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Sexted My Boss Live


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On 5/15/2024 at 10:55 AM, Jono said:

Did anyone go to the Help I Sexted My Boss events last night?

I wanted to but none of my friends are GnDivas. Was tempted to book a solo cinema trip but I didn’t in the end

They teased on the podcast that it may be available for all to watch at some point, I would love to see it

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On 5/15/2024 at 10:55 AM, Jono said:

Did anyone go to the Help I Sexted My Boss events last night?

I did. Took a solo trip to the cinema. It was really good. Jordan kept telling everyone he wasn’t sacked from R1. I won’t say much more incase folk are going to see the rest of the tour. I enjoyed it tho

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I would definitely pay to watch online.

On 5/15/2024 at 1:06 PM, Wandering Belle said:

I did. Took a solo trip to the cinema. It was really good. Jordan kept telling everyone he wasn’t sacked from R1. I won’t say much more incase folk are going to see the rest of the tour. I enjoyed it tho

Sounds like fun! Could you hear and see everything on stage clearly in the cinema? I thought they must have had an impressive camera and sound set up to make it happen

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On 5/15/2024 at 9:12 PM, Wandering Belle said:

yeah, I could hear everything without a problem. It was pretty impressive. Hopefully they release it. I’m a pretty casual listener to the podcast and I really enjoyed it

Thank you 🙂 I’m really impressed they managed to make it work! Glad you enjoyed it too, definitely hoping to see it at some point

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Sad I missed it @xxladybarefootxx - i was too late for tickets for the live show then I had to skip last night as the nearest cinema was an hour on the train and I had a business trip starting today. I imagine it will be released on Amazon Prime or Netflix. Surreal how big it has become.

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Seen the 1st 2 tours live bit was busy this time around. Jordan has taken shots at r1 in previous ones when asked questions during the dilemma stages and I gather he didn't hold back with things this time either from people who went

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