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Unofficial Mills

Nat and James this week


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Not often we get 2 daytime shows changed in one week and a pretty different feel to what Dean and vicky usually offer this week, but dare I say it - much better.

I prefer Nat when she's got someone like him to bring it back down to earth. James showing why he's a brilliant R1 presenter yet again for these shows... very relatable, very witty with his turn of phrase and one liners and creative again with a new radio feature, dating faking. He said on air it's another one he thought of down the pub!

Without a doubt he's one of the strongest new presenters by himself but I'd definitely listen to this show again. You can have all the Jamie laings in the world, but he's got that Scott/Jordan 'I'm one of you' factor that Radio 1's missing especially now Jordan has jumped ship.

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There's a lot of decent cover that I'm surprised Radio 1 hasn't turned to recently given how many have been off. What happened to Greggor? It's good they have some freely available to present from Salford.

At the moment I think Sam and Danni should be Radio 1's focus for promotion on daytimes.

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