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The Petrol Crisis


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I'm not worried, I filled my car up last weekend! I use about one tank of petrol every month, so by the time I fill up again all this will be blown over.

Ah, well the family car soon runs out. Not that we use it much, but it all seems to add up.

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Newbury and Thatcham's 10 petrol stations had completely run out of fuel by 9pm last night, tonight is more than likely gonna be the same. Hopefully it will be by 4pm, so i dont have to do any work for 4 hours, i can just sit there drinking tea and having a chat... haha.

It's hit and miss as to whether petrol stations are going to get deliveries though because some drivers (not delivering to shell) are refusing to cross picket lines to show support for those on strike.

Apparently they are going to do another one next weekend if they don't get a pay rise.

Personally i don't blame them, if people can't fill up, they can't get to work, the government lose money, things go amazingly tits up.

Actually it could turn out quite badly, couldn't it...?

>> I'm on here every now and again... <<


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According to the above website, in the States petrol (or gasoline) is £1.17 a gallon, whilst British drivers have to pay £3.66 per gallon!?!

This price disparity between the US and the rest of the world has existed since time began, or when we started using oil, at least.

The Americans have always driven, and have had no reason (given the price of their fuel and the attitude of their 'President' (Kyoto Protocol and George Bush, anyone!?!) not to drive huge gas guzzling vehicles. Meanwhile, in the rest of the world we are being actively encouraged by our governments to buy environmentally friendly cars.

Wish I could go and lobby George Bush at the airport when he arrives for his last visit to Britain as US President (Yay! last!) I wonder whether Gordie will mention anything about the fuel problems over here when they meet up. Or maybe they'll just move their toy soldiers about all over the map of the Middle East a bit?

'To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity'.

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Petrol Crisis? You aint seen nothing Yet.

So far the lorry drivers protesting about there pay or fuel prices hasnt had much of an effect, just wait till it goes up another 5p in the next month. If the motorists of this country had enough courage we could force the government to cut the huge percentage of tax on fuel.

The Government is taxing people so much to pay for there mistakes. For every penny increase in petrol prices this goverment is making Millions [i would say hundreds of millions but im certain of the facts. its lots though.]

My Photos are online at www.markohare.com

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It's not too bad here at the moment. I filled my car up on Thursday, there was no mad queue like the last time recently (was that just Scotland?) and so far I've not seen any of the Petrol Stations round here with signs up to say they have run out.

The prices are getting stupid, I wish we could all agree and stop buying Petrol for a month! I'd gladly get the 2 buses required to get me to work and back for a month if it meant it would result in the cost of Petrol going down!!!!

I have been driving for 18 months now and in that time the cost of a tank of petrol to fill my car has gone from £40 to just over £60! It is the same car!!! It's just silly!!!!!


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Situation was pretty bleak up here as people were panic buying at Tesco's, not quite sure if there is any fuel left or not but I filled up on saturday, it cost around £45 and I still had an estimated hundred miles of fuel left at that time :|

Ended up burning off the 100 miles worth yesterday in a magical mystery tour though :D

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The prices are getting stupid, I wish we could all agree and stop buying Petrol for a month! I'd gladly get the 2 buses required to get me to work and back for a month if it meant it would result in the cost of Petrol going down!!!!!

I am failing to see the logic in this plan of action. For a start, public transport would never cope if everyone stopped driving. Also, if everyone discovered that they could do everything without their car, a lot of people would stop driving all together. Demand for petrol is very price inelastic, so some people will still buy it whatever the cost, so they could just keep putting the price up and even if fewer people were buying it, still make lots of money in tax revenue.

It just so happens that this weekend was the first time this year that I actually had to rely on my parents to drive me somewhere - well, as it turns out, not me, just my belongings. They hardly ever use the car though so they don't need to fill up again for a while now. I can't say I noticed anyone panic-buying petrol but I don't go to petrol stations very often.

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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The BBC were reporting a petrol station charging 1.99 for a litre of Diesel!

The only way i see to get petrol prices down is to put major pressure on the government by showing your support for those blockading oil refinerys, the government will listen when this country grinds to halt. You would think given the lack of Support for Labour they would do anything to boost there reputation in the years before an election.

My Photos are online at www.markohare.com

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On my way back from the airport, every petrol station we passed was either closed or had a £10 limit on their fuel. These were all Esso and Tesco garages. When the government say don't panic, what do people do.... panic!!

The government could easily remove VAT and still make more money than they were 2 years ago through taxes on fuels. The government should focus more on hiking up the taxes on oil companies like BP who continue to make massive profits, while doing little to look into alternative fuels.

The main problem is that we all complain about it, yet would do nothing about it if we were given the opportunity to protest about it.

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