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Unofficial Mills

Fancy some pancakes?


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Some Christians from a church nearby brought the ingredients for pancake mix round to our house, a bag of flour and a pint of milk and some eggs and a lemon, it was very generous but a bit weird. Trying to reach out to students or something.

Three of my housemates made pancakes. None of them had ever made them before, the first few were more like pancake bits. There's now flour all over the kitchen and the bowl they used remains unwashed because they all claim it's someone else's job to do it.

I can't eat pancakes but I found that tortilla wraps work surprisingly well microwaved and covered with lemon juice and sugar.

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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I made some pancakes yesterday, so it was a 'Happy Belated Panckake Day!!' for me! :) Now, I'm a pretty low-tech guy, but I decided to take astab at using a digital cam (yikes! :shock:) I think I did ok though! (Remember, I'm not very photgenic! :hahaha:) I'm not quite sure how to make the pictures smaller, so these will have to do!


Firstly, get the old apron on! (Yes, thats me!)


Mix up the stuff...


Whack it in the frying pan till it looks like this!


And then, enjoy :hahaha: yum...

The most heroic act is the one that no-one knows about.

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Off-topic, but I love the new high megapixel cameras for printed stills, but for online use the images are just too damn big...

Also, few of us have to think about internet speed limits anymore so don't think twice about shrinking files or images before uploading.

An alternative is to upload your pics to something like photobucket or flikr and link to them from here, instead of attaching...

Good advice DC - useful tool too.

I fancy pancakes for breakfast now...

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