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SamChisholm last won the day on June 6 2021

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About SamChisholm

  • Birthday 09/09/2005

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  • Twitter: @samchisholm_1

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  • Name: Sam Chisholm

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  1. Not sure how much I trust this: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13091983/Radio-1-legend-Jordan-Norths-new-job-REVEALED-leaving-BBC-following-decade-air-set-replace-beloved-DJ-rival-station.html
  2. I know this is way too late but the voice of R1 Breakfast (female) is Beth Lishmund:
  3. Is that on the schedule because i can't find it?
  4. @HoodedGumboot They will come might be a while though as I'm busy with exams and stuff.
  5. The first few episodes of the podcast are now on spotify.
  6. I think they are both great
  7. Edit: If you are reading this in the future then the live stream is available to re-watch here: https://www.capitalfm.com/news/music/mistajam-friends-live-weekender/
  8. We are still editing and I hope to get the rest done in the next few weeks.
  9. I completely agree here. Dance Anthems was a bit of a let down to be fair.
  10. Probably already been covered but Arielle Free is covering Charlie on Dance anthems, which I am well up for. Unless the show isn't as normal.
  11. What about Greg? He won't be moving, will he? The article makes it clear Clara is one of the most important presenters
  12. True they give you a break to refill your drink and I would rather have ads than not at all.
  13. https://www.globalplayer.com/live/capital/uk/ this is just incredible.
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