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Everything posted by DaNNiP15

  1. Its from yer! I have never tried it myself but it's from devon so has to be good stuff haha
  2. I cant believe i missed this whole awrd thingimabob... dammit
  3. haha! that made me actually laugh!
  4. i read 'the geek' as 'the greek' first XD I didnt even know "Where's it to?" Wasn't even grammatically correct till recently!
  5. I hate that too! But then i say "Where's it to?" Instead of "Where is it?" and "Where they to?" Instead of "where are they?" Proper devon that! My boyfriend finds it so funny
  6. I could do a blog a day... if i was in every day... what about a blog nearly everyday? haha
  7. i used to be glarss, grarrse, barth but my family picked on me cos i didnt fit in with devonians so its now glaass, graass and baaafff lol
  8. Things began to look up for me... now i am getting kicked out and have nowhere to go EDIT: and pigging out on bread with a wheat intollerance... why? well the choice was, bread, pasta or starve...
  9. I am having a giggle to myself whilst sowing a button back onto my new jacket... it ping-ed off whilst in the shopping centre as i yawned... i had to chase after the button through the shopping centre XD...
  10. It's not often i post in here but... I am in an amazing mood. I was allowed my savings from my dad today (It was only £180, but hey ho, its money) With i managed to get a new camers... this one in fact... and as i have a discount card for boots, i got his camera and a leather kodak case for £80... bargain... and then i got some clothes (jeans, top, trilby hat, underwear), and a hair cut and i still have £25 left over... The clothes and the hair cut were to make me feel better about my black eye as i have been quite self concious about it. It has worked so far .
  11. Haha as painful as it is, i am finding it funny... Its either laugh or cry with everything going on in my life... *big hugs* Ok it's not funny... at all... but the way it happened is i suppose
  12. I do like these funny ones... and i admit to joining many of them XD ones such as "Dont you just hate it when a waulrus attacks your nan" "Dont you just hate it when you die from not passing on chainmail" and "Dont you just hate it when santa uses the same wrapping paper as your mum" as well as those mentioned above... cos im sad like that
  13. I have a fractured eye socket...
  14. I haven't listened to scott in a while actually... i am still here though... but to be fair i do have time away from here sometimes
  15. Haha true! But unfortunatly i haven't found any wings yet
  16. Hello, I'm Danni i have been here for over three and a half years, Im 18, I moan a lot. Haha.
  17. Hello, nice to meet you too :)

  18. I am really angry with my mum. I pay her £100 a month (which may not seem much) But when my average monthly pay works out at something like £130, it is. Anyway this money is supposed to include food. Well she only buys me pasta. Recently i found out i have a wheat intollerance (wow i have mentioned 2 intollerances in the past 2 posts - im falling apart i swear haha) Since finding this out she STILL only buys pasta. We have no other food in the house... apart from in the freezer which im not allowed to touch. It has been like this for over a week now and have had to go to other peoples houses to eat! So currently my choices are A) Eat pasta and cause myself to be in pain and ill, Touch the food in the freezer and risk a bollocking or C) Go hungry... Hmph I am still ill too, despite finishing my course of antibiotics... looks like i will be back in the doctors soon then... EDIT: Adding to the list, MY CAMERA IS BROKEN... not amused!
  19. Really sorry to hear that! Hope the medication lets you get your life back on track, my cousin is epileptic and she hasn't had a fit in years because of the medication. It was scary to watch. I have experienced fits myself, apparently, like you said you dont know you have had them until after, thankfully i'm not epileptic though i just have a proper intolerance to caffeine, which sucks. I hope things start to get much better as soon as possible.
  20. I dont have exams. Lol. Pharyngitis = Inflammation in the passage from back of the nose to the mouth Laryngitis = Inflammation of the larynx (voice box) Tonsillitis... well that ones obvious They are all quite bad! Considering i have all 3 at the same time! I have been like it since xmas eve
  21. Hi people from the future. I am Danni and on 11th January 2010 i am 18 I have Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis and Laryngitis I am currently addicted to facebook I have tweeted 2876 times so far (before 6:12 pm) I am with a guy called chris Its snowed lots and is very icy I am in my third year of college, studying health and social care Favourite song at this moment in time = Jumper - Bedlight for Blue eyes My profile pic is me with a baguette I have been on here 3 years, 6 months, 2 weeks and 3 days (i think haha) <DT class=shade>My Total Posts = 1,847 <DT class=shade>My Blog Entries = 70 </DT>
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