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Everything posted by E*F*4L

  1. hmmm, that sort of thing has happened many times, this is way better though <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcD8ExEKxcg&hl=en_US&fs=1?color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcD8ExEKxcg&hl=en_US&fs=1?color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  2. E*F*4L

    Top Gear

    i want that Bugatti Veyron Supersport !
  3. yeah just been reading about this myself
  4. go Moyles :woohoo: up yer arse Gaunty :bah:
  5. E*F*4L


    *spoiler alert ! * just got back from seeing it, this Real 3D at normal cinema's isn't as good as IMAX 3D as the screen isn't big enough to fill your peripheral vision (first time i have seen a 3D film at a normal cinema), i didn't think toy story 3 was as good as toy story 2, not even as good as the first one i don't think, there was little story or depth to much of a blatant cash in, that was uncalled for & not needed, there were to many elements from the first films with the bad kid next door destroying toys like that bear, to the toys being grown out of & left/dumped like what happened to Jessie in the second film, i know it's more aimed at kid's than adults but they do have adult themes in them all, i wouldn't say i was disappointed as i didn't have much in the way of hope for it as i was when i heard they were making a third film.
  6. Happy Birthday hope you have a good one
  7. E*F*4L

    SunTalk Closes

    wish the sun would close down, the wankers :bah:
  8. E*F*4L


    they can see the stitches holding my lip together if they want
  9. E*F*4L


    Jono has said in the past that it's automated, & i have asked about donating/subscribing on others behalf before, but i didn't get a reply.
  10. E*F*4L


    33 i was thinking of going tomorrow at lunchtime as i have the day off ill, can see it in 3D
  11. E*F*4L


    couldn't you use their pay pal ? not sure if Jono accepts brown envelopes stuffed with cash. have you showed them UM, it may put their mind at ease if they know it's not a site full of weirdo's.
  12. had a mucus retention cyst removed from my inner lip a hour ago the needle for the anesthetic was huge, so is the hole in my lip & there's a £150 size hole my bank account :(
  13. E*F*4L


    i'm to old to go & see it at the cinema
  14. E*F*4L

    SunTalk Closes

    awwww what a shame.. i hope he doesn't take it badly, things like this can push people over the edge, a cliff perhaps ? the guy is a bigoted, loudmouth arse.
  15. happy birthday Craig, hope you have a good one
  16. people cheat on powerful, beautiful, talented & respected women they are married to...... Kelly Osbourne has split from her fiance Luke Worrall after two years together. The reality TV star, 25, and model, 20, have ended their engagement amid reports he had been cheating on her. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1294704/Kelly-Osbourne-splits-model-fiance-Luke-Worrall-amid-cheating-rumours.html#ixzz0tgdmqUiO i like Kelly, not sure what it is, but she seems to be a great person & i think she is pretty, there have been a few others that this has happened to Reese Witherspoon is a good example, very talented & beautiful actress, who doesn't go to glitzy showbiz do's & isn't in the papers for drink & drugs, likes family time etc due to her southern up-bringing & yet while staying at home to look after her new baby her husband was cheating on her with skanky strippers, Sandra Bullock had a similar thing happen recently where her husband was seeing a porno actress & having unprotected sex with her & Sandra. now don't get me wrong, everyday cannot be like a bed of roses but i don't see how they can do this, all the women in question ( & many others ) are beautiful & successful (rich) now i'm not saying that a guy should put up with someone just because the woman earns a lot of money, but why do it, because they DO know that they cannot get away with it, with all the celeb press around in this day & age. i did see Uma Thurman interviewed once & she touched on this subject, & she said she isn't attracted to the Hollywood type guy, or someone who spends more time looking at themselves in the mirror than she does, but when she is out she feels that men are somewhat intimidated by her (which she doesn't understand) but also at the back of her mind when a guy does get the courage to offer to buy her a drink (etc) is that what is his motive ? will he after a few dates just sell the story to the press or is he genuine. i don't know about anyone else but this is simply something i would never do, i just couldn't lower myself to do something like that, i would draw the line if she started bad-mouthing me in the press.
  17. you couldn't drag me away ! Edith was very good on T, she has also been looking amazin recently :hug:
  18. happy birthday mike, hope you have a good one
  19. hope i don't get banned from FB, all my crops will wither & die
  20. happy birthday Grace, hope you have a good one
  21. happy birthday DC, hope you have a good one
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