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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by -sophie-

  1. :hahaha: That was after she pointed you to something someone had said on Twitter, which was actually you...
  2. MrDoovde, by any chance? I worked that out a while back. Detective Sophie, signing out...
  3. I was, but I think I was still in the "afraid to post" phase...
  4. When will the votes be counted?
  5. Actually, I think it might just be the ads. I'm stuck on 2-15. :confused:
  6. What's the difference between Angry Birds and Angry Birds Lite? It doesn't seem like a cut-down version, I don't think. EDIT: It seems there's fewer levels.
  7. It's not on Last.fm. There's a gap between Scott's last song and whoever was on at 7:00. http://www.last.fm/user/bbcradio1/tracks?page=1337
  8. It'll be on here... somewhere: http://www.last.fm/user/bbcradio1/tracks?page=3 If you recognised some of the songs, then you'll be able to find which part.
  9. Yeah, Happy New Year to everyone! Lol!
  10. Nah, s'okay. My friend got me a jigsaw puzzle.
  11. Angry Birds! I'm somewhat addicted to it...
  12. Hollister Chavs? They must have different fashions on the south coast.
  13. On some of them, you have people's forum names and actual names as two separate people. Will they be merged?
  14. Yes, but it'd already gone off-topic by the first page!
  15. I don't even remember what this thread was originally about.
  16. I hated it over Christmas, with all the people posting about how happy they were, getting loads of presents and being with their families. :confused:
  17. Gah. I'm paranoid of doing that, so it's all backed up on my old mp3 players. :confused: Was it just deleted from iTunes, or did you delete the actual files?
  18. Why do you need these things?! Do you run radio stations? :|
  19. Why not just go the whole hog and make your own podcast? Oh! Now I see what you did there...
  20. No...? I was obviously doing that thing where I'm listening, but not actually listening.
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