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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Does it really make that much of a difference? It's only a smiley. No offence meant by this comment. I just don't see the point in worrying too much about the smiley and prefer more words in posts.
  2. Afternoon people. How are we all?
  3. Happy Birthday Serin. Hope your getting nice weather for your camping.
  4. That's six I'm currently working my way through GTA San Andreas.
  5. I don't think it will be coming back. I seem to remember hearing that the team had lost the sim card. Plus there was the fact that the number was so widely known that people weren't really being caught out any more. I also don't think that the BBC would bring back that feature just now with the number of complaints it has had for other reasons as it would be bound to get some complaints.
  6. From what I understand the graphics card is what determines how good (or bad) the display on your laptop/computer is. *MAY BE COMPLETELY WRONG*
  7. I lost it. Have found it since but now got to wait for the new one to arrive. What sucks today is that Camp America officially withdrew my application today as they cannot place me.
  8. Happy birthday Danni. Hope the exam went well. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  9. Having to cancel my bank card.
  10. 6 weeks today I fly out to go to Florida for three weeks. Really looking forward to it after such a rubbish semester.
  11. My exams are finished. And so m second year of university is now finished. Moving back home a week on Monday and then have to try and find a job after numerous......problems.
  12. I got the right answer first time. I must be a genius then
  13. Physics student at the university of Dundee. Also work as a lifeguard over the summer and hopefully during term time next year as well.
  14. midnight

    Swine Flu

    The old are the most likely to be vaccinated and so the young end up suffering the most because they need to fight it without the extra help.
  15. midnight

    Swine Flu

    Also what good does everyone panicing do? I'm not saying everyone should just joke but panic doesn't help anyone.
  16. midnight

    Swine Flu

    Its typical for the media to hype things up as it is just now. As a result everyone panics where as there is no point in panacing until we know exactly what we are facing. It could be something genetic making Mexican people react worse to it than other countries, or to do with living conditions, food and water availability, health care then have access to.... We can't do anything exect for follow the story and see what happens. Panicing about something we have no control over will only worsen the situation.
  17. midnight

    Swine Flu

    The little boy that died in Texas was a Mexican boy who was visiting family in America but was not American. It remains that only Mexicans have been killed by the virus so far.
  18. Happy Brithday Sigrid. Hope you are having a brilliant day.
  19. Welcome all newbies! Enjoy the forum.
  20. Here you go Andy... <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-nXT8lSnPQ&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-nXT8lSnPQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
  21. Yeah, my boyfriend watched the programme on Iplayer this morning and is now hoping that they bring him back for his own TV show... he says Terry Nutkins is a legend, but I don't remember him...:oops:
  22. *cough* BT 118500 *cough* much better than 118247!! Personally I tend to use the internet if I can though.
  23. If you can contact the cabaret singer then do so and let them know about the email and see what they think. If you cant contact them then just reply back and explain that.
  24. I won't go to London. Mates have gotten into bad situations there so I don't trust it. Much prefer fattys or the union. Haven't been to Liquid yet though.
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