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Our Friends in America...


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Just hope everyone is safe and well over there and i'm thinking of everyone affected by the storms

Yeah everyone over here in england is thinking about you guys,hope everyone is ok who is a member on the forum,or even if your browsing the forum at the moment register with us,we hope you are all safe and well.


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Thanks for the well wishes. I don't live in the New Orleans or Mississsippi gulf coast area, but everyone is devastated by what has happened there. I was just in New Orleans about 3 weeks ago, and to see what has happened to it on the news is unbelievable. The worst part is seeing some of the violence and looting that has taken place as people have gotten desperate. (New Orleans has long been one of the most violent cities in the U.S. anyway, and this tradgedy, I'm afraid, will bring that element out even more). But I certainly hope for the best and would like to thank everyone in the UK for thinking about us. After all, no matter whether it is tradgedies like the hurricane here in the U.S. or like the horrible bombings in London, we are all together and always benefit from each others support.

Also, as a sidenote, one of the major things that has happened since the hurricane hit is a huge increase in gas prices here in the U.S. I am not sure if you are hearing about them on the news there or not, but prices have jumped from about $2.50 a gallon to $4.00, $5.00, and even $6.00 a gallon in some areas. I know you have been accustomed to prices like this already in the UK for years, but this sudden jump here is really causing a bit of a panic. It is due to the fact that many of the oil refineries in the U.S. are located in that region and have been shut down or badly damaged.

Anyway, thanks again for all your thoughts and well wishes. We will need them. I am now hearing that New Orleans will have to be completely evacuated and may remain empty for up to 6 months.

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Its true in situations like this that communities really do get together to pick up the pieces. We did it on 7/7 and, although more have been affected by Katrina, i'm sure people in New Orleans will all work together with the help of people from other areas and start rebuilding lives

take control

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For some reason I am thinking America hasn't had things so good since the turn of 2000. I mean things just haven't been going right for them. Was watchin the ews today and it seems that they may need outside help. Looks like Britan may have to gear up as well...

on the grid.

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yeah,katrina has devastated the world,and now in new orleans there has been that shooting all the damage is mounting up.

All the people are being evacuated to cities in america texas hopefully

Lets hope that they are able to sort out new orleans quite soon so people will be able to get back to their normal lives.


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To be honest, we were like that to them on 9/11. But it wasn't like we were nasty about it. It was like "we had years of northern ireland, and we have come out of it". It was support, there were mabie a few Americans who were comparing 7/7 and 9/11 to try and make it out that they were stronger (which is stupid, becuase we are both as strong as each other). But overall they were supportive, but they didn't overshadow us or speak about it that much becuase they knew we could handle this ourselves.

If they do need us though, we have to help. Becuase thats what we do.

on the grid.

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If they do need us though, we have to help. Because that's what we do

Yes, this event is truly catastrophic and my sympathies lie with those effected by this disaster. But...

The USA is rich. Very rich. Very, very rich. It doesn't require external financial support to overcome this disaster. True, perhaps, it has soaring mountains of debt and owes an estimated $7.5 trillion+, but this country is like no other when it comes to financial (and military) competence and unlike the many countries of Africa, who cannot effectively overcome their perennial disasters, the USA doesn't require the world's help (neither, might we note, has it asked for it) only its sympathy and friendly support.

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Once again, thanks for all the well wishes for us here in the U.S. It is very sad to see the way things are breaking down in New Orleans and the extremely slow and unorganized response by the government. Also, the looting and violence is very sad, but these people are becoming very desperate now. One piece of information that some may not know is that New Orleans is a very poor city overall with lots of people who simply had no way of going anywhere. This is also why it has had the highest violent crime rate of any major U.S. city for several years now. So basically, this really couldn't have happened in a worse place.

But once again, thanks for your continued sympathy and support. And yes, many of us did care very much about the UK tradgedy on 7/7 and offered our support and prayers. It is sad that things like this happen anywhere in the world, and we must pull together and not argue amongst each other when tradgedies like this occur. As far as Bush and the government go; also please know that not all of us are arrogant Americans who blindly support Bush. I didn't vote for him last time and almost half of us didn't. Also, according to a new poll, his popularity rating is now at an all time low of 40 percent. Personally, I am a democrat and was a big supporter of former president Clinton, and I think he was much more in touch with the world and with real people. He seemed much more globally minded and not so quick to go off on his own.

Anyway, as I said, I don't want to get political, but I just wanted to say thanks for caring and hopefully we will all get through this tradgedy together. I certainly love the U.K. based on all I know about it, and I would love to visit someday. I also want to extend a welcome opening for anyone to visit us here in the U.S. Also, I understand why many view the U.S. in the way that they do, and just know, we aren't all as arrogant and unwilling to co-operate as it often seems.

Once again, thanks for welcoming me into this forum and yes, I am still loving "Radio 1" and am learing more and more every day.

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I still think i like Bush better than Kerry. What botherd me about him is that if America got attacked he would be too soft on the enemy and let them walk all over the US. I dont think Bush is too bad, i try not to jump on the bandwagon and hate for little reason, the same with Blair. I think of it as if the opposition got in it would be way worse (as if Howard got in here).

Clinton blew Bush and Kerry out of the water. Although he gets looked at for his affair, he is only human and you have to put that aside and realise that he was a good sincere guy. I thought he was at least.

Glad you are enjoying Radio 1! Dont forget to turn off between 1-4 becuase of who is on! Then back on at 4 of couse! :D

on the grid.

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    • I think Jamie is really starting to settle into the role well. He comes across as really warm, and genuinely invested in the listeners when he’s talking to them which is nice. I think he’s building a really great relationship with Vicki and Katie too. His recent great company podcast is great too, where he has quite a deep chat with someone new each week. He’s clearly a very genuine person and I think he has some real potential.
    • Most probably. But do wonder what the future of the relax themed programmes will be when they officially wind down that service.
    • I think it's just to replace Wind Down presents... which was in that timeslot, and I'm guessing Chillout Anthems was just a buffer since it'll still be played at 06:00 on Sundays.
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