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Unofficial Mills

9th March to 15th March 2008


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No I'm with Scott on this. It confuses me. I used to always turn my phone off at petrol stations, but no one does that any more. When phones first came out we used to do that all the time and loads of posters.

Now everyone has them on and it's hardly noticeable. I used to panic when we'd be on a bus and they'd stop off near a station as no one could be arsed to switch them off.

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I can't somehow imagine Scott in a petrol station using a petrol pump. Bet he gets someone else to do it for him.

It's true, a normal plane has never successfully landed on water - so what is it with this lifebelt nonsense?

'To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity'.

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it was proven on brainiac that mobile phones don't affect the petrol inside the pumps. richard hammond and some brainiacs put lots of mobiles inside a caravan with loads of open tubs of petrol, and rang all the mobile at the same time and nothing happened!

the thinking behind it is, if you drop your mobile phone in a petrol station there is a very small chance that the battery could cause a spark which could have dire consequences. I once read this in a petrol station. It is a very very small chance, surely any metal object falling could cause a spark !

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it was proven on brainiac that mobile phones don't affect the petrol inside the pumps. richard hammond and some brainiacs put lots of mobiles inside a caravan with loads of open tubs of petrol, and rang all the mobile at the same time and nothing happened!

the thinking behind it is, if you drop your mobile phone in a petrol station there is a very small chance that the battery could cause a spark which could have dire consequences. I once read this in a petrol station. It is a very very small chance, surely any metal object falling could cause a spark !

Bit silly though. It's not happened yet. We're more likely to die from the radiation!

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I've been to a hospital and told to turn my phone off only for a doctor be on one!

When I was in hospital earlier this year, patients and staff were using mobile phones whenever they felt like it.

Only one ward I was on told a patient they're not aloud to use their mobile phone. But even then, they didn't actually stop them using it.

When I was moved to another ward, all the patients were using their phones and so were the staff. And there was me being all good and leaving my phone off. Well, until I'd been in that ward for a while and I just decided "hahahaha it - everyone is allowed to".

I did have my phone on silent though (eventhough nobody else did), because I think if you're going to have your phone on in hospital, it shouldn't be allowed to bother other patients by constantly ringing, or beeping to tell you that you have a text message.

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It probably just plays havoc with those electronic measure things and reduces your bill!

"Battery powered equipment such as mobile phones, pagers, and cameras represent a potential ignition source."

When has anyone ever turned their camera off?

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We were told at various levels of Physics (A-Level and Uni) of the dangers of using a mobile in a petrol station, but that the real danager was actually in switching it on/off

That's what I wondered. Surely turning it on and off will cause more of a spark, so we're actually making it worse turning it off!

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    • He’s definitely gotten better and the show has sounded fine this week. I think it been at its best when it’s been Katie and Jamie or Vick and Katie. Vick and Jamie are ok together, but I do think the show sounds better when it’s Vick and Katie and therefore I still don’t really understand the point of the trio.    Jamie is, however, a lot better than Danny Beard! 
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    • Agree with this. The anti-Jamie feeling was IMO quite influenced by the negativity around him replacing Jordan, since Jordan was exceptional and also universally loved. When people mention Danny and Jamie in the same sentence about bad hiring decisions I almost choke - Jamie may not be perfect but he's several leagues better than Danny already and has bags of potential. Danny is poor and has shown zero potential...
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    • Do these audience figures reflect Jordan leaving and Jamie replacing him?
    • I think Jamie is really starting to settle into the role well. He comes across as really warm, and genuinely invested in the listeners when he’s talking to them which is nice. I think he’s building a really great relationship with Vicki and Katie too. His recent great company podcast is great too, where he has quite a deep chat with someone new each week. He’s clearly a very genuine person and I think he has some real potential.
    • Most probably. But do wonder what the future of the relax themed programmes will be when they officially wind down that service.
    • I think it's just to replace Wind Down presents... which was in that timeslot, and I'm guessing Chillout Anthems was just a buffer since it'll still be played at 06:00 on Sundays.
    • With listening on the U.K. for the industry in general it is good overall as most stations reach is on the up and shows radio to be more sustainable and stable outlet than linear televisions channels. This RAJAR I think with the increase shift to DAB+ the BBC will be able to say it has it’s audiences for the proposed new stations it wishes to launch and think the new innovative ideas that it seems Jack himself can take credit for on the new music show think the younger under 30 gen z demographic could increase se in that time-slot. 
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    • Rajar looking healthy this quarter, with the numbers staying fairly stable. 
    • It's made it into the Daily Mail as another reason to bash the station. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13417631/bbc-radio-2-facebook-tiktok-instagram.html  
    • I expect that the axing of Chill Out Anthems may be related to the decommissioning and shutfdown of Radio 1 Relax. I assume soon BBC could announce or make official when it’s going to be shutdown
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