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Jordan North's first Capital Radio breakfast show


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I listened again this morning, and I was impressed. As sad as it is that Jordan left Radio 1, he has slotted in very well at Capital. Despite the fact it's three people, the show doesn't feel crowded at all. It helps that they are all good mates, so their bounce off each other really well. The adverts are a bit annoying, but.. they have the right balance of speech for a commercial breakfast show. I didn't think I'd actively tune into a show on Capital on a regular basis, but I'm tempted.


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5 hours ago, xxladybarefootxx said:

Today is the second day listening back, and I really am enjoying it. For me, it’s partly the Chris Stark factor though, I always loved his ability to take a silly idea to the next level. Getting the CEO of Greggs on the show to roll out a Jordan special, to give just one example.

It popped up in my feed earlier that they're actually rolling out 'The Jordan' breakfast roll tomorrow in a few select Greggs stores for people to try out.

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I hate to be that guy but we all know the Greggs thing was pre arranged days if not weeks in advance? It wasn't a spare of the moment thing by Chris and the convo about it was pre panned and not in the moment thing.  It was an ad deal. One big ad for Greggs which they paid Capital for. This is why radio should state Product Placement just like TV.  Radio 1 can't do these things for a reason.  For me this what makes the show sound fake because it's a false thing pretending it all happened over night. Greggs would have to order on extra stuff to make it happen. You can't do that in 24 hrs.  There will be more of these deals.  I bet there will be a few Gregg "surprise" things happen over time. Other brands as well. 


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Ah but aren't Radio 1 guilty of just coming up with 'off the cuff' ideas that have taken months of planning? Often some of Scott's best ideas were - let's read Laura's Diary etc. Not that this is in the same league!


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1 hour ago, Jono said:

Ah but aren't Radio 1 guilty of just coming up with 'off the cuff' ideas that have taken months of planning? Often some of Scott's best ideas were - let's read Laura's Diary etc. Not that this is in the same league!


A lot of entertainment radio is a little or a lot less impromptu than it appears.

I mean do we really think Greg James' "Sit Down, Stand Up" isn't pre-recorded and edited?

And that's no criticism of anybody - we'd be missing out on stacks of great radio without this "theatre".

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End of week one.  It's a great show actually and whilst we'd probably like some more of "chaotic Jordan" it sounds close to flawless for a new show.  I am sure it helps a lot that Jordan already knew Chris and Sian well. 


Capital must be delighted as I am sure Roman would have been there for as long as he wanted so it must be great to have such a smooth transition.

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The point I was making is this is not content made for entertainment it was a product placement.  There is a difference between the two.  It not a fun idea that people have brought to air for a laugh.  It was designed to look like mates having fun and come up with this idea but it was just a advert. That why I say it feel false. 

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18 hours ago, callspy said:

I hate to be that guy but we all know the Greggs thing was pre arranged days if not weeks in advance? It wasn't a spare of the moment thing by Chris and the convo about it was pre panned and not in the moment thing.  It was an ad deal. One big ad for Greggs which they paid Capital for. This is why radio should state Product Placement just like TV.  Radio 1 can't do these things for a reason.  For me this what makes the show sound fake because it's a false thing pretending it all happened over night. Greggs would have to order on extra stuff to make it happen. You can't do that in 24 hrs.  There will be more of these deals.  I bet there will be a few Gregg "surprise" things happen over time. Other brands as well. 


If it was - Happens a lot 

alot of Scott and Chris stuff was built with end in mind of big final idea where they wanted to take it and working backwards to lead up to it.

Greggs was already sponsoring a competition this week so if it was an “on the fly” add on it would have just been a few bottles of mustard and some next day signage printed out to add onto their trucks and advert space. Global own a lot of advert spaces billboards too so easy for them to do

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On 4/12/2024 at 7:42 AM, Jono said:

Ah but aren't Radio 1 guilty of just coming up with 'off the cuff' ideas that have taken months of planning? Often some of Scott's best ideas were - let's read Laura's Diary etc. Not that this is in the same league!


And a lot of Radio 1 features or interviews are pre-planned and pre-recorded which they don't exactly advertise - things like Something Songs and Complete the Year and previously on Scott's show The Who Game for example. The giveaway is normally no mention of texts or the song just played if it's a non-song based feature. There's always a bit of smoke and mirrors in entertainment.

Also while it seemed obvious to me the Greggs partnership was pre-planned (the Greggs CEO seemed almost prepared for supposedly an off-the-cuff call) it didn't grate on me hugely. Whereas sometimes with Radio 1 want something to happen or to particularly push an artist or TV show/film they can be just as stubborn and forceful as any product placement. See for example how Saltburn was near constantly mentioned for a while.

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I was really impressed by the Capital Breakfast show. Had been finding Greg a bit stale - he's a great DJ but there's only so long you can listen to the same features and same sort of topics

Where Capital's show had that familiar feel with Jordan & Chris being ex Radio 1 plus Sian Welby is great. It felt a light, fun and pacy show which I sort of feel Radio 1 has lost recently but used to have say when it was Scott & Chris, Katie, Jordan & Vick and Matt & Mollie

Even the music choices are more to my liking so far. which has surprised me given its reputation of the same 5 songs all day. And it’s not as if you’re not getting Tate McRae, Dua Lipa and Beyonce on every show on Radio 1 anyway.

Radio 1's playlist is really not vibing with me at the minute - some shows like Party Anthems or Future Pop have some great new stuff that should make the playlist but too often doesn't or if in the off chance they do it's just on the C-List and heard once in a blue moon.  Whereas Capital actually surprisingly seemed to have got some of that on their playlist already like the new tunes by Becky Hill,Paul Russell and 5SOS.

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On 4/13/2024 at 12:54 PM, coffeeandgin said:

I was really impressed by the Capital Breakfast show. Had been finding Greg a bit stale - he's a great DJ but there's only so long you can listen to the same features and same sort of topics

Where Capital's show had that familiar feel with Jordan & Chris being ex Radio 1 plus Sian Welby is great. It felt a light, fun and pacy show which I sort of feel Radio 1 has lost recently but used to have say when it was Scott & Chris, Katie, Jordan & Vick and Matt & Mollie

Even the music choices are more to my liking so far. which has surprised me given its reputation of the same 5 songs all day. And it’s not as if you’re not getting Tate McRae, Dua Lipa and Beyonce on every show on Radio 1 anyway.

Radio 1's playlist is really not vibing with me at the minute - some shows like Party Anthems or Future Pop have some great new stuff that should make the playlist but too often doesn't or if in the off chance they do it's just on the C-List and heard once in a blue moon.  Whereas Capital actually surprisingly seemed to have got some of that on their playlist already like the new tunes by Becky Hill,Paul Russell and 5SOS.

The music is great , I’d only wish they’d mix the music up more , the playlist is too small and therefore same songs on too often - benson Boone has been on twice in the show today

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9 hours ago, Jono said:

Bit of a scoop getting an exclusive interview with Zayn, I wonder why he decided not to do Radio 1 too? 

Zayn's current song isn't on the R1 playlist so would be odd for him to do an interview I guess, not sure either would want it?

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10 hours ago, Bluestraw said:

Zayn's current song isn't on the R1 playlist so would be odd for him to do an interview I guess, not sure either would want it?

Makes sense, I always assumed they all went for 1D members regardless.

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The irony of Jordan moving to Capital Radio is it seems to speed up Greg's eventual move from Radio 1 Breakfast.

I think Greg's show is great, but he hasn't had any significant competition in his time on mornings.

Now there is there'll be more scrutiny of the figures, he might be more tempted to move, which is probably what Jordan wanted before he left!

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5 hours ago, onlyME said:

The irony of Jordan moving to Capital Radio is it seems to speed up Greg's eventual move from Radio 1 Breakfast.

I think Greg's show is great, but he hasn't had any significant competition in his time on mornings.

Now there is there'll be more scrutiny of the figures, he might be more tempted to move, which is probably what Jordan wanted before he left!

Right, despite what Jordan may say now, I think he (and probably Chris) would rather be doing R1 breakfast but seems he was told that wasn't at all imminent so made the understandable move to go elsewhere. Doubt Greg will move off breakfast anytime soon as he's got a new contract and anyway no obvious replacement in line... They certainly have thrown some energy behind competing these last couple of weeks though.

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Think it's a lot more fun when they don't have guests and have to find ideas to fill a show. 

Them doing some calming traffic reports around the most stressful part of the day. I wonder if there's more they could do with that - 8.15am being the most stressful time.

Anyway, I think that of most radio shows, I'd rather hear the creativity than an overhyped celebrity. Greg had it right yesterday with Tom Allen, he wasn't really just there to promote The Apprentice, but to do comedy too.

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Now in it's third week, the new Capital Breakfast Show seems to be settling down well and there are more of the informal, random Jordan topics appearing.  Though it is clear he wants to be seen slightly differently.

It really is a very decent listen.

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