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Food Scares


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I just watched Should I Worry About...Salmon? and it made me wonder how you interpret and use information about food scares. For example, would you buy a paper if the headline says "Proof that salmon gives you cancer"? Would the story be enough to stop you eating the food in question, even if you didn't understand exactly why you should?

My take on it is to wait and see if it all blows over; if it doesn't, or someone comes up with absolute proof, I'll think about it then, but I won't stop eating something just because a newspaper runs a headline saying we'll all be dead within 10 years without any actual proof, or without explaining it in layman's terms. If it's not worth translating it for us, then it can't be worth worrying about.

(I realise this is slightly grown up for me, but go with it, 'cause a show starring a certain 'Hamster' did give me the idea)

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I never get papers to read those kind of stories. To be honest, there's that many of these scare stories that if you believed every single one, there's be nothing left for you to eat!! I am careful with certain things - salt intake, etc. but I don't go overboard.

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I live of Pasta. I have no need to worry about "food scare". If you dont eat you have nothing to be sacred about. x

From a very guick Google:




And they're just the first 3 stories I found. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to scare you, more trying to prove the point that these stories are stupid and pretty much every food has been linked with cancer/some other disease in the last couple of years.

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