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Everything posted by Bexy

  1. Bexy

    Radio Google?!

    Wax crayons are the best. http://www.quizilla.com/users/mslady85/quizzes/What%20Color%20Crayon%20Are%20You/
  2. Okay... you win! Although they are building halls here, which means after the builders have gone they'll be replaced with noisy students instead.
  3. There are worse things. Builders for instance, who decide that BEFORE 9am is a good time to take scaffolding down. But they couldn't do it quitely could they?! Oh no... they were literally throwing bits of metal around, which woke me up and made me pretty grumpy.
  4. Hope you have a lovely birthday in the Sunny South! Happy 18th Birthday To Chaos!
  5. Listening again to the Wonder Years to get me in the mood for... er... work! :| I've never understood that Tamperer song. "What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?" What?! Why would she have one on her anyway?! Just A Day is my favourite Feeder song. Ever!
  6. Bexy

    Ugly Betty

    This'll please Ema. http://www.play.com/Product.aspx?pa=HPO&title=3299878&r=R2&PRODUCT_TITLE=Ugly+Betty%3a+The+Complete+First+Season+-+The+Bettified+Edition+(6+Discs)
  7. Bexy

    How was your day?

    Got my first eight hour shift at work coming up, I'm not looking forward to it at all. Especially as it involves MORE training, I've only just got used to the calls I'm taking at the moment, and now they're training me so I can take even more calls.
  8. When I was in primary school, we had a gerbil that ate it's babies. It was sad. :cry:
  9. Bexy

    The Exams Thread

    Congratulations - that's really good! We all thought we got our results on Monday, but apparently only the undergrads get them then, we have to wait until the 25th. :confused:
  10. On behalf of all at UM:
  11. Bexy

    How was your day?

    Every day is a mini adventure with me. Today involved a trip to the park, and the fit barber seeing my friend and I with a big blue IKEA bag on our heads, trying to keep dry as it was pouring. The barber man was smoking outside his barber's shop, when he saw us you could tell he was trying so hard not to laugh.
  12. Bexy

    The Exams Thread

    Really feel for you there Gracé. Stats suck! I find out on Monday whether I have to retake or not, I've never had to retake a uni exam before but I'm thinking this could be the first time. How did everyone's exams go today?
  13. Bexy

    Ugly Betty

    Apologies for the thread revival, but did anyone see Ugly Betty on Friday night? I neeeeed someone to talk about it with. So much happened!
  14. Bexy

    How was your day?

    Pffft, I got sent home from work an hour early today, because for some reason I stopped getting calls through and I was just sat there doing nothing. I swear technology hates me, I don't know why...
  15. Congratulations Ross You did look quite funny... but a massive TV, DVD player and holiday make it more than worthwhile in my opinion!
  16. I was literally just about to do this! Well done for beating me to it Grace! Happy Birthday Jamie!
  17. Bexy

    How was your day?

    Haha, that won't happen Ema as I don't have to call people, they call me! As you can see, I survived my first proper shift! It didn't go too badly, except at one point I thought I'd lost someone's details so I had to ask for them again, he got a bit annoyed at that. I hadn't actually lost them though, and now he's going to get two brochures. But still, worse things could've happened. I'm sleeeeepy now though.
  18. I'm slightly worried about you guys, but thanks! Congratulations to everyone that won!
  19. Bexy

    How was your day?

    I dunno, you think we would've noticed if there was an actual fire. I'll ask later. Yeah, I'm working in call centre. Only taking inbound calls, which is better I think. No cold calling! I'm just a bit nervous because it's all new. I'm sure I'll be fine though. I hope...
  20. Bexy

    How was your day?

    Had an unusual start to the day. I wasn't ready to sleep so I met up with a friend at about 1am this morning, watched him do some juggling outside for a bit then it got cold so we went inside to watch a DVD. Started watching 28 Days Later, all was well until his flatemates came home and were quite drunk. They decided to have a little party, and a few minutes later they set the fire alarm off somehow. We though we'd better leave, but I couldn't find my shoes. As I was faffing around, smoke actually started to come into the room. My friend opened the door (a bit silly, I know!) to find the corrior full of smoke. :| He said he thought it was just the fire extinguisher, but he wasn't sure and he wasn't going out there because it was too smokey. So then I started panicking slightly about how we were gonna get out, and if there was an actual fire. Then my friend decided we were gonna climb out the window... thankfully he lives on the ground floor! So we climbed out the window, I'm quite short, I was quite impressed with how well I did it. Only a few people left the building, but the people that did were too drunk/silly/sleepy (it was about 3 by this point!) to sort anything out, so I left them all to it and came back to my flat and went to sleep. I'm SO glad I don't live with freshers! I don't know why stuff like this always happens to me. At least it keeps things interesting I guess! I've got to go to work later in about an hour. I have a feeling I might have to talk to actual people today. Bit nervous... :confused:
  21. Bexy

    Fathers Day

    At Christmas, can't you get those gift set things with different beers? They might do stuff like that for Fathers Day too... I remember seeing them in places like BHS.
  22. Bexy

    Fathers Day

    Pffft, nevermind your dads. Buy this for me! http://www.activitysuperstore.com/step3.aspx?Parent=Drive&PathCode=WebCat&sel=GDTR Or them... or neither.
  23. That sounds like my worst actual nightmare. Banking? Yuck. I really don't want to work in London either. Are you signed up to Milkround? They emailed me about this, which is of no interest to me... but it might be to you. http://www.milkround.com/s4/jobseekers/employers/showvacancymain.asp?vacancyid=154430&from=1&emailid=23625&articleid=31793&u=870433
  24. Didn't think to Google it actually. It happened again today. Twice! (Thanks John ) Called o2 when I got home and spoke to a very nice man, but he told me to return my phone to be repaired. I want it to be fixed, but I don't want to send it away.
  25. Bexy

    How was your day?

    :confused: Okay... you're gonna have to explain that one! Spending the whole day over at the Simulation Centre tomorrow, which means we get to flirt with the cute receptionist again!
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