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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by Grace

  1. Short of actually humping, not that I can think of. A friend and I have been known to meet up for coffee, then do a spot of food shopping. All we need now is dungarees and comfortable shoes.
  2. Listening to Scott with the volume down really low is failing at not distracting me from revision.
  3. Happy Birthday Serin, Walter says hi!
  4. How have I never heard Scott's stalker before? Love this.
  5. Actually, it incorporates English language, psychology and sociology, with a bit media studies thrown in for good measure. I've learnt some quite cool stuff. Also, you slag it, but it's near enough to what you're doing your degree in.
  6. Communication and Culture? Seems like a doss to me.
  7. Don't let anyone tell you a Comms qualification is worthless.
  8. I think someone's been watching too much Corrie.
  9. "Bri'ish", Scott, remember your roots! There's a t in there, not a glottal stop. :bah:
  10. It's something ridiculous like 17 days until I see The Prodigy at the Isle of Wight Festival.
  11. Is it acceptable to like this song?
  12. So, someone enlighten me, do we still do the whole "good morning!" thing or is that a bit 2007?
  13. Oh hi there. Thought I'd give this Scott Mills thing a go.
  14. My sleeping pattern is completely messed up, I didn't get to sleep until 4 this morning and then I just had a really long nightmare about exams. I ended up sitting three at once, some of them weren't even subjects I do and all the results got posted for everyone to see. I know this should be a wakeup call to get my arse into gear but I still don't have enough motivation.
  15. I love that photo (taken at my school!) and also the fact that the spokesman hasn't got a clue about it.
  16. I had a right giggle watching that! He had belly button fluff though, I would've vommed if I was there in real life.
  17. You got it, as well as homophobia, there's anti-semitism, holocaust denial, etc etc.
  18. For anyone considering voting BNP, may I direct you to http://www.hopenothate.org.uk
  19. My January law exam got remarked (they pulled everyone's in due to a dodgy examiner) and went up 10 marks, to an A. 'Citing.
  20. The big day's finally here, make it memorable Danni!
  21. Communist countries often hold elections actually. Just with only the one party to vote for. And voting's compulsory. :yeahthat:I get so annoyed by my friends who say they aren't going to vote, it's probably one of the only things that really offends me. By all means, turn up and spoil your paper, but the right to vote should never be taken for granted, it's one thing that many people will never possess. I must have missed that communism memo...
  22. I would explain PR but I hated that module so I don't want to. I'm not old enough to vote unfortunately, and statistically I never will (vote, that is, not be old enough to vote).
  23. *Grace is Editor-in-Chief of her college magazine from June*
  24. She's way before you're time and, from what I remember, a bit of a looker.
  25. "Phwoar, look at her anaerobic respiration, she is *fit*!"
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