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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by Spev

  1. I think we should write it. Scott would love us. He might even let us have a share of the profits...
  2. Oh crap. Football Italiano has been scrapped by the boys and girls on Channel 5. You know what that means, don't you?? Oh yes. No Chappers on the old television there. How annoying. The one legitimate reason I had for finally forking out for a television licence and it's not happening. I am going to go and sulk.:x Le hmph. So irritating I had to say it in French. Maybe Chappers could come and present Football Italiano over at my place, I could record it on my phone and then we could broadcast it via YouTube... It'd work!!! .... Possibly....
  3. It would be, wouldn't it!!! I'm sure it'll happen one of these days...!
  4. Love the parting words of wisdom and advice for life..... Bless.
  5. Oh My Actual God I've just discovered the free downloads on your mobile of the podcasts are NOT free... I am totally never going to use my phone again.........................
  6. Don't worry, I'm sure IMDB will let me know...!!
  7. Has he been on the Bill yet, incidentally??? Or was that months and months ago and I've totally missed it???
  8. Or his role as the TV Presenter named Scott in Skins guest starring the tuna baguette???? Or maybe they're in negotiations with Andrew Lloyd Webber for Air Crash Investigation: The Musical. I'm sure he'll let us all know tomorrow!!
  9. Just went on Greg's Radio 1 page and discovered he's two years younger than me. As if my day can't get much worse, I now feel like I'm the oldest person alive........ *sob*
  10. Oooh yeah I'll join!!!! Sounds fab!!
  11. No I'm not Chappers - I'm Scott's mum!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAA!!!!!
  12. Fair point well made... I would try it if it wasn't for one glaringly obvious problem... *mumbles* I can't swim!!!
  13. Oooh yes, then he might find out I like football and in fact know all the rules (including Offside!) and be instantly stunned into lust and... wait, no, getting carried away, he's probably very happily married!!! Actually the main point is that I would be way too embarrassed and wouldn't actually know what to say without sounding like a complete tool!!! Also if he did reply, I would most likely faint. Which is not an attractive look.
  14. I knew you'd be along to reassure me on these matter, Kiz!!! Thankyou! I now feel validated in my Chappers Love (incidentally am I the only one who felt a little giddy when he described a 3/4 bed as 'snug' the other day?!)!! And, this is one of those bizarre but true facts to keep me vaguely on-topic - the company my sister works for is the actual company that designs, manufactures and prints the Respect barrier tape for the FA - in fact, my sister is the one who designed it!!!! Honest to God it's a true story.
  15. The one thing we can be assured of is that when the time comes for him to hang up his goggles and speedos the weight will absolutely pile on him. It's quite a refreshing thought for an evil fat bitch like me..........
  16. Just got home and seen it now. Brilliant. Love the fact DCI Manson off of The Bill is on it too!!! Obviously Chappers' role in the whole thing was absolutely *pivotal* to the pressing issues hoped to be addressed by said advertising campaign.........
  17. Oh yes. Sorry. I don't hang off of Scott's every word, I really ought to listen to him occasionally!!!!! Oooops!! He doesn't sound very Nottinghammy though... Never mind, it's only me who actually cares about these silly details!!!!
  18. Yes you'll be insisting on typing on a pink fluffy keyboard with neon glittery keys and demanding commission for all the people who join UM as they're probably only joining to belong to the same community as you...!! I can see it all now!!!!

    .... do it!!!!

  19. Where's he from? He's got the world's most bizarre accent!! Seems like a nice boy though. I love his song it's brilliant.
  20. Yes I'm with Kizmok and Emma. You're fab, so there. Deal with it!!! ;):D

  21. [COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC ALERT} You read PG Wodehouse too, Nati?!? Wow!!! I thought it was just me!!!!![/COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC] Poor child. I'd be mortified if my dad got up there and started suey sueying all over the place....... Wonder what a hog call would sound like in a Scouse accent like my dad's?!?!?
  22. Ah... hog calling, it just reminds me of an episode of The Monkees... "the suey suey thing"... awww....
  23. It didn't blow me away, I'd only give it a 7.39/10...
  24. It's only bley friday! The Weekend Officially Commenceth!!
  25. I'll be knocking about for a while before hometime at half four!!
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