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Greg James' apology


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18 hours ago, Jono said:

Poor Greg. I have to admit I didn't think twice about the video, which suggests I have some learning to do too. 


I respect and accept Greg’s apology although its not an apology to me as I don’t have a disability where I have a prosthetic eye I don’t think it is poor him as he is the one that made a controversial ableist comment using negative language towards a disabled person. I’m glad that Greg has taken personal accountability. Considering that the characters that Roald Dahl has written and stories have connotations of forms of racism including anti-semtism, ableism and body shaming think there is more at fault at the publisher. I think there doesn’t need to be new stories and expansions on Dahl’s work when people have choice to read Dahl’s stories but in creating new stories and books think time we can move on on from such means of writing characters.

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I remember seeing that video and the comment about the glass eye stood out to me like a sore thumb. I’m not one to be triggered on behalf of other people, but to use the word ‘disgusting’ to describe any physical characteristic can be pretty awful from the author of your fave book as a child. 

The article makes it clear that it was the illustrator that suggested a glass eye, but I am firstly surprised that Chris and Greg went along with it and secondly that it didn’t get cut out of the video that was released.

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17 hours ago, xxladybarefootxx said:

I remember seeing that video and the comment about the glass eye stood out to me like a sore thumb. I’m not one to be triggered on behalf of other people, but to use the word ‘disgusting’ to describe any physical characteristic can be pretty awful from the author of your fave book as a child. 

The article makes it clear that it was the illustrator that suggested a glass eye, but I am firstly surprised that Chris and Greg went along with it and secondly that it didn’t get cut out of the video that was released.

I think ultimately the publisher of the new Roald Dahl inspired stories taking off from the Twits. Knowing that the language that the words used in the orignial stories wouldn’t feel appropriate to an audience in 2024 with different societal tolerance to ableist and anti-Semitic. 

Language has been played out in the media in recent years as his books have been debated in the trivial culture war article pieces in the papers. it was something that I would’ve thought Greg would’ve foreseen how it sounded. If I was Greg to avoid any controversies in the publication of the story. 

I’d ask for it to be pulled from the book or ask for any authorship credentials to be removed from the collations of stories. It’s something that the publisher will have some work to do.

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He made the comment that is undeniable but I believe the motive wasn’t to cause offence but being naive. It’s something that is uncharacteristic and he has apologised for the comment. There maybe a recommendation of a diversity training course of some sort.

8 hours ago, xxladybarefootxx said:

I wouldn’t have thought it would be serious enough to take Greg off his show. At least I hope not. They have apologised, I’m sure there will be nothing more to it.

If there is more dont think it will be about Greg himself but the publication and the project of Puffin books.

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21 hours ago, BBCAaron said:

He made the comment that is undeniable but I believe the motive wasn’t to cause offence but being naive. It’s something that is uncharacteristic and he has apologised for the comment.

Clearly no offence was intended, Greg has apologised and learnt a lesson, that's the end of it as far as I am cocerned.

I think on all these topics we need to distinguish between the behaviour of hate and poorly thought out comments.  The first raises serious questions of what roles a person should be in and the second is a learning curve.  We live in a more and more complex world and we could all fall foul of saying something stupid sometime without thinking.

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5 hours ago, AndyK77 said:

Clearly no offence was intended, Greg has apologised and learnt a lesson, that's the end of it as far as I am cocerned.

I think on all these topics we need to distinguish between the behaviour of hate and poorly thought out comments.  The first raises serious questions of what roles a person should be in and the second is a learning curve.  We live in a more and more complex world and we could all fall foul of saying something stupid sometime without thinking.

I think my post said how it would be likely the end of it as Greg is concerned. its exactly right that we could a,, fall foul in saying something that once broadcasted that is received as socially unacceptable in regards of where a minority group in society is involved. With this Greg having made a one off error in lanaugage choice could involve himself in the conversation of learning what language should we used around disabling characteristics and other disability terms. In a moment of error like this when recognising the reception from public and apologising theres an opportunity where the person this case Greg James could use that error for something good. 

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No doubt the mordern society we live in would want Greg ripped off the air. I'm sure what he said wasn't meant in any bad way. He's not a bad bloke. He's apologised, move on. 

We may as well take risks and live in the moment now. For right or wrong. Because in another decade, you could probably end up being arrested for watching repeats of 8 out of 10 cats on Dave. 

on the grid.

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