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Unofficial Mills

UM; probably the best smelling fansite in the world...


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I don't like perfume very much, as most make my eyes and nose run most unattractively.

For that reason I'd love it if everyone remembered the old fashioned rule that you should only be able to detect someone's perfume when you're close enough to kiss them - especially in the workplace. Remembering not to bathe in a gallon of perfume I mean, not that we should all be getting near enough to kiss :D:)

Have to say though, despite the political incorrectness of it, I do like a whiff of tobacco smoke on someone as it reminds me of laughing and playing games with my older relatives (such as grandparents, aunts and uncles) when I was little. Smells can have such strong associations, can't they?

UM is a nice place

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I've got the Gwen Stefani perfume (L.A.M.B.), it's actually a really nice smell. I don't tend to wear perfume that much unless it's a special occasion, I normally just wear bodysprays. The only other perfume I wear is Anais Anais which I've loved the smell of ever since I was little when I used to try on my mum's perfumes, haha.

So save the last dance

For me my love 'cause I

I see you as an angel freshly fallen from the sky...

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Ah, now I see the bottle... Yeah, I like that Hugo Boss - a friend in Spain wears it.

Agree with Gill, hate it when people drench themselves in fragrances. It can put you right off your food in a restaurant, just as much as someone smoking all over you. I wholeheartedly approve of the smoking ban in restaurants, even though I do smoke a little myself (sorry:()

This has been interesting - lots of new advice - thanks everyone. Happy and Be Delicious are lovely for summer, but I now wanna test out Armani Code.

'To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity'.

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I don't like perfume very much, as most make my eyes and nose run most unattractively.

Ahh I'm not the only one then! I've followed cars on the motorway on my bike that you can smell the perfume coming out of, I hate to think what it must be like inside.

The only other perfume I wear is Anais Anais

I always read that as something completely different first time round.

'The light at the end of the tunnel was the light of an oncoming train'

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I just use Lynx Vice, at the moment. I do have a couple of addidas and umbro ones, but I never use those.

Nor do I use aftershave (except on a few special occasions), though I got a couple of bottles of that too..

The most heroic act is the one that no-one knows about.

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Thread revival alert. Just received my IOU Christmas pressie of Agent Provocateur perfume. Mmmm, 'tis lovely stuff. I smell great. Only problem is Boyf has a cold, so he cannot appreciate it for the moment.

Interesting, just noticed from the Christmas gifts thread that Kirsty smells the same as me.

'To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity'.

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