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Everything posted by Grace

  1. It scares me that people like this exist. (The parents, not Cerrie.) I'd be interested to see whether they would come out and say this without the anonymity of the internet.
  2. I like his singles (though there's some shit on his first album fo' sho' - eight second track? er no) and he's pretty hot but Calvin Harris really can be an arse sometimes.
  3. I donated some money for Moyles a few weeks back.
  4. The current powers of citizens' arrest, that apply to "any person", are broadly covered by three parts of the law. • Arrest for an "indictable offence" under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. • Arrest of persons committing, or about to commit a Breach of the Peace under common law. • Use of reasonable force to prevent crime or arrest offenders or persons unlawfully at large under the Criminal Law Act 1967. Note the word reasonable Scott, and be aware that there's also a crime of false imprisonment.
  5. Citizens arrests (there should be a comma in there but I'm not sure where) are quite simple really.
  6. Ooh, it must have been like Johnny English! Love that film.
  7. Haha, look at him palming the question off!
  8. "Is it weird" is quite a funny if not somewhat voyeuristic one to do. What's the bed to this?! Polyphonic or what, like 2003!
  9. Anyone else fancy Scott saying "I am extremely scared of Chinese people" as a ringtone? I sort of want Moyles to get hold of that clip, for the L0Ls.
  10. http://www.google.com/intl/en/ for anyone who's having difficulty.
  11. You lost me with the six-incher. Also, you rarely make sense, we just smile along to humour you.
  12. I'm guessing that the "swinging wikipedia" was him wanting to know what swinging was? I sometimes put "wikipedia" after something in google to make sure I don't click on anything I'll regret.
  13. Jonathon_Ex mentioned this on Twitter earlier - why is her name spelt "Shontelle"? It's *so* annoying.
  14. I hate to be pedantic but surely if there's just the two languages isn't this a bilingual mix?
  15. Oh dear, to think I'd forgotten why I like listening to Scott.
  16. Grace


    I'm getting rather into this Twitter lark now:- www.twitter.com/graceburton.
  17. I do. They met through mutual friends at uni. Nice and vanilla.
  18. Look who it isn't. I've got an ill voice too! Planning to have serious talk with the store manager later, oh dear!
  19. I'ma go see Jimmy Carr with three chums for my actual seventeenth. I could die with happiness.
  20. Grace


    "I want Grace and I want it now." "You better get inside Grace." "Grace - You see this name, you think dirty." This is going to amuse me for a long long time.
  21. Emma, I've got a really good textbook which covers reforming the Lords, comparison to the US Congress, the future of the second chamber and a discussion for an against an elected second house/full bicameralism. Let me know if you want me to copy any of it up. Oh, and you might find www.electthelords.org.uk useful. Enjoy!
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