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Unofficial Mills

9th to 20th April 2007

Guest Unofficial Mills

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Seeing as I wasn't here haha, too lazy to move out of bed...

I though the show was really good haha, especially the avril song, I should just sing that for my spanish and german exams.

I'm not sure about record of the week yet, I think it will probaly grow on me though.

I love hearing the old clips too, i kept laughing aloud, thankfully nobody was up! haha

So i suppose feeling tired is ok, it was worth it :P haha

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*yawn* I slept through my alarm. :rolleyes: Thankfully, I'd set the Sky+!

Really enjoyed the show, especially hearing the older clips again. I was wishing for Chappers' Grandma impression though! The Easter Egg hunt was genius! Mum couldn't believe what was happening! She likes listening to Scott when he's on in the morning, I think she prefers it to the afternoon mainly because I'm not faffing around in the kitchen while she's trying to cook! Though I did get a weird look when UM was mentioned and I got all proud. :oops:

Also, that 9.30 gossip bit was brilliant. David Tennant and Top Gear in one segment? Classic! :tup:

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Brilliant, all we need now is that simple GMTV style question and we're well set up. No Chopper? Has the Arctic Monkeys bumped him off for yesterday? Or was he so compelled to go to a carboot sale?

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IIIII'm going to hospital in an hour or two. I cannot wait :rolleyes:

Hmmm I was going to say we needed an excited Cheggers as well, but from the few minutes I heard of Letitita's show, it seems he's cropping up everywhere shouting about the arctic monkeys. That'll do.

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Today of course is that historic day where the 'day time' section of the Radio 1 message boards closes. I'm welling up already... I hate bank holidays. Every programme seemed to be football, and local radio was full of sport.

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I personally like the fact that Moyles didn't promote the MCR tickets at all, and the giveaway started at 10am. But because Scott's on breakfast they start it at 7am.

Is that why they got rid of Chopper? Because you're going to have to listen out for Alex Turner? And clearly the Sheffield and Mancunian accents are very similar...

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Oh I know what he means about setting the phone, I had Kaiser Chief's Ruby to go off. Wasn't really happening, but it did eventually do the trick. Oh for gods sake, why does myspace have to have so many noisey adverts. Everything you go near makes a sound.

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