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Gordon Smart on Sun Talk


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As Moyles pointed out, Gaunt is a guy who got fired from his national show (on a station full of racists and homophobes, no less) for essentially being an idiot. Now he's reduced to producing a podcast for a newspaper that'll touch barely a 100th of Chris' audience. And everyone hates him. Moyles isn't the only guy who takes pops at him; The Collings and Herrin Podcast made it a weekly feature to rip him apart, I believe Iain Lee may have taken shots, and even George Galloway doesn't like him and showed him to be a wuss when Gaunt wouldn't take Galloway up on a debate challenge. When George Galloway can think low of you and not come off bad because of it, your worth to this country is practically null.


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We are being tormented by 'Gordons'! What is it with these people named Gordon? Perhaps someone ought to set up a campaign to have the name abolished? Let's get The Sun onto the case? Might make life a little easier for everyone.

Just a thought.

Bye bye Brown, Smart, Ramsey...

PS Think Chris Moyles was incredibly restrained not to play Jilted John's Gordon is a Moron this morning.

PPS Sorry if you are a perfectly pleasant person called Gordon and you aren't a moron, I just noticed a trend...

'To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity'.

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"It was an interesting denial, 'we have no plans'"

Well that's interesting in that it is denying your story. Of course Chris will leave at some point. He won't be there forever.

Tomorrow he might as well print BRITNEY GOING TO DIE, because she will at some point.

"no-one wants to start a war with a fat tub of lard"

Then don't call him that you prick. Geeze it's no wonder you're only on an Internet radio station, calling people Nazis goes down REALLY well on the Radio, doesn't it?!

Also, the thing about banter? Fuck off, that's not banter. Printing that in the paper as it appeared online, factually incorrect and it's just pure vile.

"He shouldn't get his gun out and start shooting at me"

Says the one who started attacking the team, questioning the credentials of Aled as a producer and presenter. And Chris was the one with the calm and collected response this morning.

Gordon Smart being interviewed by The Sun is a highly fair and balanced interview.

This interview is something that pretty much every element can be deconstructed as hypocritical or incorrect.

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I've just read that Jon Gaunt interview and I have to laugh... he thinks he's the best presenter in the country and likes American radio such as Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh. Funny, because the two are polar opposites and Gaunt is absolutely nothing like Stern at all because for all the gay jokes and interviews with retards (no, really, one of the Wack Packers calls himself 'Gary The Retard'), Stern is also a supporter of gay rights, mixed-race relations and not calling people nazis. Gaunt is definitely the UK version of Limbaugh, who is successful (unlike Gaunt) and a right-winger with stupid opinions (like Gaunt).

Listening to Richard Herring and Andrew Collins reading extracts from Jon Gaunt's autobiography. They're laughing hysterically at it; it really is so bad.


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