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Everything posted by KingTutsWWH

  1. Just told off Orange Espana in no uncertain terms about my lack of adsl at home! My telephone Spanish is not too hot at the best of times, but I really had the wind under my tail! Didn´t help much tho´still won´t be online at home for another few days. Useless B**tards! Miss you lot and Radio 1!
  2. I've got a bleeding school, and seeing as I work in one, during the evening. It's the last thing I need!
  3. Nuffink to do with class or being snooty! Just some people like a bit of peace and quiet. They also might like to sleep for a good part of the day during the weekend, depending on what they've been upto the night before.
  4. Viernes! Disfrutate! Have fun, you've earned it. I'm cheerful 'cos I made a very good start on my tan today.
  5. FELIZ CUMPLEANOS! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Need any good recipes, let me know. Nx:D
  6. KingTutsWWH

    Fathers Day

    Mines 'Pop' (mainly 'cos it annoys him - haha!), not father's day in Spain tho' so can save my cash!
  7. Ahhh, I liked funkyseaweed:(
  8. Today has been a lot better than yesterday. I went to the pool for a bit and my brother is home for the weekend. I haven't seen him for ages. Yesterday f***ing Orange Espana cut off my ADSL as I hadn't paid a bill which I didn't even receive for 13 Euros, which is NOTHING! I'm on my mum's computer at the moment, and the keyboard is annoying me. Wonder how long it'll take thoses useless idiots to reconnect me! Pah!
  9. You lucky, lucky, lucky b***tard! That was my first ever festival, looooong time ago. You are going to have such a good time. Can't even go to Benecassim (really good Spanish festival) now, as I have 3 weddings to attend this summer. They'll be great, ...but.... I REALLY WANT TO go to a festival too! Tell us all about it, so we can see it through your ears and eyes vicariously. Have fun.
  10. Thanks He's a bit wiffy at the moment though. Think he rolled in something unpleasant, as is his wont. He has some pretty dodgy habits. Bath first thing Saturday. He loves it really, and it is 30 degrees here!
  11. Didn't manage to catch it last Friday. Just saw it tonight. You were a star Mr Face-for-Radio! Well done. Very funny. So glad it was a UM member too:D
  12. Both vids made me smile. hehe very amusing. Well put together. Especially like the fact you left Chopper on at the end, saying he was going to be sick. High School musical has similar effect on me, unfortunately my students love it. Jo Whiley - spooky!
  13. I love your dogs Kelly. Another opportunity for me to show off Wesley! I'm not normally particularly soppy, but he is a weakness.
  14. Meany Moyles! I heard this, it was really amusing. Especially seeing as it's so obvious that him and Scott are good mates. Just don't EVER take anything Chris or Scott say seriously, and you'll be fine:D !
  15. American History X is a very impressive film. It's relevance to society today (racism,nationalism, fascist beliefs....) makes it an important piece of work. It is VERY distressing and violent though, understandably given its theme. Edward Norton's performance should have won him an award. I recommend it, BUT would warn, it is not pleasant.
  16. Of course I'll try to catch it tomorrow night on BBC3. I thought the trailers looked reallly good, and all your comments have swung it. I'm also slightly less wimpy than I used to be, thank goodness.
  17. After reading all this, I think I'm glad I missed it today. I'm a bit pathetic with scarey stuff, even used to hide behind a cushion during Scoobie Doo. Sad eh? :oops:
  18. Really funny:D Wish I could remember jokes.
  19. KingTutsWWH

    Tony Blair

    NEVER trust a politician...
  20. Want to watch it even more now. Hope you did well Ross. Got in-laws for dinner tonight tho', hopefully I'll be able to get rid of them before FNP starts. Fingers crossed;)
  21. KingTutsWWH

    Fathers Day

    If you'd been paying more attention to Blue Peter, you'd be able to make him something from any old tat lying about.
  22. Is there going to be an international number, for when the Brits start invading Spain and its islands for their hols? Hope so. OH, and Ibiza is pronounced /ibeetha/, short /i/ at the beginning (as in igloo)!
  23. Wish someone could teach me how to work a computer though!:oops: definately/definitely Love Baz's Sunscreen too. Oh, I'm going to be a prize winning novelist (yeah right). Just gathering material here!!!!! haha
  24. I think you'd make a great teacher. You really have the enthusiasm for it. Are you sure you realise what you're getting yourself into though? haha. Teaching can be frustrating, but also truly uplifting. WHEN (notice not if) all my students pass their exams, they will have earned their good grades, and this will give me such a high... Selfish in a way. I'll give you a reference anytime.
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