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Unofficial Mills

Do you still have CDs?


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Last night I was in bed and managed to knock a load of CDs on to my head when stretching. Now considering removing them from my room all together as they take up a bit of space and what with the download revolution they're surplus. But do you still have CDs in your room?

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Yes I have 2 huge racks of CDs. I keep them all ordered by letter (but not actually alphabetically ordered - I don't have that much patience or time) and if I want to listen to Oasis, for example, I go to the 'O' shelf, pick out the CD I want and put it in my CD player. I bought 3 new CDs last week. Downloads just feel like I'm paying for nothing so I like to have the solid CDs. Also my laptop slows down when I'm playing music so it's good to separate the music playing from whatever else I'm trying to do.

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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I got loads of them, scattered around my bedroom. I do have a rack, but I can never be bothered stacking them. Besides, I find them easier when they're scattered :D Chaos theory, see? (Pun intended hehe)

The most heroic act is the one that no-one knows about.

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Most of them have been ripped and are stored in our loft. But I still have about a hundred or so in a rack which I've listen to or just bought. Rip at decent quality and get into storage and back them up otherwise when your hard drive fails you will have to spend days putting them all backing on.

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Erm, I have a few older ones and I've started buying some more recently too :) I usually stick them on when nobody else is home so I can listen to them really loud. Or I buy I copy or the album I really liked, after having it downloaded.

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I have quite a lot of CDs, and still buy albums on disc, generally. I keep them under my bed, so they're easily accessible because my group of friends generally borrow each other's CDs a lot.

Yeah, my friends are like that, too. Just today I had to ask if I could borrow more Interpol as I lost the original ones.

I have so many CDs I'm actually banned from buying them now, and mine are all stored in such an order you'd cry.

Alouette...deployer les ailes;

Alouette...plumerai les ailes.

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