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  1. GeekTalk51

    Greg's new contract

    I wonder if this was always on the cards and is why Jordan has jumped - 2-3 more years of Greg and he’d be in Scott Mills territory of being passed over for Breakfast in favour of a younger DJ.
    4 points
  2. GeekTalk51

    Greg's new contract

    Smart from Radio 1 - you don’t want to lose Greg anytime soon now there’s no clear successor. Anyone know how long a contract renewal would be for? Another year?
    2 points
  3. If they're really keen and dead set on having Dean for breakfast that might have been the reason, or one of the reasons. I think he'll thrive at Capital but there's no getting away from the loss for r1 is huge.
    2 points
  4. I was thinking last night this is one hell of a gamble for Jordan what if breakfast doesn’t work out for him on capital he gave up the chance of breakfast on radio 1
    2 points
  5. You do wonder what went on with Dean covering Breakfast in the first week of the new year now. When Vick returned from her honeymoon she asked on-air to Jordan "why weren't you doing breakfast?" and he gave some weird reply about Katie being busy but Dean did it alone so easily Jordan could have. The question was probably staged. These big moves don't happen overnight so there is one of two things here, either the discussions were already starting and Radio 1 didn't want him on Breakfast or Dean covering Breakfast sent a very negative signal to Jordan and he was more open to an offer to Capital. Jordan probably didn't want to leave but career wise he has had to make the jump. (No doubt a bigger salary figured too). No doubt either Aled or Jordan will spill the beans sometime...but I sniff a story here.
    1 point
  6. It wasn't good at all. I do feel like Katie thistleton should be moved up to daytime now, it's long overdue. I'm not sure what they see in Ore either, I find him a bit flat and basic, I don't know what he stands for. He's also struggled to do anything other than shouts, or talk about himself and how he's from London. For comparison, James Cusack's shows have been far better in terms of quality, his warmth and what he's about and a huge leap in entertainment factor. Both Katie and James should be on more
    1 point
  7. I think the key phrase is "chance of breakfast on Radio 1" - he had no guarantee of it and as said various times on here - time was starting to run against him. Plus add in some of the high profile surprising decisions - Dean & Vicky, Jamie Laing - he could easily have been passed over. And actually - it's totally not impossible that he goes to Capital Breakfast and comes back to Radio 1 to take over from Greg. Highly unlikely but if the BBC really really wanted him for that gig, nothing to stop it happening.
    1 point
  8. Fran

    Hot Recurrents

    Party Anthems and Workout Anthems (also played on Dean & Vicky after 2 and Breakfast on Fridays) refreshes every so often but regular Anthems don’t. They still keep playing the same blocks from many years ago. I reckon the recent regular Anthems refresh is replacing some Taylor Swift songs with Taylor’s Version.
    1 point
  9. lochnessa

    Mega Massive Mondays

    Yeah I don't know if it's just getting tired of the day in general but I thought Matt, Arielle and Sian were so delightful I was excited for the rest of the day. Now I'm so over it.
    1 point
  10. Time to go back to the basics I feel. Play some good songs and entertain the audience with some good presenter content, not silly games with random presenters. I can see why some people have said it's turned cringe recently. Any chance we can have Scott and Chris back with Granny Tinder?
    1 point
  11. I do think this is worrying times for radio 1. As an old head I recall Moyles leaving but you felt there was a solid guaranteed future for the station. Scott still there, big experienced names to sort stuff out when it got tough. It was the same when Mark and Lard went, Simon Mayo, Chris Evans etc years and years back. But now it feels like with Jordan North going it's going to sound like a load of teenagers giggling amongst themselves. And I point to mid mornings on that imo. Radio 1 need a big young star who can present, and who's already popular to come in and create a fuss. And I mean someone who can be relevant for the next gen, not radio 1s current target audience. Aim for 2030.
    1 point
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