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Everything posted by Lucinda

  1. That's really good Heather. And congratulations Owen Last night I had a funny night involving helping a male friend dress in a Cruella de Vil outfit. He went to some extreme lengths with the costume, including make-up, jewellery, fake nails and some fake cleavage. Had some other good fancy dress as well. Unfortunately not many bars on campus were open which kind of limited our bar crawl somewhat. Still had a laugh though. Oh and my cold is getting better, yesterday I spent the day in bed which has helped and I feel sniffly but otherwise ok now.
  2. I agree that people assume that other drugs are so much more dangerous just because their illegal whereas they happily abuse alcohol. Plenty of drugs that aren't illegal can be very dangerous: http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/4327414.Brighton_cheerleader_s_death_linked_to_party_drug/ she went to my school. I didn't really speak to her at all even though she was in my year. She died recently from an uncontrolled drug. I have to admit I didn't ever intend to try smoking but did it on a whim while drunk a few months back and then again a few weeks later just to see if it would have any effect. It had no effect at the time but combined with a hangover made me feel very very ill the next day.
  3. Nope, never. Some bloke tried to sell my friends and I a bag of weed for £5 at the bus stop at 2:30am at the weekend, but none of us knew what the going rate for a bag of weed was, and we didn't want any anyway. Most of the people I knew at school have tried weed. Only a couple of my uni friends say they have though. None of my current friends do any drugs regularly (with the exception of copious amounts of alcohol and caffeine).
  4. I've got a cold. Classic cold really, sore throat, sore eyes, sore neck, splitting headache, sniffles. Really hoping it goes away soon. I'm supposed to be out tonight but I don't know if I'll be able to go now. So fed up of being ill.
  5. There are many types of learning difficulty. Most of them aren't related to spelling ability. Weirdly enough someone I was friends with at school (who has been too busy to meet up with me for the past 18 months) collapsed with exhaustion and was taken to hospital a couple of days ago. Just shows it happens to non-celebrities too. Although she is a music student, and pretty melodramatic. Incidentally I only know about this because she's told other people about it at length on Facebook.
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8084086.stm hehe oh no... UKIP are always going to be bottom of the ballot paper and BNP top, although I had loads of random independents at the bottom of mine.
  7. Yeah I am not looking forward to the results being the morning after my 21st birthday. Will be a very nervous birthday. I saw The Futureheads about a year ago at the Rescue Rooms, was very energetic (although my friend got punched for no apparent reason). The Rakes are also very energetic. I've not see the Young Knives but have been wanting to see them for ages. I am feeling better than I was, am able to eat a bit more without feeling sick which is good.
  8. I'm just assuming I'll be in London in November. Can't see where else I'll be. And I've heard lots of good things about Muse live. A few of my friends went to see them in Nottingham in November 2006, sucks that they're not playing Nottingham again really. Summer Party should be really good, I like the line-up. The drinks tokens are a rip-off though. It was good last year although the weather was good then, it might be a bit less fun if it rains. My exams are over find out the results 2 weeks from today :confused: really don't know how that'll go. There was a question in the exam today that was basically asking what Karl Marx would think of the current financial crisis. So all that insomnia time spent listening to Radio 4 really paid off because I have great current affairs knowledge.
  9. My ballot paper was like a very long scroll, took me ages to fold it back properly. Must have been about a metre long. Too many candidates and parties, most of which sound the same.
  10. Awesome. I won't be listening to the coverage however as I will be there myself I'll watch out for Radio 1 people around the site.
  11. Hate to say it Danni.... but I've heard this before from you you're right, it doesn't last. Try to take your time and find someone who's really worth it. I agree that dumping people over Facebook is really cowardly and pathetic. It's worse than texting because at least texting is telling someone, even if it's not to their face. Oh, and on the thread topic, I woke up at 5:30am, and now there's some bloke outside trimming the hedges which is making loads of noise so I can't sleep. And I've still got a horrible teeth-grinding headache.
  12. Private Eye had some interesting relevations about the nationalities of the people in this BNP leaflet: http://www.thestraightchoice.org/leaflet.php?q=303 Apparently the pensioners are Italian, the builders are from Oregon in the US and the soldier was outraged when he found out his photo had been used. Oh, and the Spitfire is Polish. Just read that the doctor is also an American. http://www.mirror.co.uk/opinion/voiceofthemirror/2009/05/17/hateful-truth-in-bnp-s-lies-115875-21365480/
  13. The most recommended posts on the BBC News 'Have your say' site are people who say the only option is to vote for UKIP. That saddens me. As I've already voted by post in a different area I'm not sure if I can vote again here. I'll be encouraging my housemate to get down the polling station though.
  14. Lucinda

    Sims 3

    My sister was telling me about this. My laptop struggles to run everything unfortunately. My sister has a desktop however so will be getting it. I'll try it out on hers. I'll probably end up getting some more games to get me through the next however long until I get a job. My degree finishes tomorrow so I'll probably find that computers games aren't a fun distraction any more.
  15. He's probably scared you'll slap him. No less than he deserves. One of my friends slapped another of my friends on Thursday night. He deserved it, he called her a slag for no reason and he's been out of order to her for quite a while, but he still thinks he's in the right and it's caused a bit of a rift among my friendship group, which is sad, so close to the end. Also one of my female friends got off with a male friend when they were both incredibly drunk on Saturday night. Problem because she is in a long distance relationship with someone else, and had no recollection of getting off with this guy until another friend brought it up last night. Apparently she completely freaked out about it. And this guy has gone weird about it and is worried her boyfriend's going to beat him up or something. Ah, life is complicated.
  16. Emo music and the stuff I listened to when I was 14/15. I still listen to Sum 41, Blink 182, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and Good Charlotte quite a lot. They play those kind of songs in the clubs I go to. Also emo like Taking Back Sunday and Dashboard Confessional, which I do tend to keep quiet about.
  17. I got an awesome t-shirt with dinosaurs on and another one with penguins on in New Look recently. I can't wait to go clothes shopping properly once my exams are over, I'll probably go on Friday. I agreed to go see Muse in November. Gives me some kind of plans in my life beyond the end of August. Then once Muse have played, we're good to go travelling. And I've got lots of good things planned. Oh, and all my housemates have gone away places, except Northern Boy, which means we're free to stay up late and play loud music and no one else will mess up the place (or distract me from my very important revision.)
  18. Your auntie is nice to stick up for you like that. He sounds like a complete coward. He's probably hoping that you'll dump him so that he doesn't have to break up with you. It's really immature and pathetic behaviour. I really really really want my exams to be over. I got my final coursework mark back and it's not a good one. I seem to have lost the ability to write anything to university standard. That dissertation completely drained me. Less than 48 hours left now!
  19. I don't know that much about the situation but he doesn't seem good enough for you. Is he still flirting with your best friend? Sounds like you'd be good to dump him because he doesn't seem mature enough for a proper relationship and you deserve better.
  20. Interesting article. I do actually type my exams, wrote my GCSEs by hand but started typing them in sixth form. I type all my exams at uni. It's quite rare to be allowed to type exams though. I am allowed to because I have Dyspraxia and have an educational psychologist's report saying that I can't write properly and have difficulty organising my ideas. I do find it considerably easier because I get hand cramp writing fast for any period of time because I grip the pen too tight or something. They use computers which aren't networked so can't get on the Internet or anything (although the invigilator the other day was watching cricket on his computer). I feel rather patronised though by the invigilators for being 'special needs'. It's a lot more expensive for the uni as they have to pay more invigilators. I think the Government put in some extra funding for disabled students though. I think it'll only be a matter of time before everyone uses computers for exams. We're not allowed to do coursework by hand here, everything has to be typed, so people find it difficult writing lots by hand because they get out of practice. There are logistical problems at the moment. Such as providing enough computers and power for all the computers, and stopping people cheating. They seem to assume that us special needs kids are too stupid to cheat or something. I've only got 1 more exam left to be patronised in!
  21. GCSEs go on till late June I think. Mine will be over in a little under 48 hours. I'm very glad because I'm still on a downward spiral and seem to have lost the ability to write anything that makes sense. Apparently it's gonna be less warm the next few days at least.
  22. A lot of people commit suicide at Beachy Head, I guess it's one of those places that people associate as a suicide spot so would travel to. Sounds like there'll be a very sad story behind this. I used to go to school pretty near there and some of my friends live very near Beachy Head.
  23. I sent off my postal vote earlier today. Had a bit of trouble getting envelope A inside envelope B, would be easier if they hadn't made them both basically the same size.
  24. Yes, ultimately planes are statistically the safest way to travel. It's just that when things go wrong, they go very wrong.
  25. That's pretty bad. Just heard it on Radio 4 news. Doesn't sound like there's much chance of finding people alive.
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