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Everything posted by Timsk

  1. I took my first exam in years a while back (ITILV3 Foundation for anyone interested). Got 93%, which wasn't bad. Good luck to those that have them coming up...
  2. I'm with DC on this one. That one is particularly so.
  3. Ah, yes. That set of near dead brain-cells has slowly started firing again... I've always had a soft spot for Zoe Ball nonetheless - she's inherited a lot of her father's good humoured general niceness as a presenter. I might even give this a listen.
  4. Didn't Zoe get sacked from R1 Breakfast for not showing up? Hope she's learnt some lessons...
  5. I said Trebuchet just before you posted that and got told I was making font names up 'Boots and Cats' to beatbox? Becky's suitably rubbish at it...
  6. Happy Birthday Serin! Many happy returns - hope you have a wonderful day...
  7. Why does this show make me angry? I might have to change my intent to watch it through the week. Thank heavens for the reprieve tomorrow night. Sumo Flatley? I ask you...
  8. It was probably only Mumbai Telecom wanting to offer you better internet providings... <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn2sVTs9uo4&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn2sVTs9uo4&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  9. That just looks plain dangerous... I remember when role-playing games involved nerds locked in a room with 20-sided dice, not potentially lethal sticks I quite enjoyed the bits I heard, but have to say I thought they could have covered better some of the games that changed the face of gaming forever, such as the ancient 'Elite' and 'Deus Ex' that properly introduced free choice in the paths that you took and the outcomes that resulted. Mind you, I might have just missed that bit... Games today seem too linear to me, far too much emphasis on the latest eye-candy. Annoying feature-day for people that don't play games, but interesting for those with at least a passing interest.
  10. I have to admit that I think that the move to online billing only encourages people not to bother checking whether they're being ripped off or that mistakes are being made. And watch out for how long online statements are stored if there's a dispute that needs looking into going back in time. I've (perhaps surprisingly) opted to continue with paper statements for everything for now, though am guilty of only checking the bottom line when they come in. No point in going into detail unless it doesn't tally with my mental note of what I've been doing with whatever service it is. Having direct debits for the regular outgoings definitely makes life easier, but it is easy to miss small mistakes or overcharges, which can build up over time. As for Paris Hilton - nothing surprises me. Vacuous waste of everyone's time.
  11. Quite honestly, I'd rather spend the time getting deeper into Gimp - it's free and as good as anything else on the market.
  12. I watched this last night, and thought the ventriloquist was better than the singing guy that went through... 'Flawless' were very impressive though, incredibly tight choreography for a bunch of 'amateurs' - good stuff. Can't believe the fiddling clothes-horses got to the final last year though. I thought everyone had tired of this sort of cynical attempt to reinvent classical music. Think I'll probably watch more as the week goes on. It's a variety show, innit.
  13. Brilliant. So glad that Sandhurst wannabe Ben has gone. I can think of better claims to fame. Debra hung on by her scowl though.
  14. Timsk


    Really interesting read, and food for thought about how Twitter might evolve: http://trusttommy.com/2009/05/20/when-you-think-about-it/
  15. <object height="344" width="425"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOb9RnmXcgI&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object> Source: http://www.geeksaresexy.net/2009/05/19/introducing-the-dog-o-matic-an-automated-washing-machine-for-dogs/This is surely a horrendous idea and can't be real... I hope it wouldn't get past the RSPCA in the UK. Having said that, the black dog looked pretty happy at the end. This got me wondering - what are the worst inventions you've seen or heard of?
  16. For those of you in thrall to a certain bitten fruit's offerings, there's apparently a new iPhone out in the US on July 17th... http://www.appadvice.com/newiphone.html
  17. Print it out, sign it and fax it back?
  18. Scott's just turned up on BeckyCam...
  19. It's moderated by the person at that computer... Pot luck really.
  20. Isn't Jono going to post pictures too? [/nudge]
  21. The webcams seem to have lost their feed. Well from here at least...
  22. I stuck @UM after my name and got on - maybe that helped...
  23. Next year, look out for Jono wandering around wearing a hat with a camera on top to give us the live (as it happens) UM webcam feed... Somehow I think not.
  24. Given that entry is free for those lucky enough to get tickets, and that other festivals cost a fortune to get into to see the kind of acts they have lined up - I'm not really that surprised they look to cover some of the significant costs by making you buy overpriced food and drink on site.
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