeners. There is the London issue - she seems to be pretty happy based in Manchester - but Radio 1 already do daily shows from Manchester and what better way to show the BBC broadcasts from 'across the UK' then doing the Breakfast show outside London and they already do the TV show outside London and it's still popular.

3) Dean McCollough. He seems to be a bit of a 'golden child' at the minute and he's already covered Breakfast. Wouldn't shock me if he gets the gig next. That said is he high profile enough for such a big role and reaction to him seems mixed at best (he's arguably more popular on here than on socials) and there's already a feeling he's been promoted too far too soon and put on Breakfast and that's supercharged. Plus if Manchester is a reason to not choose Katie the same applies for Dean surely.

4)RMC. They have experiencing hosting Breakfast from Kiss so would do a capable job no doubt. But also much like Matt & Mollie not exactly ones for the future and would be a stopgap surely.

5) Sam & Danni - in a few years probably great choices for Breakfast. But they're barely started on Weekend Breakfast and probably need a little time to develop and are they high profile enough yet with the weekday audience? You'd be forgiven as a casual listener for not being aware of them.

6) Somebody else. Let's face it not many of us would've seen Jamie Laing getting a big role like Drive a few years ago - or even a few days ago - and certainly his previous Radio 1 appearances don't merit it. So anybody could be on the table now whether it's a hire from commercial radio or just a 'celeb' (see some of the Global & Bauer stations for example). While I don't want to put this energy out there, Scarlett Moffatt like Jamie did a Radio 1 podcast once upon a time so who's to say she won't follow the Jamie Laing path and get a massive role out of nowhere (goodness I hope I'm wrong though).

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It’s no secret that Matt and Mollie are my favs and would be the best breakfast show replacements. That said, they both struggle with early mornings, have kids too so who knows if that’s what they’d want. I think they’d want drive or afternoon. But they have a lot of good games, they’re very popular - even more so than the weekday DJs. 

I can’t believe I’m about to say this but Dean actually sounds far better than he ever has when he subbed in recently for Greg. He wasn’t annoying and actually seemed a polish DJ. He might be the new host as Aled thinks the demographic like him but he is universally disliked across all platforms. If he tones down the attention seeking and gets a good producer then he might be worth listening to. 

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18 minutes ago, Sara97 said:

I can’t believe I’m about to say this but Dean actually sounds far better than he ever has when he subbed in recently for Greg. He wasn’t annoying and actually seemed a polish DJ. He might be the new host as Aled thinks the demographic like him but he is universally disliked across all platforms. If he tones down the attention seeking and gets a good producer then he might be worth listening to. 

I agree that Dean has probably never sounded better than his Breakfast stand-ins but there is nothing about him that makes me think he is the most worthy DJ in the country to get one of the top gigs...  He might not have been annoying on these stand-ins but there was nothing special about them either.

Even at this early stage in their careers Sam and Danni would be much better or possibly even Jack Saunders if he wanted to go away from specialist.  My preference would be Katie solo at this stage.

Or somebody from outside.

It won't be Matt and Mollie or RMC at this stage in their careers and realistically it seems unlikely Vick Hope will be there in the long-term.

Up to Friday my prediction would have been Jordan (alone or partnered) to take over Breakfast in the next year, do only a few years - say 4 max - and Sam and Danni next. 

But Radio 1 has played wildcards before - Grimmy wasn't the obvious replacement for Moyles.

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Totally agree with the above that those are the next in line for the breakfast shows. I'd say potentially Dean is the favourite at the moment if Greg was to go tomorrow. It's clear the Aled and other management like him.

I think Katie is also a very strong contender for something more and a move up to weekday daytimes, subject to where the show is allowed to come from and also if the guesses of Jamie Laing being a decision just for the time being are correct.


One thing that I have noticed. With Jordan now gone to a rival station, and this already being predicted on here for further into 2024, I think there's an even greater chance we'll see James Cusack land a full time show and here's why.

There was a gap at R1 when Chris Stark left, for the down to earth bloke character, but now the entire 'Jordan north Northern male figure on Radio 1' has literally vanished overnight and not only that it's been erased. Worse still they've both gone to the main competitor.

He's now the only northern male they have and I've said before he reminds me of the Jordan of a few years ago. There has also been a pretty huge backlash about the drive gig going to a posh boy and the BBC seems to react to politics.

That all aside, they'd be stupid not to give James a full time show somewhere on the station as he is the relatable, funny, down to earth guy from the north and above all he's been excellent on radio 1 each time he's covered. He's outshone many other cover presenters with what he does in his shows and original features. We often comment how light some shows can be and he makes it sound dead easy. Think you could outrun a bear? was not only funny but original and even mates at work who have 0 interest in radio commented on it and it got them talking. His duo shows with Mollie King in November I think it was were also strong for first shows.

From socials it looks like he's been doing more with Global including Capital and then the other week on his story doing what looked like some network shifts plus Heart 00's. He's not a big name granted, but he's a steal from them.

When they're bringing in the likes of Jamie Laing and with Jordan gone, it's left a huge gap even more so for someone like Cusack to scoop up some northern listeners who relate to him and even charm some southern ones. That's my thinking anyway.

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39 minutes ago, ianwilk1999 said:

Totally agree with the above that those are the next in line for the breakfast shows. I'd say potentially Dean is the favourite at the moment if Greg was to go tomorrow. It's clear the Aled and other management like him.

I think Katie is also a very strong contender for something more and a move up to weekday daytimes, subject to where the show is allowed to come from and also if the guesses of Jamie Laing being a decision just for the time being are correct.


One thing that I have noticed. With Jordan now gone to a rival station, and this already being predicted on here for further into 2024, I think there's an even greater chance we'll see James Cusack land a full time show and here's why.

There was a gap at R1 when Chris Stark left, for the down to earth bloke character, but now the entire 'Jordan north Northern male figure on Radio 1' has literally vanished overnight and not only that it's been erased. Worse still they've both gone to the main competitor.

He's now the only northern male they have and I've said before he reminds me of the Jordan of a few years ago. There has also been a pretty huge backlash about the drive gig going to a posh boy and the BBC seems to react to politics.

That all aside, they'd be stupid not to give James a full time show somewhere on the station as he is the relatable, funny, down to earth guy from the north and above all he's been excellent on radio 1 each time he's covered. He's outshone many other cover presenters with what he does in his shows and original features. We often comment how light some shows can be and he makes it sound dead easy. Think you could outrun a bear? was not only funny but original and even mates at work who have 0 interest in radio commented on it and it got them talking. His duo shows with Mollie King in November I think it was were also strong for first shows.

From socials it looks like he's been doing more with Global including Capital and then the other week on his story doing what looked like some network shifts plus Heart 00's. He's not a big name granted, but he's a steal from them.

When they're bringing in the likes of Jamie Laing and with Jordan gone, it's left a huge gap even more so for someone like Cusack to scoop up some northern listeners who relate to him and even charm some southern ones. That's my thinking anyway.

Think James would work as he was a figure who would be at the starting point of his career much like Jordan North worked hard willing to climb the radio ladder by doing most work offered and learning on the job. What works for a presenter on radio 1 is not being made as a household name or a person before joining the station but becoming one by working at the station. 

The station would need to move quick if Global are giving their national brands much more variety in accents and voices from across the UK in hopes to boost its listenership outside of London. 

I think for Heart 00’s it would be good to have them give Chris Stark a weekly playlisted show even if it is voice tracked and think some of their playlist stations could do with that Ashton Merrigold was on Heart 00’s creating some presenter hosted shows on Global’s spin-offs could help them to boost listener figures and increase listenership on Global Player. So desperate for a re-design 

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  • Posts

    • Yeah he's on more than usual including this Sunday and then 3 more shows in May according to the above. Makes me think it's James for the weekend shows also
    • For some reason there is 'Summer on Radio 1' listed on Sunday 2nd June, could this be replacing M&M until July?
    • They seem to be using James more for cover now makes me think it will be him getting weekends eitjer breakfast or 1 till 4 
    • Yep am very much Capital Breakfast now. Jordan, Chris and Sian are a great trio and it's got that feel of the old shows Jordan and Chris used to do on Radio 1. It doesn't take itself too seriously but is packed full of content and slick. With Greg he's great but 6 years in you've probably heard it all before plus frankly I can sit through the Capital Playlist a lot more easily than the Radio 1 playlist (where some of the inclusions and omissions can be quite baffling at times). Plus after things like the Oscars or Met Gala or if there's a particularly big TV show or film or popstar then Greg won't half wang on about it at times. I guess it's partly to be expected with it being a Breakfast show on a young station but it can feel very London bubble and get tired.
    • Ore Olukoga is in for Arielle on Tuesday 14th May. James Cusack is in for Danny Beard on Saturday 1st June. James Cusack is in for Nat on Sunday 2nd June.
    • I honestly never thought in a million years I’d move from Radio 1 to be a regular Capital breakfast show listener. But it’s got pretty much everything I want - 3 really genuine, entertaining mates having a laugh, playing silly games and it all sounds great. I became a big fan of Chris from his days with Scott, became a Jordan fan on Going Home, and Sian Welby is newer to me but is loads of fun too.  It’s great and I’ve shocked myself by transferring my listening at breakfast. For me Greg’s show now feels very tired and it’s time for something new. But with Jordan gone that’s unlikely to happen anytime soon. Greg’s had a great run and I’m a fan - but there’s no new ideas now. I still listen to Radio 1 at other times - but this show feels like very serious competition for Greg. 
    • They have built four new studios to increase capacity, alongside the existing six.  Bearing in mind that some of the output of R1, 1X, R2 & 6M comes from elsewhere, and Asian Network is gradually moving all output to Birmingham, this should be enough!
    • How do they manage to cater for 6Music and Radio 2 on that floor? Did they adapt it? 
    • I think we've all figured out now how much you like it @AndyK77 😂 Personally while I think it's by far the best show on the Capital schedule and better than its predecessor, it still has the shortened songs and other commercial-radio aspects that remind me why I'm a Radio 1 fan. No matter how well this has worked out for Jordan, and all credit to him for landing the job, I can't help but feel that a Jordan and Katie show on R1 breakfast would have been so much better!
    • A few weeks in and I am actually loving the show and Jordan is a nice mix of his old chaotic self and dare I say it a slick jock.
    • He must be in his element. At Eurovision and a Gold award!
    • I really like Rylan, and as much of a fun idea it would be to have Scott and Rylan together, I think Rylan is too much of a main character.  Scott needs a side-kick rather than a full on co-host I think. That’s why he and Chris worked so well, Scott steered the show, and Chris was the perfect person to have alongside him.    I don’t religiously listen to Rylan’s show, but when I do catch it, it’s perfect weekend energy. He has a very warm presenting style too, but something makes me think he and Scott together every day would be a bit too much.     
    • So pleased for Scott on his best entertainment show win. As much as I miss his R1 style, he clearly puts so much into his shows, well deserved and it’s a big two fingers up to all the abuse he has had since joining R2
    • There are a lot that share your sentiments. People have made comparisons to the different takes to Ukraine. 
    • It's a big 'No' from me (Israel-Palestine). No further comments.
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