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Chris Moyles now in video


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If you were wondering why the webcams were zoomed in, well here's why... just like Scott's show they've recorded Chris' show and put the highlights online.


A nice idea, but shame it wasn't something a bit more original than a video of 'Aled's electric shock game'. A little too Scott Mills for my liking which is what I feared... Scott's show is all about these visual gags, Chris' isn't.

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I don't think I like it. It's too much like Scott's TV show and video material. Chris is more spontaneous, and his show should be branching out elsewhere. Scott's TV show worked because he had all of these prepared features to put out for video and it suits his radio show, Chris isn't about that. It looks like they've tried too hard.

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Highlights of the highlights?!

As in, the video on the website was about five minutes longer.

I'm watching them now. I love seeing their expressions to things that they do, like Aled jumping up and down while holding the electric shocker.

Yes, it's good for a little while, but I don't think I'd like it permanently actually.

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I've posted this on another forum, but this needs a ton of work. I'm too used to the quality of Howard Stern's TV show and this just comes off as so weak in comparison. It's emphasised more with the lack of natural camera presence from everyone bar Dom, who himself is annoying due to his NONSTOP looking at the screen to see himself. Everyone else seem to have forgotten that the point of seeing radio visually (which in effect just makes it a TV show) is that you can no longer get away with the "theatre of the mind" mantra. If your voice sounds excited, your face has to show it too. Chris, Dave and Carrie don't understand this, apparently.

But I rant too much.


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What you have to remember is, your audience that are watching these videos are going to be considerably less than your radio audience. You can't just stop mid-link to smile at the camera or mess with the radio format to please the video format. I'm not sure how Howard Stern does his stuff, but Scott's show seemed to work when it was on BBC Three. He wasn't always looking at the camera, but there were visual gags to keep the viewer happy.

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I've posted this on another forum, but this needs a ton of work. I'm too used to the quality of Howard Stern's TV show and this just comes off as so weak in comparison. It's emphasised more with the lack of natural camera presence from everyone bar Dom, who himself is annoying due to his NONSTOP looking at the screen to see himself. Everyone else seem to have forgotten that the point of seeing radio visually (which in effect just makes it a TV show) is that you can no longer get away with the "theatre of the mind" mantra. If your voice sounds excited, your face has to show it too. Chris, Dave and Carrie don't understand this, apparently.

But I rant too much.

Maybe I'm getting the complete wrong idea, but I didn't think the idea of this was to make it a TV show, it's to show people what actually happens during the radio show. If everyone started acting up for the cameras, it wouldn't be natural, and would almost defeat the point of the cameras being there.

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I never said they should "play to the camera". In fact, that's the worst thing they can do because that makes it a vanity project. But the point of the video, as far as I'm aware, is to provide an advancement to the experience of the show and at least in my personal opinion (and nothing more), seeing dull reactions with upbeat voices ruins the show. When you listen, you develop a certain imagery and they don't act anything like how they sound, which renders the entire point of being visual pointless because it only takes away instead of adding. There's a difference between being natural and being bored.

I didn't even like the Scott Mills show that much (though it certainly wasn't bad), but at least, as said, a lot of their content is quite visual and they played it up to the cameras without playing it up, if that makes sense. They were excited, smiley and natural without constantly staring at or mentioning the cameras and staring at the screens at themselves so that it took over from the radio content. It's really hard to explain what my problem with the Moyles experiment is in a few sentences without confusing anyone, but I just think that they, at least in the early going, put too much emphasis on the cameras without putting any emphasis on showing real emotion. I also don't like the compact studio and camera angles, but that's just aesthetic.

For reference, go to Youtube and search "paul mccartney stern" - second video down. Notice they don't act to the cameras either, but develop content that works for both mediums in entertaining ways.


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Wasnt the whole point of the video streams to show another element of the show and show the listener/viewer what goes on in the studio which means showing what everyone is doing to put the show in the air. In the Moyles stream all they did was show everyones faces just talking and during a record put up random blurred pictures. this was similar with Scotts BBC3 thing however the normal webcams were used more. For me the est. 1967 day streams were better becuase at least you werent sat with a close up shot, watching Coxy stuff her self with cheese and onion crisps (which she was doing) because they were using the normal webcams. i want more use of the webcams to show everything.

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