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Youngest Pregnant person in UK


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It doesn't really surprise me. Not all 11 year olds are the same, but if you look at some of them you can see it was going to happen. I'm personally more worried about what was going on in the 15 year old's mind.

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A boy in my class brought this up yesterday and said, "when I was 11 I didn't even know what sex was!... well I did, but..."

It's really bad though. I've seen enough 11 year olds smoking. The first time I properly had alcohol and got a bit tipsy was when I was 12, but I still think that getting drunk enough to end up having sex at the age of 11 is wrong. I knew a girl who had sex at the age of 11, thankfully she didn't end up pregnant, but the experience messed her up. Can you imagine the future of the country with 63 year old parents and 25 year old grandparents?

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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She can't give consent because she's underage, and under the age where they're lenient, and she was drunk. Consent given under the influence of alcohol is not consent. Good thing they charged him with rape. Sleeping with an 11 year old is sick and wrong.

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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i've heard that girls can get pregnant at 9. its possible.

Depends what time they start to develop i think. Although to be pregnant at that age is very wrong.

i once read a survey that said most young people who engage in sex are 11-14. that was an old survey though, like 1992

Most of it is lies probably. Having sex at that age can cause cancer in later life for girls it stretches and messes around undeveloped places. There is a reason the legal age is 16. Plus at that age they probably say it just to show off to their freinds. Give it another 3 years after 14 usually. They admit it in later life it has been found.

See!? just becuase i am a whacky person dosent mean i am not smart!


on the grid.

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personally I think its absolutely disgusting, the guy got charged for rape I heard yesterday and quite rightly so, maybe she did give consent but she was waaaaaaaay below the legal age.

That's a bit unfair on the guy, :cry: after all he is also below legal age, what do you expect of some 15-year old kid? they are both irresponsible kids.

I would personally blame her mother, who I read on the paper she felt "proud" :shock: , I don't know what kind of pride, if I was her da, I would be on the verge of suicide.

Personally I think that kid shouldn't have had the chance of having sex on the first place, maybe her education wasn't the best either. Kids are now running wild, and parents don't give a :*

<img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y147/mon_da_hoops/Ma-arse.jpg" HEIGHT=68 WIDTH=298>

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a girl can only get pregnant if her periods have started...i think. So its possible a girl can get pregnant at 9.

Trust me, sex education isnt all that great. You dont get the helpful info until you are about 15/16. Kids in primary and the beginning of secondary are only on a need to know basis and find out most stuff from friends, brothers, sisters etc. Most of which is bull.

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That's a bit unfair on the guy, :cry: after all he is also below legal age, what do you expect of some 15-year old kid? they are both irresponsible kids.

I would personally blame her mother, who I read on the paper she felt "proud" :shock: , I don't know what kind of pride, if I was her da, I would be on the verge of suicide.

Personally I think that kid shouldn't have had the chance of having sex on the first place, maybe her education wasn't the best either. Kids are now running wild, and parents don't give a :*

Sorry Paddy but having sex with somebody who isnt even a teeny bopper yet is wrong. I do agree with your point about her mother being "proud" about her daughter keeping the child, I mean dont get me wrong but if my child told me they were pregnant at that age I would be sooo disappointed in them. Maybe the girl deserves credit for keeping the child but as a parent I would feel deeply ashamed.

If anybody was at Dundee for the One Big Weekend and went down town for a visit they will see why Dundee is the teen pregnancy capital of the UK, too many teeny boppers walking around with prams everywhere like its some sort of fasion accessory.

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Of course that having sex with a teenager is wrong and it is worse if that someone isn’t even a teenager.

All I'm saying is that some people might be being a bit hard on the guy, he is only 15 too.

And we don't know enough details about this case.

I'm just 18 and I know some 13/14-year-olds that look much older than me, some of them look like on their mid-20s. I don't know if it is the make up and the clothes or it's just that girls "grow up" quicker than lads.

All I am saying is that if I was at a club and didn't know them, and especially if I was drinking something. I would probably try chatting them up (and I know some of them go to clubs), soon we will have to be careful and start asking for ID. "Naa sorry love, no ID? You are not coming back to mine!".

I don't know about this girl, and fair enough 11 is WAY to young, but the other 15-year-old kid might have really, really thought she was about his same age-group.

15 is not that old either!!

All I am saying… give the kid a chance, you can't really get him done for raping if he didn't rape her, lets not confuse rape and "wrong" sex, rape is a very strong thing.

Hope you understand what I mean, because I think I'm making no sense

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I think I get where your coming from Paddy although I cant say I've met any 11yr olds who look like they are old enough to be in pubs/clubs.

She is obviously not going to look like some-one that would sneak on a club, I am not saying she might have looked like a granny. She will obviously look younger than that, but if a 14-year old looks like a 20-odd-year-old, why can't an 11-year-old look like a 15-year-old?

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