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Unofficial Mills

Rylan and Scott

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I have accepted Chris is unlikely to join Scott's show, and that Chappers has moved on, but I still think he could do with a co-host.

The most logical solution, I think, is Rylan. He appears more often on his show than not, and they are great together.

Radio 2 could lose Rylan's Saturday show and extend his reach by appearing during the week.

I think they'd be great!

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I like Scott, and I listen to Rylan's show every week... they do sound great together on Eurovision etc but.. as for a daily show together, I don't think it would work. Rylan would probably have to reign it in a bit which would lose his appeal, otherwise it may become too chaotic, in my opinion. That Saturday slot is perfect for Rylan, his rapport with Sally Traffic and Lottie is great. I suppose it comes down to cost as well and if he would want a daily show?


Radio 2 are clearly happy with Scott's show, and considering he's just won Best Entertainment Show at the ARIA's, I can't see them changing much.


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I really like Rylan, and as much of a fun idea it would be to have Scott and Rylan together, I think Rylan is too much of a main character.  Scott needs a side-kick rather than a full on co-host I think. That’s why he and Chris worked so well, Scott steered the show, and Chris was the perfect person to have alongside him. 

I don’t religiously listen to Rylan’s show, but when I do catch it, it’s perfect weekend energy. He has a very warm presenting style too, but something makes me think he and Scott together every day would be a bit too much. 


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