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Everything posted by R94N

  1. I don't remember what happened...did he go off on one last time or something? I remember there was a swear as well...am I right?
  2. I hope we get a ton of snow this year, like last year.
  3. I thought David Guetta was a great guest. I didn't know he was that old.
  4. Ooh that looks good. Didn't know there was one of those up. Less Flash parts on the site is always good.
  5. Sounds fun. Although sometimes just a normal show with nothing really 'special' is good as well.
  6. Could have a theme or something. Or it could be very 'traditional'.
  7. I must have been lucky; I haven't been ill for a long time.
  8. It'll be interesting to see how things turn out in another five years, even.
  9. My Mum loves it (snigger).
  10. It's the thorns. I imagine they come from the nettles and that but I'm not sure. It's definitely not glass. I don't think I've ever had a puncture from glass.
  11. Another puncture. Must have had about twelve already this year. May not sound like a lot but before I started cycling more I barely got them. Need to be more careful. Pesky nettles...
  12. Money and being famous doesn't make things any better. If anything it'd make things worse. If you had all the money you ever wanted you wouldn't have goals or things you wanted to save up for because you already have everything you want. You couldn't trust anybody either; people would just want to be your friend to take advantage. If I ever won the lottery I'd try and keep it a secret, or at least only tell a few people. I wouldn't make huge changes to my life.
  13. Missed this. Sorry, master. Happy birthday
  14. That is so her though. I can't think of anyone who would be more suited to something like that.
  15. The only comfort with One Direction is that soon like a lot of similar acts they're just a flash in the pan and will soon be replaced by another, probably terrible, act. It's good that you can mostly ignore it though.
  16. It was interesting that Paul didn't really have anything to plug either; other than the book I suppose. I guess that counts as plugging something...d'oh.
  17. Please, no. I don't think she deserves any more money.
  18. If your phone uses Android and it's the system language that's wrong rather than just Twitter go to 'Settings'->'Language and Keyboard' and then 'Select locale'. I imagine though that since it's just Twitter that's messed up you just need to change the language settings there.
  19. I think the site is good enough and is modern enough, there are still a lot of sites out there that look like they were designed and launched in 1997 and just left alone.
  20. Wow, well I was only about five so I don't really remember what I was doing when it happened, probably just being like any other five year old. Archive.org has a ton of, obviously, archived news footage following the event; I have heard that there is only a few copies of footage of the first plane hitting the tower. The second plane, of course, hit and was seen on live TV. Watching that back is a little chilling. And then there's that video of the woman who only just got into a deli as the huge dust cloud advances down the street, and then they look out the shop window and it just goes pitch black. I can't find it now but I remember watching it recently.
  21. Yeah, they seem to want to blow their own trumpet at every opportunity.
  22. It's not as bad as making spelling errors like adding apostrophes when they aren't needed.
  23. Nothing. I haven't heard of many places that'll hire a 15 year old unless it was a paper round Also welcome back Jono. It's been a while since I've seen you around here.
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