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Everything posted by MaryMary

  1. Oooh, apparently I'm not allowed to say ****! Ok, I won't do it again. ****. See what I did? I said I wouldn't, but I did. I went the other way.
  2. Sorry, no! Interestingly enough someone yesterday (can't remember who) in the shoutbox said that they thought I was you! I think it was Ema? But the Chris Moyles book would be a good weapon - it's a **** poor read, so it ought to be good for something!
  3. I heard it today and I hate it.............
  4. MaryMary


    Tom and Jerry. Definitely.
  5. Hannah, if I get you something sharp and pointy, can you find that Lindsey woman who was on the breakfast show (if she won anything, I missed the end) and put her out of my misery? Thanks. Oh, and have a brilliant time!
  6. Hanna you are a star. What a girl.
  7. I misread that and thought I wasn't allowed to vote for myself (why I'm in there I don't know, I've only been here five minutes!) - so I voted for Glitterbox, because she's been nice to me. Not that everyone else hasn't too, but she was the first.
  8. The manifestation of "multiple personalities" tends to be a symptom of mental illness rather than a specific mental illness in itself, this is one of the aspects of it which makes it such a difficult condition to analyse. One of the many problems with mental illness is that people with exactly the same biochemical and physiological "disease" can manifest very different symptoms - because the manifestation of their illness is personal, and comes from their personal experiences, their environment and upbringing etc. And then on top of that you get the bandwagon jumpers, people trying to pretend (which is often an symptom of yet another form of mental illness), and most of all you get confused and overburdened medical teams misdiagnosing because they are so bombarded with information and advice, much of it conflicting, that they really don't know if they are coming or going these days. Nightmare.
  9. lol - further developments awaited with massive interest!
  10. I've met the real Santa, in Lapland. I love Lapland.
  11. I think Lembit had it about right with Horrible Welsha Weather Woman. Right now, he is punching well above his weight.
  12. Santa a recovering heroin addict who can't cut hair? Help me please Hannah.......
  13. I like hippies. And the friendlier the better.
  14. I know we are all supposed to like old people, and respect them and everything, but honestly, is it any wonder everyone just thinks they are nosey, fussy, interfereing idiots who smell of wee?! Well, maybe not all of them. But honestly, some people! My day has been - mixed. I am off work (hurrah) but have loads to do (boo). I got my mums and my brothers pressies (hurrah) and got some pressies wrapped too (hurrah) but now one of the headlights on my car has died and I have to get it fixed (boo). Flu is improving though.
  15. Well if he's a gentleman, surely he will!
  16. Well, I never cease to be amazed by the number of people who seem to not mind being treated like cattle for the entertainment of the nation. Or maybe its performing dogs. I'd still prefer to think Laura has more class than that.
  17. I know, I cringed as I typed it. Sorry.
  18. Ok - but I think my point is that if she has any self respect, she SHOULD have felt offended by it. Any normal person would, for goodness sake! So I choose to regard it as fiction, rather than evidence of stupidity, because I would hate to think she is stupid. I like Laura, she seems adorable.
  19. What a brilliant night, good on you Bexy. I have to say, when you said the other day that you had "met him in a naughty way", trespassing wasn't the naughtiness I immediately thought of! Well done.
  20. MaryMary

    How do you...

    Its an interesting one, thats for sure...............
  21. MaryMary

    How do you...

    Can we not just get Christmas out of the way first?!!!!!!
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