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Everything posted by simonf

  1. She was giving herself a bikini wax and the strip got stuck to her. She cut some off but had to wait days for the rest to fall away... She cut off the wax strip by the way and not her downstairs hair just in case that wasn't clear.
  2. They've started doing that pretty recently! www.channel4.com/watchonline
  3. I came back to uni after Christmas and my nearest Burger King was boarded up Their chips are a thousand times nicer than the stuff you get in McDonald's! And their double bacon cheeseburgers.... *cravings*
  4. EWWWW! I was expecting for her tummy just to rumble! Fantastic video though I must say
  5. Can't wait to hear this! I know he's still a newbie at Radio 1 but it is a shame he's on at such a crazily early time. Will be good to listen live instead of Listen Again for once!
  6. So annoyed that Steph is gone! It should have been that annoying full of himself Mario! Really hope he's up for eviction next week AND that he leaves. Alex will surely be up but I hope she stays. I absolutely hate her but I have to admit she makes addictive TV! Reminds me of one of my past housemates...
  7. Ack! I spent ages searching through the forum trying to find that clip before!
  8. Student credit cards...I started off well but then as money in my current account ran out I just charged everything to it...which is bad. Oh and NEVER take it out to a club/pub! Drink + credit cards = horrendous spendage!
  9. I think the show has actually gotten a bit better lately! The slowed down voices thing has been played to DEATH but besides that I've no complaints. They could do with some fresh features but I still think the show has improved lately.
  10. Eeeek! That girl doing BBLB was awful! Perhaps it was just first time nerves. I've never heard of her before but has she done other TV work? Did she tell Makosi to shut up or something at the end? Makosi didn't look too happy with her anyway!
  11. Agreed. I've only seen the launch show so I don't have a great idea of what the housemates are like but I think it has good potential! It wasn't like the launch last year where I was wondering how the producers managed to destroy the show so much :shock: The ratings have come through and it was the lowest watched launch show they've ever had but I suppose that was kind of expected after last year. If the series is good it will probably get more viewers as it goes along!
  12. They probably can just say a few more of the lighter swearwords. I'm pretty sure you can say it on Irish radio too.
  13. Quite liked Alphabeats cover! And the amount of time it took Jo to realise that Anders SG was swearing : Went to see them last night and they're just as good in real life.
  14. simonf

    Lost Season 4

    I just watched the series finale and it was good but I would have preferred a bigger cliff hanger! In that respect it was a bit of a let down but the episode in general is interesting!
  15. I just heard it on Listen Again...now I love Chris Moyles but he was HORRIBLE to Aled! He was just trying to do a nice thing by bringing him a curry! Chris was a mardy idiot during the whole show but hopefully he'll realise that he was being a prick and apologise on air to Aled tomorrow! As I said I do really like Chris but his idiotic outburst this morning was completely out of order.
  16. simonf


    I think Newsbeat do a good job. Surely it's standard to get opinions from normal people on the street? It'd be a bit weird if they didn't gather opinions from the public really. Also they don't put on that fake newsreader accent so they're high up in my opinion!
  17. Shall be a listener from Ireland once uni finishes up for the summer!
  18. Not liking the 8 chairs and 8 beds though...separate houses and whatnot has been done to death in the last few. It was good at first because the housemates weren't expecting it but now it just annoys me! Hopefully there's some other reason for the lack of furniture!
  19. Cannot wait for this to start! Admittedly the last few series have been awful (been boring since Jade's CBB year) and I lost interest during the last series and stopped watching BUT I'm living in hope that it'll return to what it once was! The only girls twist they did last year was a bad start to a dismal series but I'm crossing my fingers that it'll be great from the start this year like the Shabaz and Kitten years. Annoying people but they really kick started the show and they were gone pretty quickly!
  20. You're making me upset now! I have to go back to the parentals house (I refuse to call it home - uni is my true home) in less than two weeks and it's killing me! I definitely agree on the moving out thing. My uni experience would be nowhere near as good if I hadn't done it. My sister didn't move out for her first year and she completely regretted it when she saw how much fun everyone else was having! And to anyone moving into halls....FIRE ALARMS! You'll likely get one or two on your first night and they'll continue throughout the year. The halls across the road from me had a nice round 40 in the first semester...
  21. simonf

    Eurovision 2008

    I think the Irish entries for the past few years have been absolutely AWFUL but I really like the Dustin one! It's really catchy after a few listens!
  22. I USED to be a morning person...don't think I've seen one in about a week though.
  23. His BBC show isn't bad but it's absolutely nothing compared to his C4 days! I don't think he writes for the BBC one though does he? Anywho, YouTube is good for clips from the olden days!
  24. Well that was a bloody awful ending! The whole stealing the coffin part didn't make much sense to me. It was almost as if the writers were just throwing anything in as long as it seemed "wacky". If they had shown what everyone was doing years into the future Six Feet Under style it might have been a bit better but...meh...was expecting a LOT more from the series :cry: Oh and the way it ended with Effy...is it going to be Effy and her friends in the next series now that all the others have been axed?
  25. I have to say I've found it a bit dull too. They just seem to be a bit unorganised and dragging things out that really aren't funny...Barryoke for example! Laura has been away from the show for a week or so at a time before and I think the shows still managed to be good so I dont really want to blame it all on her leaving the show. Meh...might be better next week!
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