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oo how I love my new avatar!

Oveall today has been rubbish,woke up this morning feeling like worse for wear and Mum and Dad made me go looking round houses with them which wasnt too intresting,tonight ive got to start revising and also take my mates birthday prezzie to her..


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I feel rough today, hayfever is in full force and my eyes are streaming, my throat hurts and I've got an annoying cough. And I gotta go to school tomorrow. But I saw a friend today, so it's not so bad, we made cakes then ate all the cakes (I've got stomach ache from it now though) and we watched the Princess Diaries on TV. The end of school seems scarily close.

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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I feel absolutley rubbish again today,got dragged outta the house at 8am to go to Whitby and visit family friends who are moving to Harrogate soon,we ended up getting lost in Scarborough which wasnt too amusing but yeah..have these family friends coming over tonight to stay at ours while they go house hunting,so I reckon its the sofa for me tonight.


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I went to school today... so not so good. Just about managed to stay awake, but I gotta get up earlier tomorrow and by Friday I'll barely take anything in. But hey, it beats trying to revise by myself at home. And my hayfever went away in Brighton :)

'Forget happiness I'm fine, I'll forget everything in time'

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I had a weird brainwave of watching classic Tupac videos. Then researching what happened to popstar "Lolly" from 1999/2000. Aparently she works on Nickelodeon now...

I'm sure she will be on the wonder years.

on the grid.

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Last night was a looooooonnnng evening, started playing Trivial Pursuit on the PS2 at around 6PM, didnt end playing the game until after 10PM. Absolutely drained after that brainwashing experience!!!

Today is another mind numbing day at work which is going to be interuppted soon with a meeting. On the plus side the Celtic V Rangers Footy tickets arrived today in the post which is pretty good :)

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I had a weird brainwave of watching classic Tupac videos. Then researching what happened to popstar "Lolly" from 1999/2000. Aparently she works on Nickelodeon now...

I'm sure she will be on the wonder years.

#Oh Mickey your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey#

Did she have any other songs?

God how sad I even know what was probably her only hit lol

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Im still absolutley rubbish,had family friends over last night and they stayed the night so I ended up sleeping on the sofa,didnt go into school to record this morning got my Mum to ring up cos I didnt feel up to it(I actually couldnt be bothered but hey..)

And This afternoon we're probs going to look round estate agents and houses for ourselves and our family friends again.


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This morning as above..this afternoon Mum thought she would take me to the doctors cos I looked really bad,they told me Ive started with the Flu virus thats going round but instead of going back to bed I went looking round some houses and then shopping.


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Just been out for a meal with my mates which was totally unexpected when they turned up on my door at 6:30pm and I was looking worse for wear.We were making up for the Pizza hut incident that happened a couple of weeks back and we got into the posh italian restuarent with the Hot waiters which brightenend up my day.

Twas a right laugh and we got served really quickly(mabye cos we were loud)but the best bit was us talking french to the Italian waiters ha.

Off to Rosies tonight even though ive got this virus but hey I need to run off this meal.


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Juts had rosie round and she pushed me into the flowers downstairs and they fell off of the table..after a glass of white wine and a couple of paracetamols they didnt go well together made me feel worse but was good having a good friend round to keep me company,and we were singing to Gwen Stefani :D:D


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