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Unofficial Mills

31/10/2006 - Tuesday


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<font size="1"><B>Running Order</b>

4.25 - Chappers' Halloween Rant

4.35 - George's Night Out

4.46 - Psycho Kid Update

5.10 - El Chombo Update

5.17 - Bread Guy Update

5.31 - Celebrity Growler

6.30 - The Hoff</font>

<b>Afternoon Banter</b>

Last night Scott went out with the Newsbeat team. He had some interesting jokes to tell from Natalie Jamieson, but couldn't possibly tell them on air. What's more shocking, the jokes or Newsbeat team members having lives? George was there with her partner, and she'd had quite a bit to drink. To finish her night off she was sick in her next door neighbour's garden. Lovely.

The show also got their hands on the El Chombo single which is out on the 11th of December. There was much love coming in for this single, which is so crap, it's really worth getting. Why not start a crap CD collection featuring this and The Hoff?

Meanwhile, the team were quite disturbed by the antics of Comedy Dave dressed up as Borat from earlier that day. Chappers was trying to avoid it, but not for long as he had a monitor shoved in his face with it on during Newsbeat.

It was also Halloween tonight, and true to festive form, Chopper said he'd be ramming the children's heads up pumpkins tonight if they turn up to his door whilst the Chelsea game is on. And two years on and it appears Mary still loves Dick. Bless her, and bless Derek Acorah...

<b>The Return of Bread Guy</b>

Stuart, better known as Bread Guy, was back on today. The general opinion from the listeners was he shouldn't dump his girlfriend. But before taking our advice, he'd dumped her. He thought she'd tried her luck too much. Although he does seem to have a bit of a track record according to his mate. The guy is a perfectionist from what it seems.

He recently took a girl on a date to a snooker event to get to know her better. Bit silly though, as you had to be quiet there. One snooker guy was 'doing the robot' and showing off his tricks, but she wouldn't clap him as he'd annoyed her. So he increased his clapping, because he felt the snooker guy deserved credit. Anyway, I'm waffling as it's snooker talk, but basically he dumped her because she wouldn't clap, and they have never spoke to each other since.

<b>Celebrity Growler</b>

Radio 1 has just had some new listening figures come in during the last week, and it's some of the things that Scott does that should provoke local radio to stop running. Take Celebrity Growler for example. Scott's new quiz, a new feature which "has legs". Oh the immaturity! How can people even think that Celebrity Growler is just like Celebrity Tarzan with a different name? Gueses coming in today included 'Renee Zellwanger' and 'Edith Bowman'. Sadly nobody could quite put their finger on the growler, so it's a rollover tomorrow...

<b>Secret Psycho Kid</b>

There's more developments in the six-year-old Psycho Kid story. Tonight Ben is going out Trick or Treating with the child. Scott warned him, he's lulling him into false sense of security.

<i>Scott: "He's like a mini Wes Craven"

*Plays clip of 'Hi This Is Wes!'*

Scott: "No not that one..."</I>

Even stranger some myspace DJ has remixed the six year old kid and added a beat to the background.

<b>Also Tonight...</b>

There's fears about the concern of Scott's flatmate the comedian. After spending a night at Scott's student gig pulling the points, he has also recently spent an awards ceremony pretending to be a CITV presenter.

Don't forget to click <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/chartshowlive06/">here</a> to win tickets to Radio 1's Chart Show Live.<br>

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