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I was surprised when Moyles started making anti-Scientology remarks this morning. Of course we've had other internet fads and memes publicised on Radio 1 in the past, notably Chocolate Rain and South Carolina Answers a Question, but this was the first time I've heard a reference to the serious business of the internet. I'm expecting to see him in a V mask chanting "never forget, never forgive" next :)

Yes, it has occurred to me that maybe Chris just wanted to mock Scientology without any internet input at all - after all we can all see it's not a religion and doesn't deserve any respect. Knowing that he games on the 360 though, he has to be at least in touch with people who are aware of the feelings of some message board users towards Scientology, and aware of the concept of anonymous.

Leading on from the increasing referencing of the internet, it's starting to look inevitable that the whole of entertainment will eventually be available mainly via one internet-based medium. I'm wondering if that'll lead to problems, such as conflicts over the very censorship to which the internet community is currently so averse? Family friendly stations like our own dear Radio 1 for example would surely want to be using a safe and family friendly medium.

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I actually thought this was very poor, Moyles mocking Scientology and saying he wasn't going to watch a TV show because the star is a Scientologist. I know he is allowed to get away with it because the UK does not consider it a religion, but lots of people do and I felt it was a bit off to be honest.

And regarding internet censoship, people will mainly go to trusted sites, eg the BBC and just be aware that anything outside that may be age restricted.

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Guest CancerForTheCure

To be honest I don't see why he shouldn't be able to get away with it "even" if he was criticising Christianity, political correctness is a bit of a joke really.

Also, I love the way someone can just create a religion and suddenly there ae hundreds of followers. Has anyone read 'Scepticism Inc'? My boyfriend's favourite book, I'm glad he made me read it. People go a bit insane when it comes to religions, to be honest.

Believe it or not, I am a Christian.

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I actually thought this was very poor, Moyles mocking Scientology and saying he wasn't going to watch a TV show because the star is a Scientologist.

Maybe but I have to say I have never looked at the show the same way since. Which from what I heard, was the point he was trying to make.

I caught My Name Is Earl for the first time in ages last night, and just couldn't look at Earl the same way. I didn't immediately think "Scientologist" but something made me think differently of him.

It was a weird feeling. I can't say I do the same with any other religion.

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Scientology isn't a religion. It's not regarded as one in the UK anyway, and hopefully never will be. It makes far less sense than the cult of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and there are certain things about it which many people consider to be bordering on evil. Generally it is a way of making money out of people who probably really need counselling or even psychiatric help, instead of that help they are asked to pay for "auditing". The Science Fiction behind it would be laughed out of a cheap comic book. A spaceship that looked like a plane, a volcano and Thetans.

Regarding the other point, I suppose programs that protect children from "adult" content will sell very well if all entertainment ends up on the internet. Any child of 10 or thereabouts should be able to hack such a program though, as it's still true that in general young people know far more about being a user and how to find information, legal or not, than most adults do.

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Leading on from the increasing referencing of the internet, it's starting to look inevitable that the whole of entertainment will eventually be available mainly via one internet-based medium. I'm wondering if that'll lead to problems, such as conflicts over the very censorship to which the internet community is currently so averse? Family friendly stations like our own dear Radio 1 for example would surely want to be using a safe and family friendly medium.

I doubt that will happen for quite a while yet as not only does the UK's internet infrastucture lag behind many other countries but the vast majority of ISPs don't want to pay for the bandwidth such a service would use (the iplayer argument being a prime example).

There's also the fact that people still want a physical product at the end of the day) although dvds could go the way of cds I suppose. I like the fact that I am able to a tv programme hours after it has aired in america(lost, dexter etc) as I don't want to subscribe to sky.

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I caught My Name Is Earl for the first time in ages last night, and just couldn't look at Earl the same way. I didn't immediately think "Scientologist" but something made me think differently of him.

It was a weird feeling. I can't say I do the same with any other religion.

I get that when I find a person believes in gods. Tooth fairy, easter bunny, invisible friends and god, all the same thing to me, figments of the imagination.

'The light at the end of the tunnel was the light of an oncoming train'

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I wonder if their deadly enemies are Thefaketans?

I'll get me coat...

:D that actually made me laugh out loud.

"In Scientology, a thetan is the term roughly corresponding to one's "soul", and a Body Thetan is an alien thetan who is 'stuck' in, on or near a human "meat body" because of activities of an ancient Space opera alien named Xenu of the Galactic Confederacy. All human bodies were said by L. Ron Hubbard to be covered in clusters of these misplaced thetans"

It's not really the most credible belief system now, is it?

Even so, no-one wants to ban silly or incredible beliefs, just to be allowed to openly oppose them and harmful actions which may stem from them.

I think the problem with bandwidth might temporarily slow the movement of all entertainment to the internet but better and better cable is being laid all the time, my ISP offers a 20mb no cap on downloads option already.

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I actually thought L. Ron Hubbard in creating Scientology was attempting to parody the nonsensical absurdities of the mainstream religions by devising something that seemed even more idiotic, sinister and incredible, that he had an amazing sense of humour and that, ultimately, he was attempting to suppose people are foolish enough to believe in anything, without question, if their contemporaries do...

But he was being serious. Deadly serious. Worse, he got people to believe it and accept it as truth :shock:

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'Weirdo worshippers of Science Fiction' Vs 'Bonkers believers in the Bible'

Whilst I obviously recognise that Scientology is some sort of closely guarded, pretty dodgy cult, based entirely on the most tenuous and to be frank, pretty crap Science Fiction stories, I can't help thinking that this is what religion is about in general.

There are many people in the world who choose to take their personal religion's stories seriously, often even literally. George Bush is for example an Evangelical Christian; which means he quite literally believes in the stories Adam and Eve, Noah, Jesus and any other nonsense you can think of from The Bible.

I have a problem with this, as I believe in morals and ethics rather than religion. I also don't approve of all of the secrecy when it comes to certain religions/cults etc.

Another thing I'm not too keen on is the fact that Scientology and Opus Dei (Roman Catholic) sects are recruiting some of the most wealthy/influential people in the world. Bet Posh 'n' Becks have already begun to attend the Church of Scientologists in downtown LA!.;)

I have my own system of beliefs. It's as simple as that.

'To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity'.

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  • Posts

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    • I think Jamie is really starting to settle into the role well. He comes across as really warm, and genuinely invested in the listeners when he’s talking to them which is nice. I think he’s building a really great relationship with Vicki and Katie too. His recent great company podcast is great too, where he has quite a deep chat with someone new each week. He’s clearly a very genuine person and I think he has some real potential.
    • Most probably. But do wonder what the future of the relax themed programmes will be when they officially wind down that service.
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