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Guest CancerForTheCure
Did she give a good reason?

I hate people who keep you hanging on (excuse the lyrics) and then let you down. Sixth form and late high school was all about that.

I know, and for some reason I always seem to be friends with people like that :S

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It's fireworks night but I'm at home so won't be able to go see any displays apart from whatever I can see out of the window.

Oh well, fireworks are the same every year anyway.

I'm still trying to get interviews with several people but they're all still avoiding me and I've just spent £36 coming back to London for nothing really and going to have a crap dissertation without any interviews and will get a crap degree result :(

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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Pretty much everything to do with university sucks at the moment. I like actually being in Strasbourg but hate the uni, the organisation is terrible and the lecturers seem incapable of giving you straight answers as to what work you're actually supposed to be doing. The fact that I'll essentially be spending the next 6 weeks of my life revising things I'm not interested in for modules I don't like is also getting to me, as is the fact that everyone else seems to be having a whale of a time on their years abroad and going on road trips every weekend, whereas I'm stuck in my prison-cell room in a crappy hall doing revision day after day.

Anyway. Moan over. Just needed to get that off my chest. The one plus point is that I go home 6 weeks on Saturday... even that still seems like ages away though.

So save the last dance

For me my love 'cause I

I see you as an angel freshly fallen from the sky...

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Guest CancerForTheCure
It's fireworks night but I'm at home so won't be able to go see any displays apart from whatever I can see out of the window.

Oh well, fireworks are the same every year anyway.

I'm still trying to get interviews with several people but they're all still avoiding me and I've just spent £36 coming back to London for nothing really and going to have a crap dissertation without any interviews and will get a crap degree result :(

Slippery slope fallacy :D It's always like that, you think you're going to fail everything and suddenly the solution appears out of nowhere. You'll do fine. How long are you staying in London for? Most people find it difficult to say no even when they don't want to be interviewed so keep trying.

Pretty much everything to do with university sucks at the moment.

Oh dear :S I wanted to apply for a year abroad but I'm not so sure anymore... 6 weeks isn't that long, you'll be fine :)

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Well people are actually ignoring me. One of them is the motoring correspondent for a well-known London newspaper. Journalists are notoriously difficult to get hold of but I've phoned him and emailed him with no response. My dad's PDA isn't working so he can't find me the phone number for the person in the police. And the cyclist guy just isn't getting back to me and I don't know where he works so I can't go and pester him. I am in London only till tomorrow or Friday, I need to get back to Nottingham really. Still, I got some useful books for my modules from the local library here.

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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being single again hmph....


i have these really painful insoles i have to use which a consultant gave me. they really hurt my feet...

Sorry to hear about your newly single status. Still, it has some advantages.

My friend went to a consultant last week and got some insoles because apparently he walks funny and his dad does too and it's damaged his dad's joints so he is wearing the funny insoles to correct how he walks.

I'm watching Brief Encounter... didn't think it would be that interesting really but it is quite good and it's distracting me from doing my essay anyhow.

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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Sorry to hear about your newly single status. Still, it has some advantages.

My friend went to a consultant last week and got some insoles because apparently he walks funny and his dad does too and it's damaged his dad's joints so he is wearing the funny insoles to correct how he walks.

I'm watching Brief Encounter... didn't think it would be that interesting really but it is quite good and it's distracting me from doing my essay anyhow.

thats the reason i have them insoles. so uncomfortable

I suppose singledom does have advantages but i prefere not to be in that status. i dunno, i know this really great guy who likes me and i like him but i am gonna wait a bit.

Kitty <3

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The dentist this morning! I was terrified, and it was only the "check-up" stage. I have to have 3 fillings, and a tooth built back up. I went to a new place. I note at least they have R1 as background music, which will make me feel a bit less nervous. I had asked to be sedated, but apparently it takes at least a month to be seen, they have to see your medical background, and you need to have someone with you to help you home. So, I'm gonna go through it non-sedated on November 25th. Groan.

Delta Machine, Depeche Mode - buy NOW !!


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Concentrate on the music Viv. I've had horrible things done at the dentist and find that it helps to just shut my eyes and concentrate on whatever's on the radio, or just any tune that's in my head.

I've just got back to Nottingham and 2 of my housemates just got back from a fieldtrip in Wales. The toilet is leaking and the fridge/freezer is broken so all of our food is going to defrost. Brilliant. The agency and the landlord are rubbish at getting things fixed quickly.

My week at home was a bit of a waste too as I didn't manage to interview anyone because they're all ignoring me and being unhelpful so my dissertation's a bit f**ed.

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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Aww Grace I'm sorry to hear about your argument with your dad. He probably really regrets what he said, even though he may not want to admit it at the moment. Kirsty is right, dads do find it difficult to cope with the thought that their little girl is growing up.

Mike, I hate it when I get woken up early and I'm hungover, makes it feel 100x worse.

I've got to go to campus soon and read through a 63 slide presentation and time it to see how long it takes. It'll probably take waaay over the 40 minutes it's supposed to take. I hate group work and I'm not really sure why I agreed to do some of the presenting. I don't like talking in front of large groups of people, but I suppose that's why it'll be good experience and practice.

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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Having a massive row with my dad in which he told me he didn't like the person I'd become. I'd finally calmed down (he's got a fucking cheek) and wanted to relax to my iTunes library. The first song on shuffle? Daddy's Gone by Glasvegas....

Sounds like you've just outgrown him, and he's threatened at the moment.

My mum tells me to this day I'm a "total embarassement". I just ignore it. :-)

Delta Machine, Depeche Mode - buy NOW !!


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Going to town, but my silly stupid overly-annoying flatmate wants to come too. We're leaving in ten minutes and she still hasn't washed, had breakfast or got dressed yet. I strongly dislike. I have assignments and want to make a start on them, not sat around waiting for her all day!

Alouette...deployer les ailes;

Alouette...plumerai les ailes.

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