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And the Sexiest Vegetarian of the year is...


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I saw a bloke on the street the other day wearing a t-shirt reading:

PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.

That aside... my university recently won the most vegetarian and vegan friendly UK university award from Peta2. I can't say I noticed any vegan options when I was in Halls.

I'm practically a vegetarian these days. I can hardly bring myself to eat meat.

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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I'm a vegetarian and former pescetarian and not entirely through choice either. I really do not like the taste, smell and overall appearance of red meat. My dislike for red meat was in no way different to any other person's aversion to foods like mushrooms or cheese.

I did eat chicken as a child but gave it up entirely in my mid-teens. Tuna was the only fish I liked and wasn't officially off the menu until I was about 18. I still get cravings for it every now and then though.

Thank god for soya beans. They really are a superfood. They provide you with all the essential proteins you need in your diet in one go; contain more lecithin than eggs (volume for volume) and more calcium than cow's milk. Soya milk is okay, but being as I'm not a vegan, I still consume cow's milk. Soya is also rich in isoflavones I believe, which are known for their cancer-fighting abilities.

Aside from the pleasure provided by men's willies, meat of any kind hasn't passed the threshold of my mouth in nearly 7 years.

Oh and Tobey Maguire <3

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I've never liked red meat either. I refused to eat pork from an early age and my parents wouldn't let me eat beef because they were scared of BSE. I can't eat red meat anyway now because I can't digest the fat in it. I can't stand the feel of raw chicken and I'm paranoid about getting food poisoning from it so I don't like to cook it or eat it really. I won't eat duck because they're my favourite animals. I can't eat cheese either. I eat fish maybe once or twice a week and the rest of the time I eat vegetarian food, given the choice. At the moment though, I'm at home, where my parents don't believe that a meal without meat, fish or cheese could possibly be nutritious.

Out of choice, the only animal products I eat are skimmed milk and yoghurt. Vegetarianism/veganism seems a lot healthier. Has anyone ever met an obese vegan?

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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Guest CancerForTheCure

I've been a vegetarian for about 3 or 4 years thanks to my vegetarian friend who told me to try it for one week - and it just stayed that way. I feel much better as a vegetarian and I don't think I could ever go back to eating meat. However, I eat fish - I don't think I could live without tuna. My boyfriend is also a vegeterian. He, however, doesn't eat fish. He is one of those who pick up spiders and put them in the garden just to avoid killing them.

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I'm not convinced by veganism. I appreciate the ethical arguments for veganism but it doesn't persuade me to ditch cheese or cow's milk or even honey. <3 honey.

I'm disturbed by fruitarians. I think that's veganism taken to a whole new level of malnutrition.

If I recall correctly from my GCSE Food & Nutrition days, some of the health benefits of vegetarianism include a general low blood pressure AND a lower risk of developing high blood pressure than non-vegetarians. Reduced risk of contracting heart disease. Reduced cancer risk due to consuming less fat coupled with a higher intake of fibre and eating more fruit & veg. We also have a lower risk of developing diabetes due to our lighter bodies and high fibre intake.

We do have less iron and zinc in our diet however. I just occasionally snack on sunflower seeds (for increased zinc and iron) and make sure I'm eating cereal with a higher iron dosage.

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Since I discovered that I am intolerant to animal fat, I have been amazed by the amount of saturated fat in the food my parents convinced me was healthy (lasagne, spaghetti bolognaise, most red meat dishes).

In one of my modules, the lecturers organised a group debate about agricultural pollution from dairy farms. My group were representing Friends of the Earth. Another group was representing the Cows' perspective. This group got carried away with presenting graphic images of the slaughter of cows and also the abuses cows go through for the production of milk. They then told us that we should all go vegan. I'm not convinced that going vegan is the answer, however I think that most people consume too many animal products.

Eating meat is also inefficient with the growing shortages of wheat and corn, as a lot of energy is wasted by feeding food which could be eaten by humans to animals, which produce less food for humans. This is another reason why I don't believe in eating meat.

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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I love meat and no amount of anything is gonna convince me otherwise....actually my sister is a hard line veggie and my brother in law is basically a carnivore, the only veg he eats is potatoes and baked beans....

they have fun cooking a sunday roast.

Sometimes here, sometimes not.

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Personally I couldn't do the whole veggie thing as I like meat too much although I do have a fairly balanced diet. *goes off to make a bacon sandwich with both brown and tomato sauce*

I saw a bloke on the street the other day wearing a t-shirt reading:

PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.

I've have that t-shirt some where at home :oops:

Download the Adam and Joe & Jon Richardson podcasts now!

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