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Nik B.

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Everything posted by Nik B.

  1. Hehe nah it was from my telephone network. I'll get it some time in the next few days I guess!
  2. I've won a prize! i don't know what it is. Up to the value of 200 quid though, so can't be bad!
  3. Personally I hope it's Huw Edwards. *sighs* I can dream...
  4. Don't worry, I've not gone completely mad as the thread title may suggest. Well ok I have, but that's not e point I was trying to make here. I'm actually here to talk about... Spoon. Bright shiiiiny spoon. Lying on the floor. Well hi there mister. Whatcha doing down there... (it's been a tough couple of years) AS I was saying before my bizarre outburst, I'm here to ask you today about song lyrics. I'm not talking David ghetto or Emily sandy (intentional pun alert), in actual fact I'm here to talk about the other lyrics. You know the ones. The bats**t crazy ones. In all my 21 years, I've never come across a set of lyrics I couldn't learn. Whether they be in German, Japanese or even Russian! But then Skyrim came out. I fell in love with it, and set to work learning the lyrics. O.M.G. They're bonkers. Here's the first verse of Dragonborn: "Dovahkiin, Dovahkiinnaal ok zin los vahriin wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal! Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!" ....yeeahh. Anyway. This is my long winded way of saying: What lyrics have you struggled with, and post them so we can all share you're pain!
  5. Oh I've missed you Doovde ^,^
  6. I think hes leaving for a few months or so. Then he'll most likely be back. I mean, not doing the breakfast show any more will be a blow no matter what. It'll hurt for a while. so He needs some time to go away and do other things for a bit. but leaving radio one for good? I just can't see it.
  7. Firstly, Hi to everyone whos joined in my absence! I look forward to debating little things with some of you, and hopefully having a giggle with the lot of ya! Secondly, its only fair I reintroduce myself as it's been a staggeringly long time since I had any kind of big presence on the site. My names Nikolai, and I'm some 21 year old writing type. I'm from Norwich but I won't be here for much longer (for those of you in the know, I've finally grown up and going to uni at last). I'm a journalist, a young adult writer and even a broadcaster! I've worked for a station called CCN Live, and now I know far too much about the mechanics of being an actual Dee-jay. I spun records and stuff. not really I had to use a cart wall. And CDJs. but still. spinny. But I'm getting off topic. So I'll be here from now on, since I've got my act together and stuff! As ever, whether ye be old or new, I'm happy to chat with anyone so seriously, just ask. Font of all knowledge me
  8. I must admit, I love the idea of Chris in a fat suit. its kind of ironic. in a good way.
  9. I'M BACK! *waits for applause* ... Well fine then. I come back and what welcome do I get? a password notification. apparently it was 559 days old and had expired. wow it has been a while! If you remember me, then yay! if you don't... well, you'll see! -Nikolai
  10. I love the Product, I think it could make us very rich, but I just don't like your personality. Therefore, I'm out. =]
  11. I must admit I was hoping for another musical but ahh well. Viva la fringe!
  12. Hi all (Again) Just a quick reintroduction, I'm Nikolai, I am a Scott Mills Fan, and I've been out in the wilderness for what? two years? something like that. So hello again! I'll try and be more here again now xD
  13. hehe you'll learn one day that me and Viv have certain "chemistry"... Basically I do my best to wind her up and she carries on just being Viv. And capital letters ROK. so hush.
  14. It Really ISN'T because it was started by the Ice Queen of UM. And that it's bit pointless cos Facebook campaigns get no where these days anyway. :giggle:
  15. Doovde. I expect Better. Viv. You belong as a Whole in the What sucks post.
  16. I'M AN ADULT BABY! sorry just thought that was an appropriate time to drop that in...
  17. Bruno Mars was excellent, I really enjoyed both the songs he did. But sadly it's left me slightly addicted to Grenade. oh noes.
  18. I may say this every year, and it may never get me anywhere, but... NORWICH.
  19. Ooh don't let them see you posting over here, they won't like that =P hehe welcome to the forum =]
  20. Yeah DC, that is ppossibly the worst thing about Facebook, something goes wrong and then you have a virtual record of everything. It's a disaster waiting to happen. Happened with me, and I've abandoned it now, just isn't worth it. I'm going all serious I guess. I've completely lost control of my emotions again. I haven't been to college since monday, and I just don't want to leave my flat. It's driving me insane, literally. I really honestly dunno what to do anymore....
  21. Yeah don't do that. It doesn't tend to end well. *goes off to sharpen the traitor spike*
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