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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by Eyl9

  1. Eyl9

    Twister is great! :D

  2. Eyl9

    Hello all!

  3. Eyl9

    Eugh that's not so great is it? aha!

    How're you anyway?:) x

  4. Eyl9

    DFS & Nickelback

    I have rockstar stuck in my head now Superb.
  5. Eyl9

    DFS & Nickelback

    I detest all sofa adverts to be honest, I don't see the need for so many too. Surely people don't need a sofa that often, and there always seems to be some sort of sale on. The fact that most sofa companies all have similar names annoys me for some reason, but the Rockstar advert just tops it all off. It's just not neccesary at all.
  6. Eyl9

    The Exams Thread

    Spanish was so hard today
  7. Eyl9

    The Exams Thread

    Argh Just had a 3 hour German exam. Just before the end of my listening to tape just died, the talking went quiet and then it just slowed down and stopped! D: Hopefully, my exam has gone okay though I managed to finish everything on time, my timing is exams is usually awful.
  8. Eyl9

    The Exams Thread

    What other exams do you have left Ema? Haha, did you do AQA general? "Ostriches are birds, birds are animals, some birds can fly" Umm, yes?
  9. I can't believe I'm in this thread, I feel like an intruder haha. But gah, state of the mancs on the news then, makes me ashamed to live in the Northwest!
  10. Eyl9

    The Exams Thread

    I actually tried on my general studies maths/scientific paper today, it's weird how much I actually remembered from GCSE. I really hope I do well on my German tomorrow It doesn't bother me so much with other exams, it's just harder with only 4 subjects cos you need the grades even more then. D: Anyone else got German tomorrow by any chance?
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