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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by MaryMary

  1. I do know what you mean about Chappers, but I still think its a deliberate characterization - you've got your pleasant, funny, sweet, slightly bumbling gay lead, you're got the bubbly air-head (which I'm sure she is absolutely not) blonde pretty girl, and you've got the oafish chauvinist pig type. All three are characters.
  2. MaryMary


    Quite. The current song is the worst ever - repetitive, dull, dreary, music to slit your wrists by. I wish someone would put them out of my misery.
  3. I need to get some chickens.
  4. Surely if there had been a genuine problem, with a BBC employee behaving in a way likely to get himself in that kind of situation, the BBC would have kept quiet about it pending any possible embarrasing developments - as it was, they made a big thing of it, which makes me believe it was all part of the script. Scott Mills relies very heavily on those. And it works, his show is damn funny.
  5. What is going on in those shorts?!!!!!!
  6. MaryMary


    No more snow here thankfully. Now if I could also manage to get rid of Snow Patrol, I'd be happy.
  7. Loving your work Goldengirl, but the Laura picture should have been the one of her on the loo.......! Adam, yours is special too!
  8. Max Factor must be rubbing their hands together with glee..........
  9. That didn't really happen did it? I thought it was just part of the gag....
  10. Really? I always think Harry looks just like his father - and no, I don't think he looks like Prince Charles!
  11. I really should ask you why, I know I should - but I don't wanna!
  12. There are some very dodgy pictures of Scott knocking about, aren't there?! The one Serin used is particularly worrying.........
  13. I certainly never said I liked them, I was just responding to a strange comment in the post by rizzle_razzle.
  14. MaryMary


    No, never had the pleasure!
  15. Natural sponge or synthetic? And I agree with Jono.
  16. I'd agree with funkyseaweed - get your foot in the door, don't worry about what they are asking you to do. Just be as good as you can be, which will be miles better than anyone else, and it will show. Keep plugging away, you have to start somewhere.
  17. How about a topical one - Do you habitually carry condoms with you?
  18. My actual spelling is always pretty good, but I'm as prone to typos as the next person. I didn't think yours were typos because although it was two different spellings, it was actually the same mistake twice - and it was as much to do with the shape of the word as anything else. For instance, I'll accept that your misspelling of "Pinot Grigio" is a typo.
  19. MaryMary


    I used to live in Baghdad. It was always a possibility there!
  20. MaryMary


    We've had a bit. I don't want any more.
  21. I would guess very bad smells.....?
  22. How did Radio 1 "ruin" The Kooks? By making their music known to a more widespread audience thus enabling them to become more successful? It can't be that the exposure has made them change their music somehow, the album was done finished and out there long before Radio 1 started playing them, and there hasn't been any new material out which the might have written "post-fame", has there? So how are they ruined? Is it just because now they are famous, the people who liked them before can't feel all exclusive and clever about it any more? Or has something genuinely happened to The Kooks as a result of Radio 1 airplay which has decreased their integrity or talent somehow? There must be a thousand crappy student bands out there who would love to be ruined like The Kooks have been.
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